
In Boruto With a Perverted Customization System

A man beaten down by life and filled with hatred, died one day in an attempt to satisfy his vengeful needs and ended up in front of an evil god who was impressed by the man's display of free will. The god gives the man a gift and sends him into an AU of Boruto where almost everyone is the female version of themselves, the female population greatly outweighing the male... Watch as Akuto tips the scale of a female-dominant world using the power of his Perverted Customization System and becoming the King of Shinobi. ... Apologies if the quality isn't up to standard, this is my first time writing so there's bound to be some fuck-ups.

Stygrxn · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Battle for the Heart (Wrath)

I had done it. I went into the sewage system and infected the entire city through the night.

Luckily, I can't sleep anymore so I was able to get everything done within a night. In fact, I had so much free time that I could scope out the arena we would be fighting in beforehand.

Tomorrow was the day of our fight.

By the time I wake up tomorrow, I should be fully prepared to defeat Kurotsuchi and win over the village.

And when I defeat her, everything leading up to this moment will be deemed worth it.

Meanwhile, I suppose it's a good idea to do a little night-time training while I wait for the fight.

With that thought in mind, I began training for my fight.


[Day of the fight]


Here we were, me and Kurotsuchi staring at each other from other sides of the massive arena.

The stadium was packed full of hundreds of Iwagakure residents, civilians and shinobi alike, who were cheering excitedly.

Thankfully, Kurotsuchi was an impatient person, so the main event would be starting any minute now.

'My brain is a bit sleep-deprived, but I simply have to control my temper while I'm this mentally unstable.'

Just as I expected, the shinobi reffing the match soon raised the flag in preperation to begin as we both prepared.

And then, he threw down the flag and ran away.

"Three, Two, One, BEGIN!"

With that loud announcement, I dashed forward, Kurotsuchi predictably standing still with a cocky grin.

I zoomed right up to her and tried punching her in the face with my left. The attack didn't do anything to her and she countered with a kick that I dodged gracefully.

As I flipped over the leg, I readied my new and improved right arm to punch and pounced at her. As though sensing the danger in the attack, she didn't dodge or counter but rather parried my attack to the side and uppercut me in my torso which sent me flying back.

The attack sent waves of indescribable pain hurtling through my body, as though every organ and blood cell was rattled by the force of the punch.

A slight bit of blood dripped out of my mouth as I recovered with my healing factor, restraining Doran Ring's effects to keep it for later.

Because the real plan was about to begin.

I didn't need anything supremely powerful to defeat her...

I needed something tactical.

Any combat skills which I could afford to customize wouldn't do much to a Kage-level shinobi, even a weak one like good-old-Kuro.

And if I did spend a lot on a dangerous weapon, it would be quite the waste for something which isn't guaranteed to work.

So instead, why don't I ignore damage entirely? That's what this plan is built on.

Do not defeat her, humiliate her.

And to achieve this, there were a few special skills which I customized for myself that would guarantee me a win.

One them being inspired by the genius known as Issei Hyoudo and his various 'abilities'.

What can I say? Humanity hasn't been blessed with a mind like his since Aristotle himself.


[Name: Cloth Reaper]

[Details: Allows the user to destroy anything being worn by targetted women at the moment of activation.]


[Name: Binding Chakra]

[Details: Allows the user to bind the targetted woman with the target's own chakra in the form of cables, wires, ropes, chains, etc. The more the opponent struggles, the more chakra the skill drains from the target to strengthen its bindings. Activated by implanting enough of the user's chakra into the opponent. Is completely incapable of dealing physical damage and only able to restrain.]


[Name: Love Chakra]

[Details: A modification to the [Love Aura] skill which allows the user to possess chakra with the qualities of Love Aura against women or infuse that Love Chakra into other things or taint women's chakra with 'love']


Status skills.

Horny status skills!

The perfect combination of skills to completely destroy Kurotsuchi's confidence, ruin her reputation, and absolutely humiliate her for the rest of her life.

They were very, very, expensive to have customized but they were mighty worth it.

Binding Chakra was already available for me to activate since I implanted a pulse of my chakra when I punched Kurotsuchi in the face.

And Cloth Reaper was an amazing skill inspired by the one and only Issei Hyoudo's Dress Break which would take a little to prepare.

'And after a Love Chakra enhancement to my fists and a few punches, all my preparations should be complete...!'

With that thought in mind, I readied my fancy new arm and then punched the ground, sending a blast of smoke into the air.

Quickly activating my invisibility as Kurotsuchi cleared the smoke, I began to approach her from behind.

"Where the hell'd you run off to, kid!?" She shouted frustratedly as I stood behind her with a wide grin.

I activated my love chakra, concentrating it fully in my fist, and then full force slapped her across the face.

Spit splattered out of her mouth, her face contorted, and she was sent flying back by the force of my hit as the crowd gasped.

"Agh...!" Kurotsuchi groaned, rubbing the left side of her face with an expression of disbelief, 'How the hell did he hit me... And how did he hurt me...'

The crowd watching the fight reared back in phantom pain as their Tsuchikage took her hand off her face.

There on the left side of her face was a pinkish-purple burnt handprint which seemed etched onto her face painfully.

"Oopsies. Looks like I put a little too much fire chakra into that bitch slap, huh?" I mocked with a chuckle as Kurotsuchi gained a confused look.

"Oh, you can't see it, can you? Yo, Sayuri, mind spraying a puddle in front of her?" I asked kindly as Sayuri swiftly used a minor water jutsu to give Kurotsuchi a reflection to look at.

As Kurotsuchi met eyes with her reflection in the puddle, her confused expression shifted into one of horror and outrage at her damaged face.

"You goddamn...! This better not be permanent or I'll kill you!" She shouted as she finally charged some chakra and began approaching me.

'There it is! Just a little more of getting her angry and she'll charge enough chakra for me to use the skill!'

Thinking of ways to piss her off, I started running around the fighting ring to avoid Kurotsuchi.

"Get back here!"


I continued to try to figure out ways to get her angry before coming to a realization, 'That's it! Just say anything and she'll get angry!'

She would think that I was barely caring about the fight which would anger her.

"You know... I'm not misogynistic buuuuut..."

Kurotsuchi paused for a moment confusedly but quickly continued chasing after me.

"Did you know that despite making up only 13 percent of the population--!"

My statement was interrupted by Kurotsuchi who was speeding up and stomping the ground with chakra-enhanced legs.

It was a bit risky to keep saying random shit to piss her off but I would do anything for the cause.

"Hey Kurotsuchi, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they're large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more!!!"

I gasped for breath after blurting out that doozy of a statement to the frozen Kurotsuchi.

I thought that that final statement didn't work on her but then...

"You're even more a degenerated virgin than I'd initially thought!" She proclaimed as her aura flared with chakra.

'This is it... Hell yeah!'

However, just as I prepared to activate the skill, a fist coated in jagged rocks appeared directly in front of my face.

It was so fast that my spider-senses couldn't even catch the attack coming.

"Aw shi--"

My voice was cut off as the rocky fist impact my face violently and punted me several meters back, shattering my nose.

I went rolling across the turf before impacting the side of the arena, right below the concerned Sayuri.

"Akuto! Are you okay?" She inquired as I struggled to stand up and wiped the blood off my face.

A green glow enveloped me, my Doran's Ring healing me halfway.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Just give me a second and I can win thi--"

Once again, Kurotsuchi appeared under me and punched me in the gut with a rocky fist, rupturing my insides with pure power.

Blood spurted out of my mouth as I was once again sent flying with the concerned sounds of Sayuri's voice fading off.

[Skill [Adaptation] has detected a threat]

"Fuck! Quit it, you bitch!" I shouted in frustration, sending out a blast of psychokinesis which restrained her for a brief moment.

As I finished, I assumed the assault to be finished only for several spots on my body to erupt with pain.

'Damnit, I underestimated her... She's gonna beat me into a damn pulp!' I thought to myself in anger.

Just as I thought that, Kurotsuchi began a relentless assault of hits, each of which rattled my very soul.

[Skill [Adaptation] is adapting...]

A punch to the chest, a punch to the jaw, a kick to the stomach, an attack in every conceivable place.

I would occasionally block an attack with psychokinesis but would immediately be overwhelmed.

I was completely unable to do anything in the face of the unending barrage of bullet-like punches from Kurotsuchi.

However, just as I was about to have my consciousness absolutely pummelled out of my body, I felt a sudden rush of energy.

[Adaptation Complete!]

[Skill: [Blunt Force Resistance] Acquired!]

[Skills: [Pain Resistance], [Lower Regeneration] have strengthened!]

'Damn... Just a little too late...' I growled in annoyance as a rock-shaped shadow covered me.

Kurotuschi let out one final massive boulder-like punch which threw me back into the arena's walls. An attack that she didn't follow up thankfully.

My body slowly separated from the wall as I knelt down due to the wear and tear placed on my body.

*Cough Cough* "Fuck..." I muttered through bloody coughs as a feeling of deep-seated hatred and humiliation filled me.

Kurotsuchi stared at me with contempt and shook her head.

"That slap was lucky. Don't think that because you landed one hit, you're the shit now. There's no way you could ever beat me, kid," Kurotsuchi mocked and demeaned as I clenched my fist.

Kurotsuchi seemed to start walking towards the shinobi surveying the match with the intent to end it.

However, as she turned around and raised her arm, she froze and grabbed her neck in confusion.

My sight was blurry but I could barely spot her wobble and grip her forehead before standing up straight again.

And then, she turned back to me with a crazed look of rage and vitriolic hatred.

She walked up to me and, as I was gripping my chest in pain, kicked me right back into the damaged wall with a psychotic grin.

"How did you think this was gonna go?" She asked as I attempted to punch her only for her to grab my fist, twist it 360, and backhand me into the wall again.

"Did you think you were really gonna win? That you would triumph over me and destroy my reputation?" She laughed in my face as I tried a sneaky kick that was grabbed by her.

"Did you think you were some badass who would go home with me as a trophy on your side, huh!?" She shouted, raising her arm into a knife-like formation with rocks and cracking my leg in one powerful motion.

I restrained a pained shout as she grabbed me by the back of my head and lifted me up with a look of disdain.

She turned me to her, "So? You ready to beg for mercy, you piece of disposable scum?" She spat out as she looked into my eyes.

My face displayed almost nothing. There was no smirk, there was no cocky expression, there was nothing. Just an intense look of hatred deep within my bloodshot eyes.

"Fuck you, cunt," I hissed bluntly.

Kurotsuchi's cocky grin shifted into a deep frown as she shook her head and looked at me with a strangely hateful look in her eyes.

"Then I guess a little payback for my face is in order..." She muttered as her grip tightened around my skull.

With a crazed smile Kurotsuchi charged chakra into her arm and thrust my head into the arena wall, cracking the surface and staining it red.

My new adaptations were doing absolutely nothing, Kurotsuchi's pure power overwhelming my defences and destroying me.

"Well!? How does it feel!?"

The crowd flinched at every impact as Kurotsuchi continued slamming my skull into the gratingly sturdy wall.

Every splatter of blood made the crowd rear back in disgust and every single awful sound of flesh being shredded and bones being crushed made shivers run through their spines.

Onoki was gazing with wide eyes as he tensely gripped the balcony of the arena, 'What a shameful granddaughter,' He thought, shocked at how strangely violent she was being.

Sayuri on the other hand was practically crushing her surroundings with the amount of chakra that was pumping out of her.

He sharingan was flaring intensely despite the seemingly composed expression on her face and she was gripping her sword tightly.

Meanwhile, Kurotsuchi decided to end her endless torture and slowly pulled me back of the stained red wall.

The sight of my revealed face caused expressions of horror to surface on the crowd's faces.

Patches of my skin were peeled off my face, my nose was crushed to a pulp, various teeth were cracked and hanging out of my open jaw, and the flesh around my mouth, jaw, and cheeks were almost completely torn off along with one of my eyes basically hanging out of its socket.

My face was deformed into a disgusting mess.

"So..." Kurotsuchi began as I stared at her with my functional eye, "You ready to surrender? Or do I need to go further?"

Hearing her question, my blood-soaked eyes turned to her with an undying anger that just seemed to say 'no'.

She was about to mock my resistance but froze as she felt something hit her face.

I had punched her in the face.

"Damn kid. Don't know when to quit!" She yelled as she grabbed me by the throat and threw me to the other side of the arena.

I skid across the ground from the throw before coming to a slow stop in the area opposite to Kurotsuchi.

'Shit...' I thought in frustration, kneeling in pain, 'My leg is broken, my wrist is dislocated, my ribcage is cracked and impaling a lung, my stomach is ruptured, and my head is severely damaged...'

Kurotsuchi smirked and slowly moved towards me, preparing to harass me verbally once more.

"Well? Get up, kid," She said plainly as she took a step forward and I lurched forward, hurling blood.

'Shut. Up.' I growled angrily, gritting my teeth as I tried standing up only for my broken leg to bend and make me fall back down, 'Shit... I can't stand!'

'I need to get up...!' I told myself as Kurotsuchi chuckled at my struggle.

"Just a second ago you were so confident... 'Fuck you' was it? Now look at you!" She shouted with a hail of laughter as I dug my fingers into the ground and shook in rage.

"Shut your damn mouth..." I muttered through grit teeth as she ignored me and continued. 

"Look at you! You're crawling on the ground like a pathetic worm! The son of a Hokage my ass... You're just a worthless fucking piece of dog urine! Your village and mother should be ashamed housing a shitstain like you," She spat out aggressively as my silver-purple chakra began shifting into a dark tone, mixing with my [Killing Intent] skill.

""Shut up..."" I hissed once more, this time an additional deeper voice overlapping with my own.

"Hm? Couldn't hear you. You weren't crying were you? Wouldn't want you being more a pathetic shitstain than you already are."

""I'll tear out your damn tongue and feed it to you...""

She got heated, "Really? How do you expect to do that, you pathetic mound of human fecal excrement! You wanted to make me your wife, huh!? Humiliate me!? Ruin my village!? Look who's crawling around like my bitch now, you damnable waste of space."

With that final statement, I felt something snap and my head turned to look up at her.

She instantly froze in place the moment she layed her eyes on the horrible sight before her.

The fleshless holes in my cheeks had purple-black biomass leaking out in gruesome formations along with the empty eyesocket dripping biomass and chakra, creating a horrifying image.

The biomass mixed with my blood and rage-induced-chakra, spreading through my body.

It wasn't just there, however. The hole where my nose was, the cracks in my teeth, my ears, the cracks in my skull, everywhere.

And through it all... My face was still contorted in pure, unadulterated, wrath.

However, it wasn't the shredded face, the disgusting goop, or even the hateful expression which caused Kurotsuchi and the crowd to freeze in horror.

No, not at all.

It was the blood-red glow of hatred seeping into my eyes.

Dark Determination and... The Sharingan.

""We will devour your corpse,"" We promised.

[Adaptation has detected a threat!]