
In between: love or hate

Arson!. His whole family were wiped out in flames before his very own eyes. He was meant to have met the same fate, but he survived. Accidentally he discovers who the mastermind behind the brutal killing of his family was. He would surely get his revenge. He walked his way to the top with the aim to bring them down. Got entangled with the vipers confraternity and now he's the most feared. Abandoned everything he knew, things that were part of him. Principles, morals, CONSCIENCE. He swore to make everyone responsible for his sufferings pay. And just like that, she walked in. The daughter of his worst enemy walked into his den. But he couldn't harm her. Foreign feelings which were buried deep inside him appeared unannounced. He won't let that happen, she was the ENEMY'S DAUGHTER!!! .... She was only a tool in his mission and thirst for revenge, a tool he hated to the core. But what happens when his heart begins to choose for him. Stuck in between revenge and his heart what will he choose. Love or hate?.

Jul_ie1 · Urban
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93 Chs

Gilbert 8

Many struggle to live only to die in the end. At the end of everything, death awaits everyone. Why are we born to live if we live to die? What about the ones we've left behind, how do they cope?.

Most people live because they have something worth living for, there is something or someone out there that gives their life meaning. And hence the question Elizabeth asks her self everyday— Why do I live?

Waking up to see the sunlight is a blessing to others, to some it's pure torture. To Elizabeth, it's worse than hell. Waking everyday only to find out you don't have the guts to run as fast as you can to the police and shout who the killer of your beloved mother is, that's a different hell on it's own. Worse is that she knows who is next. Her father.