
In Black Clover With Madaras Powers As Magic

Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.

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Flying Thunder God

Soaring through the sky like apart of the air itself. The fly was tiring but knew such inconvenience would not stop him. While he was flying, he started to think about his past life as Quinn. He started to wonder how his family took his death. Did they care? One thing he hoped was that someone deleted his browser history.

After a few more hours of flying, Madara finally got back to his house. Madara wanted to go to sleep, but he had something to do.

Madara went to Reiner's room to grab some paper. He then went outside and placed the paper in front of him. He placed his hand atop of the paper.

He then closed his eyes and when he opened his eyes, he was in this void surrounded by millions of what looked like seals. He knew this was a test, but how was he supposed to find his own with all these seals around him? That is what he would say if he were normal, but he was different.

He scanned the area with his Sharingan and saw a seal that was different from the others. Madara smirks and walks over to it. The being watching over him only shook his head.

Madara then stopped in his tracks, as he turned back and walked in the opposite direction. He then walked over to a seal with three vertical lines, a circle in the middle, and the three tomoe inside the circle.

The one watching his facial expression changed after seeing him walk toward the seal. He was honestly surprised because he thought that his trick would work.

When he placed his hand on the seal, it glowed a bright blue color before turning black. It then moves to his palm as it disappears inside his hand.

"You have chosen correctly. You even saw through my trick. I humbling bless you with the ability to manipulate space," A calm but powerful voice said to Madara.

Madara only nodded to whoever was talking to him and when he opened his eyes, he was back.

He then put a little mana into the piece of paper and said, "Seal!". The seal he chose when he was in that void printed on the paper.

Madara got up and walked over to a dead stick. He wrapped the paper around the stick and threw it a few meters away from him. Madara then teleported to the seal in a blue flash. Madara smiled as he picked up the stick.

He went back inside and fell asleep when he hits his bed. When he woke up, he took all the paper he could find and placed them around sticks.

"Hmpf!" Madara said as he threw ten of the sticks. Each stick was a little slower than the one thrown before it.

He then teleported to each of them in a blue flash. After teleporting to each one, he had a large chunk of his mana stolen. Now he knew what he needed to work on for the next six months.

"This is going to be trouble!" Madara said as he knew mastering this technique would be time-consuming.

For the next seven hours, Madara practiced using the technique. With each use, he could feel he was getting better at it. He could feel him using less and less mana when he teleported.

After those seven hours when up, it was around that time Madara would start to head to Hage village. Instead of flying, he grabbed five of his sticks and threw them in the direction of Hage village.

When he felt like they were going to touch the ground, he teleported to the stick and threw another one. He did this until his mana ran out. When his mana ran out, he was short of breath and his body felt heavy.

He hasn't felt like this since he was a kid and he didn't like the feeling. Instead of taking a break, he started running at full speed, leaving dusk behind him. A few minutes after running, he could feel more than half of his mana replenished.

"Thank god, for Hashirama cells," Madara said as he threw another stick. After a few hours, he finally made it t Hage village.

"Where is he!" Asta said as he stretched his last words. He sounded bored because it looked like he was sitting there for a few hours.

"I'm sure he's coming. I hope," Sister Lily said whispering the last part.

"He isn't coming! We can't waste our time on someone who thinks he better than everyone!" Yuno said as he began to walk off. Just as a blue flash appeared in front of them.

"It's a terrible day to die," Madara said coldly running a chill down Yuno's spine. Then all Yuno felt was fear, as he felt the bloodlust and killing intent from Madara. Asta and Sister Lily didn't react because Madara was directing all towards Yuno.

"Madara, what took you so long! Do you know how long I've been waiting?!" Asta yelled with a vein-popping from his neck.

"I'm here now, aren't I? My presence should be enough," Madara said as he left Asta speechless.

"So Madara, why are you here so late? And, what was that blue flash?" Sister Lily asked walking up to him.

"I was working on a new technique and I used it to get here," Madara said pulling out a stick.

"A stick? What are you going to do with that?" Yuno asked as he scoffed looking at the stick Madara was holding.

"Here. Take this and go anywhere you want to," Madara said as he handed Yuno a stick.

"Here. You stay here," Madara said as he hands a stick to Sister Lily.

"What are you after?" Yuno asked examining the stick.

"You have three minutes," Madara said while taking a good look at Sister Lily making her blush.

All the while, Asta was confused about what was happening. Yuno decided to entertain Madara and created a small white tornado and hope onto It. He then went off into the distance.

"Hey, Mada-" Asta said as he stopped talking and stared blankly into the distance.

"What happened?! What's wrong with him?!" Sister Lily said as she rushed to Asta.

"Nothing, I'm just making him see what he wants too," Madara said which confused Sister Lily.

"What do you mean?" Sister Lily asked confused and worried.

"It's a skill of mine," Madara said easing Sister Lily's mind, but she was confused about why he did that.

"But why did you-" Sister Lily said before being interrupted.

"For us to be alone. Do think the way you've been looking at me was gone unnoticed," Madara said making her blush.

Sister Lily got quiet as she looked at the ground, "I want you to be with me," Madara said as Sister Lily's face turned bright red.

"I- I can't, I made a vow," She said stumbling on her words.

Madara then put his under her chin to make her look him in the eye, "Make an exception for me. You have feelings and urges that if you suppress, you will only live in torment," Madara said leaving Sister Lily lost for words, as he disappeared.

"What was he thinking? What is he going to do?" Yuno said as he felt a shift in the air.

"Yuno! When did you get back?!" Asta said as Yuno was just as confused as Asta if not more.

"How did I end up back here? What did you do?!" Yuno said astonished, but a little worried about what Madara was capable of.

"As I said a new technique," Madara said as Asta had a look of amazement.

"So that means you are crazy fast?!" Asta said receiving a nod from Madara.

"Wow! So cool!" Asta said as they did their regular talk and trained for a few hours. Throughout the hours Madara was there, he could see Sister Lily had a complicated look on her face.

Before Madara left he went to talk to Sister Lily, "Pour a bit of mana into this when you want to talk, make sure your alone," Madara said as he handed Sister Lily a stick, as he flew off.

"*Sigh* What am I to do?" Sister Lily said as she hid the stick in her habit.

Y'all know what the next chapter is, right? The people in the back know.

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