(Naruto X Konosuba R-16+) Kazuma already has enough trouble looking after the "problem children". A priest that causes more harm than good, a hot-headed mage that is only good for one spell a day, and a perverted crusader that can't swing a sword to save her life... Why not add a loudmouthed ninja who yearns to stand out?
"Naruto! Come out and face the hand of god!"
Aqua shouted as she searched the rowdy guild hall for her target. But even as loud as she was, none of the guild members paid any attention.
Everyone in the guild seemed to have gotten used to Aqua's noisiness.
"Hey, Kazuma. Since Aqua's back, Darkness and I are going to go pick us out a good quest!"
Megumin said and when Kazuma gave her a lazy thunbs up, she and Darkness went to the bulletin board. It's not like they would be missing anything anyway. It was just going to be another one of Aqua and Naruto's arguments about him treating her.
"Aqua-Sama? Oh, could it be that Aqua-Sama is in Kazuma-San's party?"
Cecily deducted, drawing the goddess's attention to the group of seven.
"Aqua-Sama...? Wait... You don't actually believe Aqua's a goddess, do you?"
Naruto asked when he remembered Cecily was in fact a devote Axis Cult member, and Aqua claimed to be the very goddess of water that they worshipped.
"Aqua-Sama is simply Aqua-Sama."
Cecily simply responded with a gentle smile befitting that of a nun.
He couldn't tell if the girl was serious, or if she was simply playing along with Aqua's antics.
"Hm? What is one of my precious children doing here? Ah! There you are! How dare you ignore a goddess!"
Aqua asked while tilting her head, momentarily distracted. That is until her eyes fell on Naruto, which caused her rage flare up again.
"What's this? A lover's quarrel, Boss?"
Dust asked slyly, and Yunyun gasped.
Yunyun thought with eyes big as saucers as she watched Aqua rush over to their table. Was this another one of Naruto's supposed targets? It would only make sense, as Yunyun felt that any man would chase after a girl with such unnatural beauty.
But what did she mean by 'goddess'? Was this the girl that Naruto had mentioned during their trip? The one that had a troublesome personality and had a god complex?
"Shut up Dus-Whoa!"
Naruto began to say, but he was forced to lean back in his chair when Aqua finally made it to their table and all but shoved her face into his.
"Apologize! Apologize for ignoring me all day, and not thanking me when I so graciously healed you earlier! Do that, and I may just forgive you! Oh, and you have to treat me too now that your back!"+
'Too close! What is with these Axis Cultists and sticking their faces so close!?'
Naruto grabbed the girl's shoulders and extended his arms to get her away from his face.
"Y-you're right... I'm sorry for not thanking you for healing me earlier. Thanks for that. But why the hell do I have to treat you!? I'm sick and tired of treating people! I'm going broke, damn it!"
The only things Naruto had spent money on since coming to this world was his room, ingredients for his ramen, and his adventuring equipment. The last thing, which took up more than all those other things combined, was treating people to alcohol and snacks!
It's time to stop!
"Eh? Naruto isn't rich? Oh my, suddenly you don't quite look as handsome as before."
Cecily said while tapping her cheek and frowning.
Naruto's jaw dropped. That was all it took to turn her off!?
"I was worried for a second that you might have seduced one of my precious children, but it seems you ruined your own plan because you're so bad with women. If that weren't the case, you also wouldn't have to treat us so many times to apologize either."
Aqua said while snickering.
"I-I may not be good with women, but that doesn't mean I should have to treat you in apology!"
Naruto muttered, his ears burning red. This girl sure knew how to get underneath your skin. He thought he had gotten use to Aqua's more than difficult personality, but boy was he wrong.
"A man treating a girl is only common sense. Puhihihi! It's no wonder you don't have a girlfriend!"
Aqua said and laughed in a taunting manner, and Naruto's head hung low in a depressed state.
"Oi, Aqua. I think you went a little too far..."
Kazuma said after the shinobi fell silent. He see Naruto as the type to be affected by such a comment, since the ninja never really seem interested in girls despite being surrounded by them. But he had never seen the guy so gloomy before.
"H-hmph! I guess I can let you off the hook this time... I hope you understand how sensitive girls are now!"
Aqua said after a slight hesitation, because even she hadn't been expecting Naruto to react this way. The rowdy ninja usually shot right back up after everything that was thrown at him, so this reaction was new to her.
'Wow... That Aqua sure knows how to hit a man where it hurts... I wonder how the Boss is going to respond to this.'
Dust thought while eyeing his party leader in anticipation.
Yunyun frowned at seeing Naruto's reaction. She wanted to say something, but what if she only made it worse? Everything she said earlier seemed to backfire after all.
'But does Naruto-San really not have a lover? But Dust-San said... No, he only said Naruto-San was involved with multiple girls. That doesn't necessarily mean he crossed the line with them...'+
Despite feeling sorry for Naruto's current state, Yunyun couldn't help but feel relieved. That meant Naruto's sincerity was true, and he wasn't just some deviant trying to get close to pretty girls.
'Damn it... Why does Aqua know!?'
Naruto thought and gripped his fists.
So what if he didn't have a girlfriend? That didn't bother him at all! He just wasn't interested in that kind of thing yet! Besides, he had more important things to worry about-
Enjoy yourself.
Naruto's eyes widened when Jiraiya's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.
That's right. He was given a second chance to enjoy his life to the fullest, so why was he still stressing so much over doing hard quests as soon as possible?
Sure, going on challenging quests would satisfy his thirst for a challenge. But those kinds of quest would come eventually. In the meantime, he should be doing the things he hadn't had the chance to do back in Konoha.
But first he had to prove this bratty goddess wrong!
Naruto shot up from his depressed state, shocking the others. With a confident grin on his face, he pointed at the surprised Aqua.
"I can get a girlfriend, and I'm gonna prove it so just you wait! By the end of the week, Naruto Uzumaki will no longer be single! I promise that I'll prove you wrong, and I don't go back on my promises! Because that's my nindo, my ninja way!"
Aqua took a baffled step backwards. As she expected, the shinobi bounced back up. But what was this talk about getting a girlfriend all of a sudden!? Where was this coming from!?
Kurama, who had been listening to the entire conversation. The demon never thought the day that Naruto would declare his nindo for such a trivial matter. This new world might have changed the brat a lot more than the fox had anticipated, and he was looking forward to seeing if it was a good change or bad. Either way, the demon fox would enjoy himself.
Yunyun's eyes were spinning as she tried to comprehend what Naruto had just declared so boldly in front of everyone.
"H-hah? Don't make me laugh! What kind of girl would fall for a loudmouthed brat like you!?"
Aqua shouted, oblivious to the deadpanned expressions pointed at her throughout the guild.
Naruto chuckled. He knew Aqua wouldn't believe he could do it. But that was just what he was hoping for.
"Alright then, let's make a bet. If I can't get a girlfriend by the end of the week, I'll treat you to a drink whenever you want."
"Oi, Naruto... I don't think you should-"
Kazuma began to say, but he stopped when Naruto put a hand up.
"But if I win, then you have to take on Cecily's debt to the restaurant in her place. She is one of your 'precious children', isn't she?"
Naruto finished and raised his fist.
Aqua's eyes widened.
"OI! What nonsense are you spouting!? I can't believe I just tried to help you!"
Kazuma barked and slammed his hands on the table. If Naruto won and Aqua gained whatever debts Cecily had, then it would indirectly fall onto him! Just what was that blasted fake-ninja thinking!?
"I accept!"
Aqua declared and bumped Naruto's fist to seal the deal, causing Kazuma to face fault.
"At least think about it first!"
Kazuma pleaded, but it was no use. Aqua wasn't listening to a word he was saying. She had a stupid smirk on her face that was full of confidence. Where in the world did that confidence even come from? Did she not realize the significance of this bet? If she lost, then they would fall to even more debt!
Debt that she herself had caused!
"I expected nothing less, Boss."
Dust said while nodding sagely. Taking risks when it came to women was a man's romance. As expected of the man he vowed to follow to understand this. Now he just needed to support Naruto's decision with his priceless advice on girls. He would surely be rewarded for his help, right?
A thought suddenly occurred to Dust, and he looked past the stiff Yunyun towards Cecily.
"Hey, aren't you going to say something like: "Naruto already won, since he has me!" or something like that?"
"Of course not. This is a competition between Naruto and Aqua-Sama. I have no right to butt in. Besides, my goal is to marry a rich and handsome young man so I can live the remainder of my days in leisure."
Cecily said before resting her head over her arms on the table, the conversation was starting to become rather boring to her.
"Not even trying to hide it, are we?"
Dust really didn't want anything to do with Axis Cultists. But Naruto already made the decision, so he was just going to have to deal with it. Well, not that he could blame her for wanting to live an easy life.
"Now then... Dust! Yunyun! Cecily! Let's go on a quest as a real party!"
Naruto declared and ran over to the request board to look for something decent.
"You got it Boss! Ah, but Cecily fell asleep. What should we do with her?"
Dust said and threw a thumb over his shoulder at Cecily, who was resting her head on the table and snoring softly.
"...We'll get her after we pick a quest."
Naruto said with a deadpanned expression and slowed to a walk, his enthusiasm now gone. He knew he was going to regret letting that priestess join his party, but it was too late to complain now.
Besides, he already vowed to change Dust for the better. Why not change the crazy priestess while he was at it?
"Oh, you're back Megumin. We'll have our Explosion competition tomorrow like I promised, so prepare yourself."
Naruto said as he passed Megumin and Darkness, who had just picked out a quest form and were walking back to the table.
"Fufufu... Very well. Looks like I have no choice but to show you the true power of Explosion magic!"
Megumin said while covering her patched eye and flipped her cape for added effect.
"Hm? The argument's already over? Did we miss anything?"
Darkness asked their party leader, who was currently sobbing into his hands.
"Nothing... You missed absolutely nothing..."
Kazuma mumbled before he glared at Aqua, who was watching Naruto with a triumphant look on her face. That girl didn't have a guilty bone in her body, did she?
Yunyun, who had been petrified by the sudden turn of events, regained the light in her eyes.
"A-ah! Wait for me Naruto-San! Megumin! Next time we'll have our showdown too!"
The shy mage declared before she quickly moved to follow her party members.
Megumin chuckled to herself before turning to her own party.
"What a troublesome bunch... Hey, Kazuma. Let's hurry up and go on a quest already. I need to make sure my Explosion magic is in peak condition for tomorrow's match. Darkness and I chose a really good one!"
"That's right! If we keep lazing around all day like a certain HikiNEET, then we'll be giving Naruto a chance to catch up to us!"
Aqua agreed and started pushing Kazuma to get him up.
"...Catch up? How could we keep Naruto from catching up when we already have a forty-million Eris debt that we have to pay off!? Not to mention you actually accepted that ludicrous bet! I'm doomed with debts for the rest of my life, and it's all your fault! I should just leave all the debt onto you, you stupid goddess of poverty!"
Kazuma shouted while he continued to mercilessly pinch Aqua's cheeks.
"O-oww! I'm sowwy! Don't abandon me Kazuma-San!"
"Don't worry Kazuma! That just means we have to do more challenging quests that pay more like this one! Ahn~! I'm really looking forward to this one..."
Darkness said while hugging the request to her form tightly.
"Here, let me see that..."
Kazuma said and let go of Aqua so he could snatch the paper from his blonde party member, and the goddess quickly hid behind Darkness for protection.
Pineapple Harvest-
Due to lack of manpower, the pineapples this season have been causing trouble for the farmers. Any adventurers willing to help would be greatly appreciated. Female adventurers must be wary of the pineapple's acidic juices. One drop will burn through any apparel weaker than iron class armor and cause burn status effects.
"Rejected! Who would want to fight such a dangerous sounding fruit!? This is my only pair of adventuring clothes, and you don't have your armor yet Darkness!"
Kazuma said and slammed the request form on the table.
"That's exactly why we should take this quest! The farmers are short-handed on adventurers right now since everyone still has reward money leftovers from the battle with the Dullahan! Besides, you won't have to worry about getting your clothes ruined! Even without my armor, I'll be able to tank the hits! Ngh! Just thinking about getting hit by such wonderful sounding juices makes me shutter in anticipation...!"
Darkness said while hugging her form and squirming.
Kazuma was left speechless as he watched his pervert of a teammate. It was no use... This girl was completely hopeless.
"By the way, how much money does Cecily owe that restaurant anyway? It can't be that much..."
Kazuma decided to ask the priestess, who was still sleeping on the table.
"Munya...? Oh. Four-million Eris."
Cecily said with a drowsy expression before resting her head back on the table, and Aqua could be seen creeping away in the background.
Over at the request bulletin, Naruto looked back to see Kazuma chasing Aqua around the guild.
'Sorry Kazuma... But sacrifices needed to be made. I can't perfect my ramen with an empty wallet.'
Naruto thought before looking back at the board to continue his search. He'd make it up to the guy and help him with high paying quests if he needed help, but Aqua still needed to be taught a lesson.
Ah, that is if he managed to get a girlfriend and won the bet.
A/N: I think this is a good place to stop the chapter. Now then, next time is Naruto's party's first quest!