
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 9


After who knows how long i woke up in a space covered with white.

It looked like my <Domain expansion> but most importantly i saw something that i could never imagine.

Standing infront of me was a tall figure with white hair and extremely handsome face but most importantly he had six eyes.

He looked like an older version of myself!!.

"Hello there."

The older version of myself spoke.

"You seem like you have seen a ghost."

Continued the older me, as i was still unable to speak due to the surprise.

After a couple of minutes of staring at each other, Other me once again spoke.

"Hey~, I know i am handsome not need to stare at me like that. And by the way no homo."

Hearing the words coming out of his mouth, i could feel my eyes twitching.

"So, this is how others feel when they speak to me."

I mutter as i thought, about the people i spoke, with pity.

Setting aside that, I continue to stare at my older self as he, with a wave of his hand, materialized two chairs and a desk with some tea.

"You must have been exhausted after that fight with that weakling."

I choose to ignore the fact, that the weakling he is talking about nearly killed me, as i sit down on the chair that materialized out of nowhere.

"Who are you?"

I asked what looked like my future self.

"A good question."

He replied and continued to stare at me. As if indicating me to go on.

"Sigh, what are you?"

"A better question."

Was the reply of the completely relaxed guy infront of me.

"It doesn't seems as if this talk is gonna go further."

I mutter out loud enough that he could hear me. As i stood up ready to go.

"Where are you going~? Don't you want answer to how you survived against that weakling."

He spoke starting with a relaxed manner but slowly as he spoke he got more and more serious.

I glanced at him, from the corner of my eyes, just to see him with a completely serious face looking at me.

"Let's make it quick."

I spoke as i sit down.

Normally i would not be so impatient but right now i might die as my body had quite a lot of injuries.

"You don't need to worry about you dying."

He spoke as if he could read my mind.

"So~, what are we waiting for? Start asking questions."

He once again spoke with his relaxed manner comming back.

"Who are you?"

I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's a complicated questions, as expected of me."

As expected of me?

Is he really my future self or is he-

"It is as you are thinking. I am you future self but not exactly."

He spoke cutting off my thoughts in the process.

"What do you mean by not exactly?"

I ask him.

"What i mean is, i am the first soul of yours."

Without speaking anything, i just stared at him, with a confused frown on my face.

"Let's start from the beginning."

Spoke my older self as he started to speak. about the orginal me.

"I am what you can call a regressor."

I stare at him with widen eyes as i think about the implications of this.

"You see when i lived my life at first everything was going smoothly but soon shit hit home and then cycle repeated due to something that you will know in future."

"When time regressed to past everything was supposed to regress back but, the great me managed to ignore this with a contract Akashic records begged me for which allowed me to go back to my past self but the terms of the contract made sure that i could not control the body."

"Instead i am kinda sealed inside myself which was the idea of great me. Hahahaha."

"So, you are saying that i was not reincarnated in this world but you just implanted the memories of it in my head?"

I ask him the things that his explanation implied.

"Bingo, for your prize you can spend more time with me."

He spoke in a narcissistic tone.

I took some time to think things through as this revelation implied many other things which i was sure as hell gonna ask.

This whole regression thingy implied that maybe ren might not be transmigrated in this world but instead being manipulate by someone.

"So are there anything that you want to ask?

My other self asked me.

"Yes, can you tell me what this Akashic records thingy is?"

Right after hearing my question the other me comically fell down.

"Ahem, Akashic records is the will of the universe. It is what makes rules and shits."

"So you are telling me that the will of universe begged you."

"Yes ofcourse."

He replied in a proud tone.

"So the will of this universe is as shameless as you are huh."

I asked him with a smug smile to infuriate him further.

"Huh!? What did you say!? I will have you know, i am the most shameless person in the world."

He spoke in a infuriated tone.

"Oh, i can see that. You are living inside of me without even asking for my permission."

In the reply to this, the other me just gritted his teeth.


"Why are you behaving like a or huh."

I once again asked him but this time with a innocent smile.

"Grrr!!, I will have you know that i am the elder here. Learn to respect your elder brat."

"But you were the one who implanted these mannerisms into me."

I replied him without missing a beat. But what i had never accounted for was how shameless this other me can be.

"Be grateful that i made you similar to me. You get to be like me that is your biggest accomplishment. Never forget that."

Truly the most shameless guy i have ever meet.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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