
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Spawn of Sin

My encounter with those women allowed me to realize something rather important.

I was very, very weak.

If not for Doran's Ring, I probably would've died the moment the rock woman slammed me in the back.

It was a kind of rude awakening that forced me to come to terms with the fact that, in spite of being able to basically make anything, I was still just another person when it came to a fight with a group.

My senses and eyes were powerful enough to keep up and even fight back against a group of 10 ninja but, ultimately, I could be overwhelmed easily by numbers.

Hell, I probably wouldn't have even been able to fight them if I hadn't killed two of them in advance.

I got lucky.

I was lucky and still ended up wrapped in bandages.

Well, whatever... for now, I should just focus on more important matters.

The important matter in question was the quest that I had just completed. You know, the murder one.

I was currently sitting in the academy as the rest of the class hung out outside, preparing to claim whatever reward I had gained from the mission.

"Claim..." I whispered as a bunch of notifications appeared in front of me.

[Sinful Mission Completed!]

A sinful mission?

[Claiming Rewards...]


[Host has obtained a Blank Egg]

As soon as the notification appeared in front of me, a relatively large egg landed on the table in front of me.

What do you mean by a blank egg?

[This is an egg without a defined creature growing inside. Depending on what the egg is "fed" it can hatch into a variety of different creatures. The environment it is raised in and the energy supplied to it also contributes a great amount to its development. There are many other factors that affect the egg and what will come out but those will be up to you to manage]

As I read through the tab, I began to feel immense joy at the thought of the possibilities that this simple egg contained.

It was also the very thing I needed at the current moment.

I can't handle an overwhelming amount of enemies very well and having a pet/familiar/summon by my side would help me out quite a lot with that issue.

I could easily sense and see what the numerous enemies would do, but the problem I had was my difficulty in responding to those things.

Not to mention, that even if I did manage to respond in time, I'd always be faced by a barrage of numerous more enemies.

Not to mention that my own way of fighting wasn't suited to group battles.

I fought with stealth, trickery, sudden heavy attacks, intimidation, and speed. Nothing good for a barrage of enemies.

Overall, I wasn't well equipped for group fights. But that egg could change things.

With those thoughts running through my head, I gazed at the egg, noticing its pure white exterior.

I walked up to the large egg and delicately picked it up.

I could feel the warm thumping of a heart reverberate throughout its smooth exterior as I held it close, the aggressive thumping slowing down to a calming rhythm as I gazed in awe.

It was responding to my heartbeat.

Wait a minute, does the kid think I'm its mother? System?

[It was created via your efforts, no?]

I mean yeah, but wasn't it made using you...?

[I suppose that woul-]

You know what, just forget about it.

The real question right now was how the hell I was supposed to hide this giant thing from everyone.

[Whenver you need to hide it, simply request it within your mind and it will be transported into a simulation-like area within the system]

Wow, really? Didn't know you could do that.

[It is only available due to convenience's sake. And you must design the environment for the egg. All it is, in the beginning, is a blank space]

Alright then, I now have a pseudo-incubator to help with raising the egg. That should help a lot.

[However, it is suggested that the host does not overuse the simulator space as the egg's development could be hindered when not with its owner; you]

I see, then. Then I suppose I'll do just that.

A smile without any intent stretched across my face as I stared at the egg.

Right now, the creature was just an egg but it would one day grow to become a creature of unimaginable proportions.

While I was thinking about these things I soon perked up as I noticed a cold chakra entering the classroom.

Turning to the yellow-eyed girl who was walking toward me, I decided to speak, "What are you doing here?" I asked as I smooth-as-butter turned around, blocking the egg as it vanished into the system without her noticing.

"Simply patching up an injury," She explained as she lifted her hand to display the slight cut placed upon it, "Someone cut you?" I questioned as she shook her head, "Self-inflicted I'm afraid."

I rose an eyebrow at the statement, "Exactly how does one self-inflict an injury?" I asked with slight incredulity as she gave a blank smile, "Quite easily if this is anything to go on," She stated bluntly as she moved past me and grabbed a roll of bandages.

She was being intentionally vague and in a moment of innocent curiosity, I grabbed her arm and scanned the injury in more detail.

After looking closer at the injury I could see that it wasn't a cut at all and was, instead, two bite-like holes on her palm, "Did a snake bite you, or something?" I inquired, an every-so-slight expression of irritation crossing her face as she pulled her arm away which caused quite a bit of blood to splatter on my hand, "None of your business," She expressed with a closed eye smile.

"If that's what you want..." I said in surrender as I let go of her arm, the young snake exiting the room as I stretched my neck in irritation.

"Awfully irritable, that one," I muttered as I sat back down and called my egg out once more, laying it on the desk as I suddenly felt something strange on my hand.

The blood on my palm felt as though it was being pulled toward the egg's exterior.

Curious about what was happening, I moved my hand closer to the egg and noticed that the faint heartbeat was getting much more intense.

Was the egg trying to eat Mitsuki's blood?

I cupped my chin in thought as I considered how feeding the egg with her blood would affect the growth of the creature.

'Hey, system, would I be able to feed the egg blood?' I asked within my mind as the system responded.

[I suppose it would be best to find out yourself. However, it can be guaranteed that nothing negative will occur] The system reassured as I considered it for a few more moments.

Eventually, I sighed and lowered my bloody hand atop the egg, swiping the red liquid across its exterior as my eyes widened at the sight of the blood being absorbed into the egg.

I waited for a few minutes but was disappointed to see that nothing had happened.

Well, that was disappointing.

But at least this provided me with the information that the egg could rely on blood as a food source.

It's a good thing that I have quite a bit of that in my body.

However, I doubt I can rely exclusively on my blood and the blood of others.

Is it possible to feed it chakra? Hey, System?


That's good to know.

Would the type of chakra I feed it influence the abilities it got when it hatched? If so, that would be awesome.

So If I fed it my fire chakra, then it'd most likely grow up to be a fire-like creature. The same thing would most likely happen if I fed it wind.

I smiled giddily at the thought.

Feeling a wave of chakra signatures nearing my location, I once again sent the egg back into the system and sat in my seat as though nothing was happening.

One by one, my classmates re-entered the classroom, taking their seats as the teacher stepped onto the podium and began her lesson.

While the teacher was teaching her lesson, I decided to begin working on the simulation environment for my egg.

'System, pull up the simulation screen so I can edit it.'

A screen appeared in front of me with a 3d white area that only had my egg in the center, the bar on the side having many editing options to choose from, from pictures to simple drawing options.

Alright, what should I add to the environment? The egg will change by whatever the environment is so I should pick carefully.

What is something that I need the most right now? Something that accommodates my weaknesses.

I should probably make the environment an element that I don't have. Or maybe something that complements what I already have.

Ugh, this is a pretty difficult decision.

Whatever, for now, I'll just make it a simple chakra-rich environment that'll sustain the egg when inside.

I placed the screen directly on top of a piece of paper on my desk so as to not draw suspicion and got to work.

I began drawing a simple environment with grass, a few trees, and all different elements ranging from ice to fire to water. So that the egg would be used to all of those elements and I could decide later.

After making sure to make the egg's environment as safe and comfortable as possible, I took one final glance at the area and clicked the finalize button on the side of the screen.

I watched as the image I had sketched out began to form into a more realistic environment and smiled at the results.

Good. Now that I finished with that, I could start sketching out some customization plans.

However, as time forged forward and I continued drawing some plans, a nagging thought continued to claw at my mind.

Why did those women target me?

The simple answer is that they wanted a young man to sell to the slave trade.

But that doesn't consider why they decided to target ME, the son of the Hokage, instead of someone less conspicuous.

It all just seemed way too planned out and predetermined to be some kind of on-a-whim choice that they made.

That means that it was some sort of targeted attack. They specifically wanted me.

However, those women seemed too convinced that they were only catching me to sell me off and were too quick to try to kill me after getting angered.

They wouldn't just try to kill me if I was so important to them.

So the only logical conclusion left was that someone employed them-- maybe even tricked them into going after me.

Come to think of it, I wasn't paying enough attention to their headbands at the time so I don't even know which village they were from.

Were they part of some kind of rival village? Were they rogue shinobi? Were they a part of an organization?

Unfortunately, I had no way to answer any of these and they'd have to stay in the back of my mind.

But again, there is one question that remains...

Why does the culprit want me so badly?

I could just be overthinking things, but it would be remiss of me to just ignore the evident red flags present.

The problem with this was that I had no goddamn clue how I'm supposed to deal with this.

It's not like I could just go searching for them, and I can't just wait for them to attack me again.

I thought about it for a moment before sighing as a simple realization hit me.

The only thing I need to do right now is to get stronger, way stronger. And then I can both protect myself from them and then hunt them down.

The easiest way for me to get stronger is customization, but I don't want to waste points right now, so the next best thing is to work on my personal skills.

Alright, I'll try learning more ninjutsu techniques, I'll try to add a nature change to the Rasengan, and I'll work on fuinjutsu.

I'll be working on the first two, but I'll be putting most of my attention into fuinjutsu since I have all the necessary abilities for it.

And besides, I'd been hoping to genuinely practice my fuinjutsu for the first time.

It should also progress rather quickly with my penmanship skills and fuinjutsu talent.

So, as the day went by and everyone left the academy for the night, I remained within the academy walls.

I was going to be borrowing some supplies.

The teachers wouldn't mind one of their students using school supplies for educational purposes, right?

I would've gotten Naruko to get me fuinjutsu supplies, however, I was fairly sure that she wouldn't like me doing something dangerous like fuinjutsu.

It WAS admittedly dangerous, mind you, but I wouldn't get anything done if I was held back by fear.

With those thoughts bouncing around in my head, I walked down the school halls and searched for equipment.

This wouldn't take too long.