
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 7

A/N: Going forward there is gonna be cringe. I absolutely asure you of that this might be one of the most cringe shit you guys might have ever seen. And i am writing this before even starting to write the chapter. I am hoping it won't be as cringey as it sounds in my head but whatever. Also keep in mind that six eyes makes one second equal to a minutes which means that couple of minutes to IFER is like giving Gojo two hours to think.



On the verge of death, i started seeing visions of someone or was that me?

Nevertheless i continued doing what i was doing before seeing those vision.

When death was closer to me than ever i started to grasp something.

What is this something?

This something maybe human or maybe vessel for controlling bodies or maybe the things that control the body.

When thinking about the last line only two plausible things came to my mind.

Maybe it is a Brain, no maybe not while i do feel that some connections but this grasping is not something brain should allow.

Or in that case maybe it is


When that thought surfaced in my brain i instinctively knew that was what i was grasping.

The concept of soul was something that i never understood really well.

In a way it made me repulse.


Cause i cound not grasp it.

Whatever it was i was never able to understand it.

It made me feel sick just thinking about me not being able to understand it.

Six eyes which allowed me to see everything.

A power which allowed me to understand everything never really granted me the ability to understand soul.

I hate being in dark about anything.

I hate it so much it make me sick.

I hated it so much that i even went as far as to keep cannon the same.

I guess what i am understanding is not only my soul but also my emotion.

It is really frightening that i lack understanding of soul so much.

It is giving me indescribable drive.

I think this is what greed is huh.

Soul is while something i still lack understanding about seems to be untouchable in some way.

Based on what i can feel right now.

I can say that

Soul is something that is free of space and time restrictions.

I am not sure how exactly it is same but it seems to make me feel.

I have spend what i feel like Millenniums.

(he is only feeling that a millenniums have gone by. This part is gonna be very important for his future power up i guess.)

I feel like i am comprehending myself more than my own soul.


i.....i feel like i am feeling what i have felt or atleast my soul have felt.

Whatever it is. It is very mind numing.

Maybe i should stop reasoning everything.

Even though i feel something. I just try using logic to comprehend it.

I should probably let the raw emotion guide me.

When i did that, I felt as if everything revolved around me.

I felt as if i was in control of everything.

It felt as if i could see everything.

It felt as if i could understand everything.

But in the end when i got everything, i felt i could not doing anything.

It made me feel helplessness that i have never felt or have i.

But before i could further think about it.

I felt something incredible.

I felt i could control things?

No i felt i could control energy.

Yes i could control energy to a soul level if you will say.

No it did not have anything to deal with soul but instead it was as if i could control energy to atomic level.

Maybe in this state only can i control it.

Maybe this is what will push me past what is possible.

I feel amazing.

I never felt better than this before.


I couldn't control my glee at all.

I felt like a child who had reached godhood.

Yes a child with the power of God is what I felt like and then abruptly the drakness around me, which i had not noticed before, shattered and i awoke to feel pain or atleast it was supposed to feel like pain but i guess this state made me not even feel pain.

3rd person POV

After couple of minutes in which Gojo was being enlightened, IFER was just looking at his body with a sinister grin.

"Looks like fun is over huh. Such a disappointment"

Spoke demon as he started moving toward Gojo as if to end the life of Gojo.

After arriving infront of Gojo's body, IFER without any use of demonic energy slashed at Gojo's head but astonishingly the strike never reached Gojo.

IFER, looked at Gojo properly just to find him(gojo) looking at him(IFER) with a unnerving grin and a strange glow in his eyes.

"Fun is over you say. Hehehehehe. Oh dear it has just began."

Hearing Gojo's word IFER facial expressions turned into a frown.

But before IFER could think about what Gojo said, Gojo just vanished from his initial position and instead appear few meters behind IFER.

But what was more strange was that Gojo was levitating which was unheard of from a <D> ranked human.

Gojo, just continued to watch IFER, as he turned around while some bloods was dripping from Gojo's face.

And the moment IFER turned his astonished eyes toward Gojo, Gojo with a grin made a hand seal and uttered the word

[Domain Expansion]

A 50 metres of area was swallowed by the darkness with Gojo as the centre.

A cube shaped space materialized from the drakness as a dark coloured cube was formed.

This was like an entrie dimension was being formed which alerted many powerful people all over the world.

Man this chapter was a weird idea of mine. At first i was not gonna give him any powers except making him human batter but i don't think that will be enough to kill a <B-> ranked demon. The difference between two is too big cause of 5 minor rank difference so, this is the power ups for him.

Inspiron_123creators' thoughts