
In Black

Once your born your death would be carved onto your wrist by god, knowing when your gonna die but no knowing how was unfair. The reasons god did this was unknown. The reason people die so young was unknown. You can’t save people you know are gonna die. You can’t stop the guilt of not being able to do anything either. You can’t save your loved ones who are destined to die when they hit that certain age. Your fate was carved onto your wrist the day you were born. The day your parents grieved in pain and misery knowing they were gonna lose their child. Death was unfair but it’s inevitable. Yet living again would be unknown. Living again would be horrible. ——

Ryoo · Horror
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


When Zero opened his eyes he instantly thought of Tatsumi. Tears filled his vision. If this was actually death, he didn't want it.

His only sun and his moon was gone. Who was gonna read her first ever story?

It was so dark. Darker then he liked it to be. He didn't like it here though, everything was dark yet it seemed like others filled the room.

if he could feel his arms like he'd wish then maybe he could've covered his eyes with his hand, no matter if it still looked the same- the presence wasn't.

He honestly didn't understand why he felt so heavy yet light.

He blinked.

Then he closed his eyes.




He felt like he could hear something. Yet it was so muffled and distorted that he couldn't figure out what they were saying.


He screamed. His body instantly into sitting position yet a one where tears and sweat were everywhere.

"Another nightmare?"

Zero quickly turned to the sound and yet at the same time so quickly baffled when he saw the beauty in-front of him.

A young girl, about a year younger then him. She had long black hair that seemed to sparkled when you looked at her. Her eyes were a dark blue that looked like an blue ocean on a sunny day.

She was… Beautiful.

Remembering the fact that she asked if he was okay he nodded quickly, "Y-yeah… Im… Alright…"

She signed, she quickly nodded and left the room in one peace.


"Wait- Where the fuck. Am I?!"


"I-I think somethings wrong," The woman speaking paused for a moment, wondering what to say in the way to describe what had she been told and what she was gonna tell her boss, "with young master…"

All the chatter in the room stopped. The room was so quiet you could hear the sound of from water outside.

"Isn't something always wrong with him?"