
In blood but not spirit. *New

Instead of being the reincarnation of Indra through spiritual chakra, Sasuke is born with a similar DNA composition as Indra himself. Follow his journey as Sasuke shows the true power of the Uchiha Bloodline.

Zekeian · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


"Now I present to you, Uchiha…y-you!" He shouted in anger.

"Sasuke..." Yugao muttered in disbelief.


Ethereal white chains with red thorn-like spikes shot out from the doorway and wrapped around Danzo's neck.

"ARG! H-How dare—you!" The silk-white chains gripped his neck further the more he spoke.


Hearing the tone of authority of the teen brought his body down to the floor, groveling towards the chain master.

An appalling expression adorned his face as Danzo somewhat fearfully questioned why his body disobeyed his mind.

Eyes reddened when faced with watery discomfort. Hatred fueled his heart holding his distainful eyes at the calms of his captor.

"Sasuke Uchiha what is the meaning of this! Your actions will undoubtedly have consequences, treating a prime individual of this village with such disrespect is astonishing! I hop—MHMM!" Switching his gaze, dead eyes stared as another voice rambled senselessly as if scolding a child.

Seeing no more reason for his waste of breath, the vengeful being waved his hand down as a mysterious force ceased the rambler's reign.

"Shut up, your words are nothing to my ears. I do not care for the consequences that lay bare after my actions. But what I do heed is the perverse nature of my mother's sacrifice. Which mind you, have not been once discussed with me." Calculative orbs searched around the room placidly, as if waiting for another wail of anger.

"Tch as if we need to discuss the future matters of the village with a child like yourself." A black mane shifted through the windless room; his burning gaze threatened to melt the heart of the spoken.

"Child? It seems that there is a misunderstanding in your perception of the hierarchy of this village. You are nothing more but filler words, civilian. In this matter, your portion of this council is not required to my knowledge. Thus you're useless to this operation and do not need to speak before your higher classes such as I." Those words dripped with acid to the listeners. The Uchiha's blatant implications cut the voices of half of the present people…except for one.

"You boy speak of hierarchy as if you are any better than me in this chain. Your inadequacies of a shinobi have been leeway, but your assault and harassment of village politicians is something you cannot protect yourself from even with your Uchiha status." Mocking words erupted from the rather fat man's spitting mouth, further dragging the revered surname down as if it were satire.

Dream-like eyes shifted once more as if gazing at a void. Its vermilion danced around the black, spinning hypothetically before slowing pace.

"Those words annoy me but not as much as the hideousness you wear as a face, it's almost pitying...I ask you servant do you feel fear for the people of this village, or perhaps do you feel fear for yourself?" Sasuke paused, letting his sentences repeat in their minds.

"It's beautiful how this system works you know? Power is everything in this biased world. For one to be fearless, one must have enough power to inflict all troubles away. For one to be easy-minded, they require influence over others to do whatever they choose." White cloth creased every time he moved like a dance, pacing the room with silently loud steps.

"Enough with your words delinquent get to the point here what are you trying to say!" Civilian hands gripped the wooden frame of the table, insulated by the teen's insinuation.

"Do you see a pattern here servant? The reason why I am being left free is because of the power my name holds, the power of the knowledge I hold…the power I hold in strength compared to the likes of you." The raven's tone darkened as he felt a bloodthirsty itch on his abdomen. A satanic cry broke free inside Sasuke's mind causing more inpatients.


The council room was only filled by the teen's harsh voice.

Nobody had a clue what events would take place. Each one of themselves was fixated on the speaker; although in their hearts a cold feeling settled distastefully, knowing something was going to happen.

"Now let me show you the fear you feel for yourself...Tsukime Moro." They stated in sync.

*Tick* *Tick* *Tick*

The rhythmic sounds of the clock created a suspenseful sense in the room as a sinister glee crept on Sasuke's face.


All the unpleasant man saw was a flash of red before it was no more as his vision split in two, falling from opposite sides. Blood splurted from his exposed jaw as a long, white centipede crawled happily along the tissue; skin shuddered at the sight from the rest, as they ignored the image that was left.

"Huh—wha.!?" We're the only last spoken words of the bisected before his end.




"SASUKE UCHIHA! What is the meaning of this, do you understand what you've done?!" The astonished words of their leader brought internal panic among the few.

"Hokage-sama…I wonder if you also feel fear? Someone as strong and powerful as you couldn't possibly be held in the hands of fear, right? As long as you have power that sense of dread will never fall upon you; now I ask you Hokage-sama, do you understand the fear I felt when I came to know of my mother's horrid

future?" Loud steps returned the eyes unto the pacing raven.

Sentience in the sword bellowed slaughter upon the chaotic mind, trying to inflict another death.

"I-It was for the sake of the-"

"Village?" Sasuke cut off the aged man's sentence before continuing.

"I suppose the village must always come first. No matter who comes at fault, no matter whose freedom is sacrificed; all is well if it's for the village, right?" condescendence drew from the teen, as his chain rattled within his grasp.

"Y-You! H-How can you control my body, this is unrighteousness you devil!" A savage mouth broke the conversation in two.

Bloody eyes turned below, as the holder shifted his head to the side in question.

"Unrighteousness? Devil? Both names might be able to describe my actions; however, what does that make you Danzo-san?" Mock came from their respective mouths as they internally questioned the rationale of the man in his beautifully unbreakable chains.

"E-Enough of this foolery! Men attack this child and his mother!" …What?

*Wooshh* *Whooshh* *Wooshh*

Three armed figures dressed in black sprung from the shadows.

Metal glistened from the light fixture as they all assumed their targets.

"Your effort is commendable, but compared to me…I will reveal what a devil can truly do." Spatial gaps of void opened directly above the attacking ANBU.

"{Murderous Ash}" They stated ominously.

Two of the incoming targets turned to nothing more than dust piles as two bones spouted from the reality-breaking voids.

"Wha..how..you truly are a devil Sasuke Uchiha, but I wonder what kind of person you will be when your beloved mother is dead!" Danzo's crazed words struck deep within the watchers; questioning where their acute, calculative advisor had vanished to.

"NO!" An unexpected intervention by Hiruzen, as he was disarrayed by the turn of events in this meeting.

"Ahh…yes, my mother." The raven's uncaring tone shocked them all even deciding if he really cared for the woman's wellbeing at all.


But it was all too late. The old man's lack of fresh bones reduced his former speed, just missing the sword of the held-willed operative.

Sasuke's wide-eyed mother froze in appalling. Her sharp exhale along with the dripping sounds of blood was all that was left in the room as her head hit the floor.


After the fall Mikoto's head rolled by momentum. Beautiful silky skin transformed into grey along with once endless pools of black dulled in separation.

Orbs of all individuals quickly transferred to the chain holder. An expecting look carried in the eyes of them all.

"DANZO! What did you do? You just murdered the key component of your plan, nonetheless one of the last remaining members of the Uchiha clan; have you gone mad!" The Lord's hands were stained with blood as he stood there gazing at the fallen in sorrow.

"My goals have changed Hiruzen, I have better means to achieve village lead upon our land. Don't you see, this boy right here shall destroy our enemies in our steed once we shape him to the weapon we see fit?" He stated pridefully.

He needed to break the boy's mind and start anew if he wanted to hold a free slate for creation; no matter if he ended up despising him it was all for the better if he did. All of his further plans could be achieved easily with the help of this boy; Danzo thought Itachi was a monster, but his mind changed on who it was in the family.

"Huh..?" His thoughts became words as he felt no more resistance upon his neck. Looking around he couldn't find the image of his capture as if he hadn't existed at all.

"…You all don't understand, do you? Once initial fear strikes your thoughts, doubt, and unexceptence will linger. Doubt leads to distrust and soon transitions into treachery; but from this, you all still haven't realized your minds have already been struck." Heads snapped to the moved voice of Sasuke.

"No-way…" Shikaku Nara's sentence spoke amongst the thoughts of the masses.




Those three words described none other than Uchiha Mikoto who was once dead before their eyes.


Revelation. That's the word that came into my generational mind I swindle to protect this village people call home. But like everyone I have aspirations, dreams, and loved ones; those things reside within to keep me tied to this place called a safe space for all; people who I truly want to protect.

I cannot live in a place that would ultimately bring suffering. My mind sprung as thoughts of those I love; the selfish compassion that resonates inside fills my heart shamelessly as I fear one day that very feeling will spark consequences far too vast to handle.

Revelation. Consciousness is either an inexplicable illusion or else revelation. apparitions that appear before my mind could be spotted with ease; However, there are some that I fear. And they just so happen to be in the shape of a boy.

Sasuke Uchiha.

I watched inside the council chambers the extraordinary power of said boy; my heartbeat was heard through the cutting silence enclosed by the flesh.

"-but from this, you all still haven't realized your minds had already been struck." His words caused a scrunch of traits upon most in question.

However, said events that followed those expressions brought anew to my knowledgeable features; perhaps this child was a sort of god? One who could raise the dead at any given? Was he chosen as a champion of an unknown Patheon who could gift life and fertility?

I gaze around in search of a face of familiarity for a sense of realism in this miracle.

"Unfucking believable…is this wolf a God?" Her feral qualities shown through as honed canines were exposed in stupefy.

"Usually I don't agree with your assessments, but this one..doesn't seem too far off Tsume-dono." Shibi-san..even in times like these you're still bickering.

"Enough. This interruption is already a breach of our time; Sasuke's temper tantrum has undergone numerous troubles for not only himself but the whole assortment of this..plan!" Haaah..you advisors never understand how the world operates other than using people. I already knew that their renowned ego would pull this country apart, but I didn't expect a person like this to be involved.

"Ahhh shut up you bitch-err I mean Utatane-dono this is someone's loved one you're using, of course they would react as such if they have the power to. Now if I were you I would apologize rather quickly that wolf doesn't seem to be forgiving~" Tsume's unforgiving smile brought a tug on my lips…wait—wolf?

My head shook as I closed my eyes in strain. 

*Haah* troublesome Uchiha as always.


"Sasuke-kun..how is she alive?" Switching gazes from the pitiful stares of a crippled man; I gave a look of domineering as my eyes held common stoicism and arms crossed in arrogance.

"The reason why I came here isn't to indulge in my abilities, but to negotiate a change in operations," I remarked slowly rubbing the back of my confused mother.

"And if we don't agree on removing Mikoto Uchiha from the plan? You don't think you can defeat us all do you?" The Nara asked, pulling his eyebrows up slightly in unease.

"…That won't happen because if it does I will destroy The leaf. After all, it's for the sake of the village, right? Plus you all wouldn't even wrinkle my kimono if you had a chance." Rage burned inside my stomach like a pool of lava as thoughts of their stubbornness filled me.

'Kill—kill them all..' huh?

My ears heard a small gasp near the entrance. It was my mother, her shocked eyes stared at mine in disbelief…but I saw no disappointment in those beautiful voids.


"Uchiha you cannot make such threats in the presence of village leaders; it's rather cruel of you to speak of those actions!" Homura Mitokado said with a slam of the scrunched hand.

Time seemed to slow as aged irises met a divine-like swirling young; I watched in inward amusement as his eyes widened with trepidation, recoiling back in muscle memory.

"N-No—why do you have those eyes; the last person who had them l-like yours was...M-Madara Uchiha." Said name turned into a whisper in dread as bumps appeared upon his skin from the grueling breeze of the air conditioning.

"You say I'm cruel? In my eyes I call it justice; whether it's my mother, family, or clan; you people who lack power have the need to claim it through others. Perhaps I should take their eyes too after killing them…no I'm not a monster; let's just say I believe in social selection." Unconsciously I felt clarity in vision as my eyes spun furiously.

Darting gazes, I looked into his eyes of Danzo ominously; the hatred in my orbs felt like I could kill him thinking about what he had done.

Perhaps he thought I nor nobody else would find out if the atrocities he's committed against my people; grave robbing the power they possessed.

After all, those who unlocked the Sharingan were recorded in Uchiha records as it is a signature of our clan's bloodline and should be upheld with pride.

During the months following the massacre, I thoroughly checked each individual only to find rage within my skin as I stared at empty sockets instead of eyes.

Seeking those who have wronged my brethren; I came across similar ANBU who attacked me previously in my years, following my movements within the village.

I could solely pin the blame on Danzo and his operatives for the brutality; call it shallow or desperate if you like, but I couldn't care less. For the first time in my heart, I felt the truth; as they say "guilty until proven innocent" correct?

Whatever I don't care.

Said bandaged man visibly cringed as pupils widened along his lids in shock; before narrowing in realization and outrage.

"I'm afraid we'll have to bring you in for questioning Sasuke-san. We cannot allow you to say such literal threats with those eyes. I'm sorry, but I am the village leader before anything else." I noticed Hiruzen's change of tone towards me as he propped his wooden to the wall and made his way to me.


Old bone rattled in experience as wind thrust to the people behind. I watched unamused as wrinkled palms shot out towards mine.


Chips of wood garnished the sky, bringing dust along with it. All around the area individuals looked in slight disappointment for the pitiful waste of time.

"SASU-KUN!" Mikoto buckled her knees in despair as she had seen her only son broken right before her accursed eyes; she could depressingly find blame within herself. Perhaps if she was stronger? Or if she never told Sasuke he would be in the comfort of his home, resting from his mission. But no, he had to come to save her from grief once again; he had to come and protect her…once again.

'Never will this happen another.' she promised, clenching her palms in self-disgust; as her orbs burned in pain, she passed it off as disgraceful sorrow.

yet there was no blur.

"Heh looks like we were worried for no-"

"Like I said before, you all still haven't realized your minds have already been struck. I commend the efforts made, but it seems you've met your end. There is solely darkness for you and death for your people Hiruzen, this is true correction.." Dust and Debrie released their garnered image as a glowing form replaced their vision.


Pressure descended on them all with the exception of one; some trembled while others with little experience tearfully watched in self-pity.

Around them, their very room distorted into deformities. Soon it took the shape of a gloomy land filled with cries and despair; smoke interrupted the space as many coughed in deep inhales calling out to their children.

Buildings appeared like old unearthed ruins, homes brought gazes of nostalgia as they burned in vigorous along with beautiful branches in inky flames that spoke of calamity.

Skies told stories of raining blood as its vermilion light that descended upon death from the being up above could be only compared to hell on earth.

However, their hopes were crushed when they sadly realized this wasn't the depiction of the underworld they knew; no it was much worse. Standing upon the rubble built off of decay and mangled corpses, they found familiarity in their traits of them. This was their home.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves was no longer.


Smoke among rotten decay invaded the smelling senses of the rulers, pictures of sinful light eclipsing the angelic. Blaring wind suffocated the sounds of screams, weeps, and bellows. From their feet below to the horizon afar horrid images filtered their minds as each gazed appallingly towards their respective compounds.

"This is..my clan…they're dead." Inoich Yamanaka dreadfully watched along with the rest of the political leaders as they all foresaw the decaying bodies of their people.

Hyuga. - 108

Nara. - 308

Inuzuka. - 276

Akimichi. - 298

Sarutobi. - 421

Aburame. - 187

Civilian households. - 37

Those names became simple words atop a tomb, numbers of statistics, news upon papers—laughing stocks of national villages.

"If he's really able to do all of this..what have we done, why did you all vote for this!..Hana, Kiba, ninkin, my clan; all of them are gone just like that.." Tsume's firely shouts became diminished whispers mentioning decapitated and mangled figures as tears threatened to escape her pride.

"Such cruelty and disregard for human life...I haven't seen such a sight since the warring era, and that too is stretching too far into catastrophe. Sasuke Uchiha—what a monster having a heart so cold...I should be saying encouraging words that this is all but an illusion, but even I cannot verify my thinking." Hiruzen knew in his very thoughts that these images were nothing more but apparitions produced by the Mangekyou Sharingan, but it was too real; reality felt split as doubt invaded his unguarded mind.

"..Is this the conclusion of what he speeches about…" Black lenses hid away strayed lines of water, as Shibi Aburame looked upon his people; gazing at the rotten flesh that flooded his land.

"-this is true correction..' True-correction; atop of what gesture is this 'true correction'? A simple life doesn't relate to the livelihood of the masses; a singular woman does not compare to the lives of my family!… Speaking of true correction like you're some God, but you're not! Sasuke Uchiha is one man; no not a man, he is a boy who couldn't accept the harsh reality that fate unfortunately faces to others. This doesn't concern him, his life, or his people, but nonetheless, the individuals that make up this place I call home!

Why…why couldn't we just relive this operation so everyone could just live in peace? Why couldn't we let go of our lust for power in the hope of a better coming for our village? Why did I have to see my wife, children, and people dead? So many whys's yet no change. I see...this world is limited, its resources are limited, and if life becomes chaotic and cruel, if not changed..life will come to a halt. Haah..so this is what you meant. How could our village be saved if it's not allowed to evolve…to change.

So these are the words you speak of Sasuke Uchiha; this is "true correction".

"Shikaku-san..so that is what he truly means?" Hiashi Hyuga stated, aimlessly staring at the gouged pits of black in place of eyes fated to his clansmen.


A smell of iron graced their tounges as static surrounded the air and a large sound of ethereal thunder sprung their hearts.

"So you realized the truth of my words Shikaku Nara. It seems your prowess in mind has not been left to disappoint; it's true this world has been created to teach a lesson to you all, I suggest you understand what it is...Shikaku?" Evil light gave way from the fake clouds above; revealing the picture of those accused eyes upon The Moon. A divine voice boomed to my ears as if to tell me a prophecy.

"…Never touch people dear to devils." I could feel its sickening glee as I spoke those words reminding myself that this was no man, this is clamity as a being...this is control.

"Cling to your words smart man or else your tomb will be clinging to the earth." The being stated ominously; winds picked up around my body as I struggled to keep pace in this power-infused world.

"You carry certainty in those expressions, it seems you're more of a threat than I thought; now that we understand could we leave this hellish land." Peering at my feet below I couldn't help but chuckle humorlessly at my position, as if I was bowing down to a higher being.

"Before that, I need to know your final verdict; will Mikoto Uchiha return her status as a co-leader and become free from all ties inflicted upon her to better the Leaf Village under any circumstance." Darkness questioned as its enthralling presence radiated on me.

"Yes, I swear..now let me out." Tiredness carried my tone as I couldn't bear to see depictions of my family slaughtered; these will definitely stain my dreams into vivid nightmares for who knows.

"Ask and you shall receive."



Everyone who was allowed to leave hell awoke upon their seating places they previously compartmented; which to their shock included Tsukime Moro, the man whom Sasuke allegedly "killed".

Rubbing eyes happened to the few as they struggled to fixate light into their dined eyes; searching the room they came to see that all ANBU operatives had been knocked out. Although they knew the perpetrator, they didn't feel it was necessary to start another series of tragic events.

Speaking of perpetrators they were dumbfounded to see the sight of Sasuke Uchiha having a normal, civil conversation with his mother sitting down on a small coffee brown couch; accompanied by a petite table.

"I see that everyone is awake; well then since the Hokage's personal second in command has agreed to the separation of operation pervert, I will be living happily with my dear mother." Sasuke's words stung as their mental stability deteriorated from the visions they'd been shown.

"Y-You boy stop right there I don't know what you did but awake Hiruzen this instant! Damn Uchiha, how are you so powerful!?" Danzo's eyes could be compared to the raven's current ones as a crazed look fitted deep within them.


"I needed him to take a longer nap for his…incompetence as a leader; perhaps he will wake up a new man. If so, I did you all a favor."

Without a glance, Sasuke sauntered to the exit; conviction rose in every step as his steps reverberated throughout the depressing room.

"You Uchiha are all the same; mark my words boy I will make sure you don't become a threat to this village or the world, so don't think I won't kill you right now if you do not leave peacefully; including all that you love." The pride in his voice never once wavered; eyes closed in satisfaction while turning away from the raven.




His nerves fired in recognition; pushing off his cane the cripple swiftly dodged away back.

His eyes flared in anguish as his aged face wrinkled; the sight of Sasuke brandishing his red blade burned into his mind as his heart quickened in adrenaline.

"Do you want to be sent to prison? Attacking an ally of your village is considered partial treason, nonetheless of all people myself! What is your reason for this?" Shouts of anger disputed around the surroundings; tired eyes watched the scene with dread as they couldn't handle another abrupt attack once again.

"..You Danzo insulted my people and as the last remaining heir of the Uchiha clan I cannot allow you to disrespect the dead; even with that, you said that you will kill me and everyone I hold dear; so much hate in your words. Haah, just when I was about to leave, it's been a tiring day to day but alas..you're a larger threat to my future peace than I imagined." His blade at hand wavered as his sigh carried his arms.

"Sasuke-san—are you sure this is really necessary; surely he was ju-"

"Shut up I don't care. This man made a threat against a royal heir of a prominent family in this council; which in itself is punishable by death by Leaf village law as it qualifies for acts of war against the Uchiha clan; and without reasonable cause you are acting on your own accord through the village's system. With no prior consent by the Hokage, Danzo Shimura you are committing treason against the Leaf village."

Gapes of air were mouthed as the preceding tension was replaced with shock along with minor respect in their eyes.

"Danzo-dono..he really isn't—well wrong. You did commit a crime punishable by death." Choza Akimichi muttered questionably.

"Haaah Sasuke-san surely there is a way for you to not press charges right; perhaps a compensation of some sort?" Shikaku's brain was already fried from the prior events, and now this? Truthfully all he wanted to was to return home to his family after viewing those horrid images now implanted in his brain.

"..Do you take me for a fool Shikaku! Are you assuming that as a foolish child, I enjoy materialistic things? First treason and now bribery; the list of things you all do for each other is rather extensive, but for the usage of others for power? No problem at all...huh, I wonder how the public would react to such unfairness…" The Rise of voice was uncalled for as many jumped in surprise; recoiling at the vengeful face of the Uchiha.

"That's not what I meant Sasuke-san, not at all! I just wanted to-" Shikaku's words ended abruptly as he widened his brows in haste.

"Perhaps if you would agree to some..minor demands of trade I would sympathize with your dealings and let this unlawful treatment go. That is if you hold your word of course." Sasuke stated, pacing around the area as he turned his back to the rest.

"Haah..that's fine by me, but you only get three now tell me what you want." The assistant said.

"Gladly, I want written permission for the passage of being placed in any Leaf village government issue and records from here on out without my consent." In Sasuke's head, percussion should be handled at all times facing a strong opponent; but even more when fighting a wise one. This will support him in the future should the need arise.

"That's..doable I guess, now anything else."

"I wish for the name of Uchiha clan head to be plastered on my identification." Sasuke replied.

"B-But Sasuke you're not a Jonin shinobi and that is one of the requirements to be nam-" Once again words came to a stop as another daring voice broke through.

"Are you really denying my requests when we agreed on this account? You can only blame yourself for being in this predicament so do not become a unreliable man Shikaku I expect better from you." The raven huffed, pushing his chest out with a cross of arms in disgust.

"…No I am a man of my word. Haah so this is what you meant by making your mother co-leader..fine I will work some things out; but do not fret your wishes will be fulfilled. Now just finish your requests."

"Lastly, I want a compensation of 2,000,000¥ to be given to my clan deposit for the mistreatment of you and the uncalled for words of Danzo." Sasuke's pacing closed as his front angled the door.

"Sasuke—didn't you say that..nevermind that is a more appropriate wish I believe. It seems like business here is done Sasuks-san; if that is it you are free to leave." Eyebrows creased in plea as a annoyed tone graced his responses.

"Remember my words and hold in yours; I expect all the requests I listed to be upheld. Goodbye Shikaku we will meet again." Corners of eyes met another pair as the raven tilted his head to gaze at the man.


Sasuke along with his mother disappeared from view as they blinked. Heavy sighs crowed the air as shoulders slumped upon royalty in relief.

'I hope I don't again you devil.' Shikaku thought as he stared at the last remaining spot where Sasuke once stood.


I hope this chapter was interesting to read, and if not then let me know why.

I personally wanted to make Sasuke more vengeful and massacre the one’s responsible for Mikoto’s fate, but that wouldn’t fit his character and won’t help build what I’m trying to in this story.

Thank you for reading!!

Zekeiancreators' thoughts