
In Bleach as the Spirit King's Son

The world of Bleach is already full of stories, places and characters that we all know. Of course if you were to add a little something to it, nothing much would change, right ? Not if you change some important aspects of the main story, and, introduce a completely new character that know way too much about this world. This is the story of a human who will go from an infamous vigilante, to the son of the most powerful being in the entire universe......A fictional universe of course.

Glasgow · Anime & Comics
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Everyone always wondered what it was like to die. It was quite difficult to imagine what it could be like. Would you feel cold ? Would see your soul leaving your body ? Would you even feel that you died, or would you instantly go to the afterlife ?

Even someone who didn't believe in religion would ask himself what it was like to die. And i did too. But now that i died, i can say that the truth is even more incredible than what most believed. You would see yourself leaving your body, floating towards a blinding light, and once you entered.....You would see your whole life. Everything you ever heard, saw, smelled, felt, everything would be right in front of you, like you were going through your entire life once more.....But in an instant.

And then you would just black out. Only to wake up after an unknown amount of time, restricted by some golden chains and unable to even move your eyes.

In this moment i didn't know what to do, but there was one thing certain.....For the first time of my life, i was completely terrified. Not because of the fact that i just died, or even the fact that i was chained and naked in an unknown white room.

No i was scared because of the being that was right in front of me. A skeleton that was easily five times taller than me, and i was quite tall. Wearing only a black, tattered robe that floated where it's legs should be. It had an all too familiar scythe in it's hand, and seemed to really want to use it on me, if the way it's hold on it tightened was of any indication.

I was so terrified that i couldn't talk. It brought a lot of shame to me, but i really couldn't do anything about it ! I was chained, naked and Death was right in front of my face....Literally !!!

" And here i thought that i would get a normal human. You seem awfully calm about all this. " Said Death, or atleast i think that's death.

" No i'm not Death, human. I'm the God of the Death, or the Reaper as most call me. Death is my boss actually, and he doesn't look anything like me. I would say he looks quite human. A really pale human, but a human nonetheless. I could never understand why he chose that form. You humans are so frail." Said the Reaper. For some reasons i could not understand, it's voice sounded like a woman and a man were talking at the same time. But i didn't really cared about that, because the whole aura around it was just too chilling for me to even care about something else. And as if it sensed my discomfort, the Reaper stopped emiting this aura and i could finally talk.

" W-Well most humans are frail, but some can do incredible things." I said, feeling a little more brave.

" Indeed...I can see that you are one of those incredible humans." Said the Reaper as it held a paper in it's bony hands. I wanted to know whether the legend about the reaper's hands was true, but now that i think about it.....Maybe i should just keep it for myself. I don't want to have those hands near me.

" Hmm, impressive. In your whole life, you killed a total of 3564 humans. 3563 of them were criminals, the other....Let's not talk about it." Said the Reaper as i froze. I didn't to be ever reminded of this single innocent i killed. I could say it was a mistake, but it certainly didn't feel like that to the innocent who got a bullet in the heart.

" Well you're not here to be reminded of your past mistakes...Actually you are, but i'm making an exception for you." Said the reaper as i gasped. I didn't like where this was going.

" An e-exception ? What do you mean by that ?" I asked. But the Reaper didn't answer, it just lifted it's hand, and the chains disappeared.....But i was still naked.

" Do not fret about your current condition. I'm a divine being.....The body of a mortal doesn't interest me in the slightest." Said the Reaper as a portal appeared out of thin air. I never saw a portal in my life, and it look freaky as hell. A little shiny, spinning vortex that was trying to take me with it to an unknown and possibly horrible place...I'm not stepping in this portal.

" You are gonna step in the portal, human. But i will explain what will happen to you. For your next life shall be quite different from your last one." Said the Reaper. And i can say it again....I didn't like where this was going. For obvious reasons ,the mere fact that the Reaper wasn't going to just let me in the afterlife like all the other souls, was making me wonder if i somehow offended it. Because it sure as hell looked like it was gonna use that scythe to-

" You will be sent to a world that you thought fictional to live the life you want. This time you will be able to choose how your future will go....As long as you can make the right decisions. But atleast in this life.....It won't seems like the entire world want your death." Said the Reaper.

Well.....It does sounds good, but fictional world ?

" Yes a fictional world, human. Like Harry Potter, the Marvel Universe or Bleach. The latter is the one you'll be sent, considering that it is the one you know the most." Said the Reaper casually.

" Wait a second ! I'm an infamous vigilante who killed criminals like it was a sport, i don't know those fictional worlds ! I didn't have the time to watch movies or read books, and it's not because i watched Bleach as a kid that it counts. I don't remember much about this world !" I said. I didn't wanted to be sent to a world i knew nothing about. Not that i knew much about any fictional world, but still!

" You know much more than most characters who are actually living in this world. That is enough to get you started. And that's not even taking into account the many advantages i will give you. Because even though you don't know it, you actually did me a huge favour. And i do mean, a HUGE favour." Said the Reaper. And now i liked where this was going, i really liked it. It was always to have someone who owes you , but having the Death God owing you big ? This was the best !

" What did i do ? I don't remember having done anything that could really be considered as a favour. I don't think you care about the people i killed." I said.

" Oh trust me you did kill someone i cared about. Someone who could've endangered the safety of the whole universe without even knowing it. Even an innocent can cause an enormous amount of destruction, as long as they don't know they are a ticking bomb. But it's not important, what is important is what i'll do to help you in your next life. Those advantages are an incredible family and an incredible sword. So you better use them to have a perfect life, atleast perfect for you, human !" Said the Reaper as i gasped. What the hell did it mean by an innocent being a ticking bomb, was it talking about....

" I don't have the time to answer your question, because now is the time to enter a new wonderful world! Farewell human !" Said the Reaper as it swung it's scythe and stuck the blade in my stomach before dragging me in the portal.

" WAIT WHAT ARE TALKING ABOUT?! WHO WAS THE INNO-" And just like that i was gone.

It was instantaneous. One moment i was in front of the Reaper, and the next i was in an unknown room, facing an unknown crystal in which was a person. Atleast now i was dressed.....In an extremely expensive black and gold kimono. And i had a katana strapped to my hip.

Looking around the room, i could see that it looked like a traditional japanese room. Which wasn't really confusing since i was in the bleach univer- Wait a second !!! A crystal with a person in it ?! I don't remember everything from Bleach, but my memory was good enough for me to remember this.

" I'm going to talk to a crystal, but to hell with it....Hello, are you the-" I didn't even have the time to finish my sentence that the crystal glowed and a smooth voice was heard.

" Yes i am indeed the Spirit King.....And you are the spirit prince, my son."


* Faint *

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