
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

It Started With a Handjob...

Extra chapter. Enjoy.


"Open missions..."



[] Kiss a woman [] - [Complete]

[] Touch a tit [] - [Complete]

[] Get your dick touched [] - [Incomplete]

[] Get a blowjob [] - [Incomplete]

[] Lose virginity [] - [Incomplete]


'Open mission three details...'


[Get your dick touched]

[Details: Tug a tube. lick a stick. Jerk a derk. Strangle the turkey. Slap the chap. Tickle the testi... Really any dick-on-girl contact]

[Reward: +10 free stat points]

[Punishement: Blueballs]



"Boruto, give me your hand," I demanded as Boruto, who was sitting at the desk next to me, complied.

'Accept mission three'

"What is it?" Boruto asked with an innocently confused tone.

I didn't respond and instead grabbed her hand and placed it upon my pants-covered dick as I clenched her hand and gave it a few jerks before she squealed and pulled her hand away... That wasn't enough to even induce a slight erection from me.

"EEEEH! W- wh- wha- you tricked me again!? Gross!" She said in disgust as she wiped her hand on her coat and stuck out her tongue, looking completely disgusted at the fact that she had just jerked off her brother. She seemed to forget that not even two days ago she was swapping spit with said brother.

I didn't really care, though. I got what I needed and despite knowing that I would do whatever it took to get stronger, I didn't exactly feel comfortable with a 12-year-old jerking me off.

That also applied to the other missions. Despite knowing that I was technically younger than her, if I was going to fuck her or get blown by her I would very much prefer her to be at least in her teens. Then it's free real estate.

Besides, only doing things with her would get boring and stale. I'd very much prefer to do things with other girls as well.

But I suppose farming points off of her would be very helpful for when I'm old enough to be perceived as hot in any way.

[Mission Completed!]

[+10 free stat points gained]

[DP Gained:]

[Completed within 5s of accepting mission: +20]

[Incestous Handjob: +5]

[Jerked off +5]

[30 DP Gained]

'Open customization menu'

I entered the menu, then opened the camera function and proceeded to hold Boruto by the chin, turning her head to face me as I lifted her head to reveal her bare neck and the seal.

"What are you doing? I'm not going to be tricked again!" Boruto said with puffed cheeks as I took no notice of her words and clicked the camera button which flashed as an image of Boruto's seal appeared on my screen.

I sat back down in my seat as Boruto looked shocked at me for not trying to manipulate her and allowed a smile to stretch across her face as she looked at me with an odd look.

Meanwhile, I remained focused on my screen as I cut everything out of the image except for the seal and began to draw something next to the image of the seal that I had moved to the corner.

It was a design I had thought of yesterday. It was a belt-like choker that would act as a replacement for the original seal and would look slightly more presentable as well as not look like a tattoo but instead look like a simple choker necklace.

I then dragged the image of the seal and merged it with inside of the design of the choker, adding the effects of the seal onto it.

Boruto was watching the whole thing with wary eyes. She didn't care about what I was doing but knew that any time I began to do those strange motions in the air, something would happen that usually wasn't good for her, "Um... Are you going to summon something again? and... is the summoned thing intended... for me?"

"It is intended for you..."

She gulped.

"But it should be beneficial. And since I know you like wearing accessories, this shouldn't be anything that would negatively affect you," I said as I groaned at the choker costing another 30 DP just to change shapes.

Whatever, I can always earn them back.

I clicked confirm and the marking on Boruto's neck disappeared as something resembling a cat collar with a little dangly thing hanging off the front appeared in my hand.

Boruto noticed how her mark had vanished but her joy quickly fled her body as she noticed the thing in my hand.

Boruto sighed, "I'm going to go ahead and assume that thing is for me..." She said as she took the collar from my extended arm.

"Yep. This is so that you don't have to walk around with that stupid scarf or hide your neck. Now, it just looks like you decided to try on a new type of accessory."

Boruto's expression looked slightly sad at how I insulted her scarf. Which caused her to grow confused on why she felt that way.

"But why a collar? Why not a bracelet or a ring?"

"Two seconds ago, I masturbated using your hand... Take a guess," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh, pervert..."

"I tend to get that a lot."

Finishing our conversation, I gestured for her to put the collar on.

Sighing, Boruto moved her hair out of the way as she delicately wrapped the kinky gift around her slim neck.

As soon as she finished locking the front part of the collar, It glowed slightly and began to tighten around her neck until it was secured to her throat, making it impossible to open without my permission.

It was now a permanent part of her wardrobe and daily life.

A let out a large sigh as I fell back onto my bed.

Finally, it was over. I invested so much time and money to ensure that my plan went perfectly and I was just tired of spending so much time on something so menial.

Just a little while longer and I was going to go after the next target...

"Goodnight, Boruto-chan..." I said, feeling oddly happy at finishing that part of the process.

Despite being greeted with that happy surprise, Boruto was also too tired to dwell on it and climbed into her bed.

However, just before I passed out, I decided to ask the system a question.

'Hey, system, why haven't I gotten more missions like the first one with Naruko?'

[If you mean Sudden Quests then the reason would be that there haven't been any reasons for a quest to appear]

I see...

'Then how can I get more of these sudden quests?'

[The frequency for Sudden Quests was lowered so as to not overwhelm you in your first few years on this world. Are you sure you want to return them to normal frequency?]

A ludicrous expression appeared on my face, 'Uh, yeah. Of course, I do, but didn't you just say that there wasn't a reason for the percentage of quests being so low?'

[That is also true. The quests don't have a reason to show up because the frequency feature has been affecting it. If you return the frequency back to normal, the chances may be higher but they're not going to be happening every hour of the day, simply because of the first thing that was mentioned]

'Okay... return the frequency back to normal...' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes, intent on using the reward I got for the handjob, tomorrow.




"Status..." I whispered quietly.



Class: Reincarnator

Age: 10

[]Akuto Uzumaki[]

Strength: [12]

Dexterity: [11]

Vitality: [14]

Defense: [12]

Intelligence: [12]

Charm: [11]

[Stat Points: 10]

Intrinsic Skills: [Uzumaki Bloodline] [Sensor] [Jougan (Sealed)]

Skills: [Slave Control: Boruto Uzumaki] [Dark Determination] [Inspect] [Accelerated Growth] [Love Aura]

Talents: [Fire & Wind Chakra Nature] [Sealing Talent]


Throughout the past few days, my stats had been increasing ever so slightly and my body had also been growing at a strange rate.

I should be turning 11 in a day or two but because of the growth skill, I look like a 13-year-old... which isn't enough to be a major difference but it's enough to notice that I have more endurance, I'm taller, I'm faster... and I'm more handsome.

Right now we were practicing how to summon ninja tools like shurikens and kunai. I finished the exercise very quickly due to my sealing talent and was currently sitting off to the side thinking about which stats I wanted to put the free points into.

It took a few minutes to decide what would be the best arrangement but I eventually added the points and confirmed my decision.


Strength: [12] ---> [14]

Dexterity: [11] ---> [13]

Vitality: [14]

Defense: [12] ---> [14]

Intelligence: [12] ---> [14]

Charm: [11] ---> [13]


I invested 2 points in every one of the stats except for vitality, making them almost perfectly balanced. Dexterity and Charm are still slightly behind but it shouldn't be too difficult for them to grow quickly alongside the others.

As soon as I confirmed the stats, I could feel the energy coursing through my body. My body felt invincible, like I couldn't be pierced. I could feel my chakra volume increasing in real time as I felt my muscles grow tougher, larger and denser, a similar thing happening to my bones and skeletal structure.

I could feel my body's weight float off my body as I sensed my body getting lighter and less rigid, becoming more flexible and agile.

I walked over to one of the windows and gazed at my reflection in shock.

My eyes looked sharp and keen whereas my eyes from before were round and looked innocent. My jawline was more well-defined than before due to almost all of my baby fat going kaput.

Overall, I looked like a completely different person.

"I changed this much after adding two stat points?" I muttered to myself as I began to reason why that happened.

It might've been due to artificially increasing my charm. This is most likely related to what the system said before about my charm being limited due to my age. And after scaling up my charm to 10 and increasing it by 2, I likely reached the tipping point where my body became like this.

This likely wouldn't have happened at all if I didn't customize my body to have the Accelerated Growth skill, but since I did have it, my body likely adapted to that change in my stats.

Hmmm... How should I explain this...?

Whatever. I doubt anyone cares enough to notice that I look slightly different from before, so I'll just go about my day and if someone notices, I'll come up with an excuse. Besides, what are they gonna say if I don't have a good excuse? It's not like they can just tell people that I magically became a baby adonis in under a day. People have no way of justifying how much I grew.

"Alright, kids! Round up! We're going to begin with the next round of the mock tournament!" Said Shina as everyone, including me, made their way to her.

I quickly made my way to Boruto's side as the first round began, "Hello, Boruto..." I said as Boruto turned to face me only to be surprised when she found herself facing a chest instead of a face.

"Eh?" She muttered as she tilted her head upwards in shock.

"What the- When'd you get so tall!?" She questioned in disbelief.

I myself was also surprised by the newfound difference in height. I was previously the same height, if not shorter than her, but now, she was standing up to my chest level.

"Puberty," I explained shortly as she innocently blushed at the word.

She does realize that she's well beyond the point of getting embarrassed by the word puberty of all things, right?

Sarada, who was listening in, turned to Boruto as she noticed something, "What happened to your scarf? Didn't you say you liked it? Why did you change it for... a choker...?" She said with a judging expression as she looked disapprovingly at the accessory.

Boruto concealed her flinch at the words and confidently declared, "Oh, yeah? Well, I think it suits me! Akuto thinks so as well!" She countered with a smirk.

Sarada simply harumphed and continued to look on reproachfully, "Please, You look like a dirty skank. Should you really be disrespecting Lord Hokage-sama's name with that disgraceful clothing?"

Boruto continued to oppose Sarada's claims, "Arrgh... Who cares about that!? Why the hell are you even judging me!?" She yelled as their argument began to escalate into loud shouts.

"Nanadaime-sama is a hero and the saviour of our village! You have so much yet you keep disrespecting her and acting like a brat!" Sarada retorted angrily as I finally decided to intervene.

"Woah, Woah. Hold on a minute, Sarada, that's unfair of you to say. You have no idea how her life works, so don't act as though you do," I spoke smoothly in an attempt to de-escalate the situation as Boruto looked at me in shock, not expecting me to defend her.

"Don't act like your any better, Akuto! You're a lazy bum who writes all day and on top of that, you're a man! You're no better than that slut of a sister over there!" Sarada yelled heatedly, most likely directing her inner anger at us.

Well, fuck you too.

I wasn't angry for any holier-than-thou reason like being a servant of justice, but I was still angry that she was deciding that I and Boruto were the ones who she would burden with her misplaced anger.

[New mission!]

I grinned.

"Why you! I'll beat your a-!" Boruto was about to run and tackle the optically impaired Uchiha but I managed to stop her in time.

"Calm down."

"No! I'm-"

"Calm down."


"Calm. Down." I repeated one final time, this time touching her collar as it flashed pink and she slumped forward.

Sarada didn't notice the glow, but still looked shocked at what happened and flinched when I glared at her with contempt as I picked up Boruto and carried her off to the side.

As soon as I, and Boruto's sleeping form, got out of earshot, I dropped her on the ground, waking her up as I proceeded to click on the notification in front of me.

[Graduate as the Strongest Genin]

[Details: They think lesser of you. Unacceptable. Change their way of thinking by turning the tables and becoming the strongest graduate of your generation. Eliminate the competition. By any means necessary]

[Reward: Free Customization Ticket]

[Punishment: Humiliated by classmates]

A Sudden Quest, huh? Don't have to ask me twice...