Quinn dies in a car crash and meets what humans call god. The god grants him three wishes and he chooses to be reincarnated in one of his favorite anime Black Clover, as one of his favorite anime characters Madara Uchiha. The cover is not mine, If the creator tells me to take it down I will.
Sitting in the living room, Asta was doing push-ups with Magna on his back. It seems that Nero switched from Asta to Madara because she was around Madara more. Madara also turned the magic stone into a necklace.
"Can I fatten that bird up? He looks yummy." Charmy said while eating some sweets.
"It's a she," Madara said with his eyes closed.
"How do you know that?" Noelle asked with a mocking tone.
"And her name is Secre. Forget whatever name you had before. Her name is Secre." Madara said in a cold dark tone scaring everyone a little including Luck.
"Fine." Everyone said in unison after hearing Madara.
Madara then placed his hand above his head, as Secre jumped on his finger. This time, she didn't wear a bored expression. She had a complicated look, most of all, shock. Madara then whispered in her, "One day, you'll be out of this bird form. When that day comes, that will also be the day you will be mine, Secre Swallowtail."
Madara was getting looked at as if he were crazy because he was talking to Secre. Secre looked like she was in deep thought after hearing his words.
Madara placed her on his head, as Yami came through a portal with Finral. As always, he was smoking a cigarette.
"I have an announcement for you all. A new dungeon has been discovered." Yami said getting sounds of excitement for everyone except Madara.
"Are you serious. Mister Yami?!" Magna yelled excited about the dungeon.
"The hecks a dungeon!" Asta said making everyone frown.
"Are you serious? You were surprised, and you didn't even know what it is?" Magna asked confused.
Magna went on to explain what a dungeon was along with Vanessa pitching in. Madara could care because he was thinking about the future.
'Should I give them the stones?' Madara said and he clenched the stone on his neck.
"So, they want the black bulls to investigate the newly discovered dungeon?" Noelle said putting the pieces together.
"Yes," Yami said nodding his head. "Partially because this dungeon popped up near our enemy's border," Yami said.
"Enemy?" Asta blurted out.
"The Diamond Kingdom. We need to take care of this mission fast so Diamond's people won't steal anything. By the way, there have been instances in which someone found a magical item that could civilization itself on a dungeon, and someone even learned how to use ultimate magic there." Yami said as he took a drag of his cigarette.
"Me! Me! Please let me go!" Asta shouted in excitement with his arm raised.
"Actually, You can go, kid. In fact, the Wizard King chose you himself." Yami said in a bored tone.
"Huh?! The Wizard King?! Why?!" Asta screamed with his eyes bloodshot.
"That's awesome, Asta! What the heck? Did you bump into the Wizard King somewhere?" Magna said as he patted Asta's back.
"No, never!" Asta said confidently.
"The old woman who got her money stolen," Madara spoke after hearing them.
"Huh?" Everyone said as they turned to Madara.
"How could that old woman have been The Wizard King?" Vanessa asked scoffing at Madaras' comment.
"Are you serious?! You knew and you didn't tell me?!" Asta said in a loud tone then it turned into a defeated look.
"Noelle and Madara, you're going with him. Everything counts as experience. Oh, and Luck. You're the leader. I'm leaving those three to you." Yami said shocking both Magna and Finral.
"Really?" Luck asked.
"Yup," Yami replied.
"You'll lose your touch if you stay copped up all the time," Yami said.
"Yay!" Luck cheered with an arm raised.
Finral opened a portal that led to the forest. Not wanting to waste time walking, Madara threw his special kunai where the entrance of the dungeon would be.
"Place your hand on me," Madara said confusing everyone. Since Asta was the first to do it, Noelle and Luck followed. In an instant, they were at the dungeon instance.
'He's faster than I thought.' Luck thought to himself him Madara picking up a weird looking knife.
'How did he- He's so fast.' Noelle thought seeing how Madara got them there in a matter of seconds.
"Wow! So cool! Was that the technique you said you were working on a few months ago?" Asta said causing Noelle and Luck to look at him.
"Yeah," Madara said as he walked into the dungeon. The three of them watched as the darkness consumed him.
While walking through the dungeon, the lamp that Asta carried wasn't bright enough, so Madara created a large flame for light. A few minutes later, he could feel someone on his back.
When he turned his head, he saw Noelle looking the other way blushing. He was confused about why she was doing this. It was bright enough to see, so why was she clinging to him?
Madara then realized that she was clinging to him to touch him. She just could not help herself, not to touch him after Asta said something about his muscles.
"Pervert," Madara said walking up leaving Noelle stunned. Not because of what he said because he figured out what she was doing.
'He's smart, unlike Asta. I've got to take a different approach.' Noelle said as she sighed and continued walking.
Luck push a movable brick that had a bright white light on its corners. When he pushed the block, the wall came down revealing a large room filled with mana.
Madara could instantly feel the mana. He also noted that there were some people here. A familiar signature and the others were a mystery. If he didn't know who was already here.
"Yuno is here," Madara said stopping Asta in his tracks. He also stopped Asta from stepping on a trap.
"He is?! Where is he?!" Asta shouted to Madara.
"Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder Gods Boots" Luck said as pair of boots materialized on his feet with sparks of lightning coming off of it.
A sinister smile crept his way across Luck's face, as he finally sensed the presence of an intruder.
"I see. you sensed them too." Madara said as he ran in the direction of the mana signature luck sensed.
"No fair!" Luck yelled as he followed behind Madara.
"Wh-What in the world are they thinking?!" Noelle said having a breakdown.
"S-So cool!" Asta said seeing them both move so fast.
"This is insane!" Noelle said holding her head in disbelief.
The sound of feet tapping on the ground and electricity was heard through the small space. Madara wasn't going his fastest because he wanted Luck to get ahead of him.
The reason? Because he didn't want to waste his time on the smoke user. If he got to the treasure first and transported to the hideout, he would get recognized, and a certain someone would see him.
"Hahahahahahaha! Yay! I beat you! Luck said as he dropped down from the sky.
Madara didn't follow him, instead, he went to the upper levels. When he got to the upper levels, he felt that a battle was going on, and couldn't help but smile.
Everyone he had faced up until now except the Wizard King wasn't a challenge. He was hoping that Mars would give him a challenge, but he knew that wouldn't be possible.
What if at the end, Madara goes to sleep to wake up back on earth as Quinn to find out all of this was a dream?