
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

chapter 8

And the moment IFER turned his astonished eyes toward Gojo, Gojo with a grin made a hand seal and uttered the word

[Domain Expansion]

A 50 metres of area was swallowed by the darkness with Gojo as the centre.

A cube shaped space materialized from the drakness as a dark coloured cube was formed.

This was like an entrie dimension was being formed which alerted many powerful people all over the world.


Union headquarters

A man With brown hair and languid eyes that seemed to be devoid of any emotion, an aura of oppression and destruction exuded from his body, was seen sitting in a chair infront of desk.

Suddenly his head snapped toward a certain direction where he felt a creation of a dimension.

This man is Octavious Hall, no.1 rank hero and UNION head. His thoughts are currently unknown.


Issanor, elf kingdom

An elf, with long silver hair gently cascading down her back signifying royalty, with otherworldly face that could make anyone wonder whether she was a mortal or a goddess, was looking at a capsule with pained expression.

Suddenly there was a change in her expression as she looked toward a particular distance.

She for the first time felt the chills similar to when a domain technique is used but she didn't know any ally that could use it.

She, the queen of elf, Maylin Xiltris was thinking about whoever has used the domain technique.


Many powerful people felt that a new dimension was just created and after some time they felt it getting destroyed due to which a surveying team was launched by various guilds all over the human kingdom.


Back to the fight between Gojo and IFER.

Inside what appeared to be completely white space two figure could be seen.

On one side a demon with a horrified expression could be seen looking around the space they have appeared. This horrified demon is IFER.

While on the other side a youngman, with blood dripping down from his face could be seen with an unnerving grin on his face which made him look like he was high, was floating in air. This young man is obviously Gojo Satoru.

"H-h-how d-did y-you d-d-do t-this!?"

With a horrified expression on his face IFER shouted at Gojo while shuttering as he looked around the space they were in.

Gojo looked at IFER as if he was looking at an insect and said.

"How you ask? Obviously cause throughout the heaven and earth, i alone am the honoured one."(just wanted to write that.)

Hearing that infuriating statement IFER did not react negatively instead he looked as if he had accepted his death.

"Heh, Looks like this is it for me huh. But i ain't going down without fight."

With a self mocking laugh, IFER declared his unwillingness to go down without a fight.

"You overestimate your own strength too much that you get blind when fighting other. Who said this will be a fight?"

Gojo outright mocked IFER's will to fight to death not even taking IFER'S strength in his own eyes.

Before IFER could retort, he was send flying away by a punch to his face.


Growl came out of IFER mouth as he felt the pain from the impact.

Before IFER could even recover from the strike, Gojo was upon him once again.

As with a outstretched leg, Gojo sent a skull crushing round kick toward IFER skull.

The was able to demolish IFER'S head.

Before IFER'S body could fall down, Gojo made a hand sign and muttered.

[Conversion technique: blue]

A huge blue orb materialized behind IFER within couple of seconds as his whole body was being sucked toward it to be demolished.

The blue orb was like a distortion in space and was seemingly functioning like black hole.

But before IFER'S body could be sucked toward the huge blue orb, Gojo with his outstretched hand completely crushed the the chest pad which seemed to be made from glass.

With the outer cell crushed, Gojo put his hand inside what would be heart where he found the core of IFER which he took out.

As soon as he took out the core, IFER'S body was sucked and destroyed by the man made black hole.

Looking at the orb in his hand, Gojo, with a smug smile crushed the red orb.

Immediately after crushing it Gojo could see with his eyes that IFER had finally died.

Gojo looked over the remains of the demon which was saved due to him deactivating <Conversion technique: blue>.

After looking at everything, Gojo deactivated the domain.

As soon as Gojo deactivated the technique, the black cube shattered into millions of pieces.

After the whole battle was over, Gojo took some time to gain his sanity after reaching a state where he believed himself to be a being comparable to a god.

His eyelids started growing heavier as his adrenaline stoped pumping his body.

He looked over his own wounds as he also felt himself extremely exhausted mentally.

"Haah, today was a long day."

As Gojo said that he started moving toward Human kingdom.

Gojo started walking toward his car slowly as he was moving he felt some humans moving toward his general direction.

"They must be from surveillance group of some guild or UNION."

Gojo thought as he continued moving forward.

Just when they were about to come infront of him,

he just vanished from the area as to avoid some questions of surveillance group.

But he made sure that they saw his face clearly.


After teleporting away from that problematic situation, i quickly used my car to return to my warehouse.

__________Scene Break___________

After some time, i finally arrived in my warehouse.

Before i could even move toward bathroom to shower i collapsed.

After who knows how long i woke up in a space covered with white.

It looked like my <Domain expansion> but most importantly i saw something that i could never imagine.

Standing infront of me was a tall figure with white hair and extremely handsome face but most importantly he had six eyes.

He looked like an older version of myself!!.

Now only one or two chapter are left in this whole volume. Next chapter is gonna be the most important chapter for me. II need to make sure there are no plot holes. I am writing this whole nearly sleeping so incase there is a mistake do point it out to me.

Inspiron_123creators' thoughts