
In Boruto as last Senju

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Momoshiki invasion

Ryker was excited yet nervous as he followed Sasuke towards the portal that would take them to another dimension.

They were going to face Momoshiki, an Otsutsuki who had invaded their world with the intention of harvesting the chakra fruit.

Ryker had heard stories of the Otsutsuki and their incredible powers, and he knew that this would be the biggest challenge of his life.

As they stepped through the portal, Ryker felt a rush of energy coursing through his body.

The world on the other side was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the trees were twisted and gnarled. Everything seemed to be infused with chakra, making Ryker feel both powerful and uneasy at the same time.

Sasuke led the way as they made their way towards the site of the battle. Along the way, they encountered strange creatures that Ryker had never seen before.

Some of them were huge, towering over them with multiple arms and glowing eyes. Others were smaller but faster, darting around them with deadly precision.

Finally, they reached the battlefield, and Ryker saw the extent of the devastation. The ground was scorched, and huge craters had been carved out of the earth.

Ryker could sense the residual chakra in the air, evidence of the intense battles that had taken place.

Sasuke motioned for Ryker to stay back as he approached Momoshiki. Ryker watched as Sasuke unleashed a barrage of jutsu, but to his surprise, Momoshiki simply absorbed them all. Ryker had heard of this ability before, but seeing it in action was still unnerving.

Sasuke backed away as Momoshiki charged towards him. Ryker knew that he had to help, but he felt a sudden surge of fear. He had never faced an opponent like this before, and he didn't know if he was ready.

Momoshiki was almost upon Sasuke when Ryker made his move. He jumped in front of Sasuke and unleashed a series of jutsu, each one more powerful than the last. But Momoshiki simply absorbed them all, leaving Ryker feeling drained and helpless.

Sasuke didn't give up, though. He launched himself at Momoshiki, his sword flashing in the dim light. Momoshiki dodged his attacks with ease, but Sasuke was relentless. He kept pressing forward, determined to find a weakness in his opponent's defenses.

Ryker watched in amazement as Sasuke fought. He had never seen anyone move so quickly, or with such precision. Sasuke's sword was like an extension of his arm, slicing through the air with deadly grace.

But Momoshiki was too strong. No matter what they did, he seemed to be one step ahead of them. Ryker felt a growing sense of despair as he watched Sasuke struggle.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Naruto, who had arrived to help. Ryker felt a surge of hope as he saw the Hokage approach. Naruto had faced down some of the strongest opponents in the world, and Ryker knew that he was their best chance of victory.

Naruto joined the fray, his fists crackling with chakra. He launched himself at Momoshiki, his attacks hitting with explosive force. Ryker watched in awe as the two titans clashed, each one determined to come out on top.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, with each side landing devastating blows. Ryker did his best to stay out of the way, but he couldn't help feeling useless. He had trained for this moment for so long,Ryker tried to get back on his feet, but he felt drained and weak. Sasuke turned to him and saw that he was struggling to stand.

"Ryker, are you alright?" Sasuke asked.

Ryker shook his head. "I don't think I can keep going," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

Sasuke knew that they needed to keep fighting. "Ryker, I know it's tough, but we can't give up now," he said, trying to encourage him.

Ryker nodded, but he was still feeling weak. Sasuke knew that they needed to come up with a new plan if they were going to beat Momoshiki.

Sasuke, naruto and Ryker both charged at Momoshiki, but he easily dodged their attacks. They knew that they needed to come up with a new strategy.

Suddenly, Naruto and Sasuke attacked Momoshiki at the same time. They used their most powerful jutsus to hit him from both sides. Momoshiki was caught off guard, and he stumbled backward.

Ryker saw his opportunity and charged at Momoshiki from behind. He used his Wood Style: Great Forest Technique, creating a massive forest that trapped Momoshiki inside.

But Momoshiki wasn't defeated yet. He started to absorb the chakra from the trees, making them wither away. Ryker realized that they needed to come up with a new plan.

Sasuke nodded at Ryker, and they both charged at Momoshiki again. This time, Ryker used his Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu, creating a massive dragon made of wood that lunged at Momoshiki.

But Momoshiki easily absorbed the jutsu, making it disappear into his body. Ryker knew that they needed to come up with something new if they were going to win.

Sasuke came up with a plan. He would distract Momoshiki while Ryker would attack from behind. Sasuke charged at Momoshiki, engaging him in a fierce battle.

Ryker saw his chance and charged at Momoshiki from behind. He used his Wood Style: Wood Release: Cutting Technique, creating a massive sword made of wood that he swung at Momoshiki.

The sword sliced through Momoshiki's body, and he let out a deafening roar of pain. Ryker and Sasuke knew that they had a chance to finish him off.

They both charged at Momoshiki, using their most powerful jutsus. Naruto and boruto joined in, using massive Rasengan to deal the final blow. Momoshiki let out a final scream before falling to the ground.

Everyone cheered as they realized that they had won the battle. But then, they noticed something strange happening to Boruto. A strange mark appeared on his palm, and he collapsed to the ground.

Ryker also collapsed as he used way too much chakra in the battle.