
In Another World With My Smartphone(Fanfic)

Follow Alex's journey who is reincarnated in the world of 'another world with my smartphone' as he builds his own kingdom and start his conquest to become the greatest ruler ever

Im_Lucifer_Mors · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Learning Magic

In the ancient days, Sandora was a land of fragmented and squabbling tribes. Legend has it that a man appeared and united one of the tribes, the Flari Tribe, to unify the others, ultimately creating the unified Sandora we know today.

He was also credited with creating the Submission Collars, although a later version was mass-produced by another individual. And used them to control the people of other tribes and made them fight for him.

Under his leadership and that of his descendants, commoners were oppressed for centuries. The situation worsened over time, leading to a rebellion under a new leader.

The group's founder discovered the Secret Door, an artifact capable of building an underground space that now serves as the rebels' base.

Their sole purpose is to abolish the rule of slave kings and eradicate slavery from Sandora once and for all.


(Alex's POV)

Well that was quite a tale..

Currently I'm sleeping in one of the tents Lexi has provided me with.

Lexi..that girl it seems she holds a powerful position in the camp and is very respected within the camp.

For now I have atleast secured a place to stay in.

I have also decided to join the rebels for now... don't get me wrong I have no intentions of helping these people or something, I just joined the group so that I could gain more knowledge about this world.

I'm not sure about what I want to do in my future...But for now I want to gain more knowledge about these world, about magic and all to be able to get strong as quickly as possible.

This world maybe a world of anime or something but for me it's my new reality.

I have died once no more than once and I don't know If I will be able to get another chance after dying once again.

I want to become strong..so strong that I can protect myself and everything I have.

I don't want to be at the mercy of anyone, like these time when that fucker of a god killed me by his so-called mistake and took everything I worked so hard for away from me.

For now to survive in this world I would need to learn more about magic and develop my powers faster.

Opening my phone I watched the news of my previous world..Everywhere it was just news about my death.

Everyone was grieving over my death and praying for me... there were also people asking for what would now happen to crown group.


I couldn't help but sigh looking at the news before closing the app.

Looking at the old tent I'm currently sleeping in I thought.

"Today really was a hectic day"

Muttering to myself I closed my eyes entering the sweet world of dreams.


"Interested in learning about magic, are you?" Lexi asked, staring directly at Alex with a suspicious look in her narrowed eyes.

"Yes, I am," Alex replied without hesitation.

Lexi raised an eyebrow and asked, "Didn't you tell me that you were teleported to Sandora by mistake?"

Alex nodded. "Yes, I was teleported here accidentally, but I never claimed to know anything about magic."

"I was teleported here because of someone else's null magic as for me I have never bothered to learn magic and mostly dedicated myself to learning more about weapons"

Lexi continued to scrutinize him. "So, you don't even know the basics of magic?"

"I do know a bit about it, but it's been a while since I've had any exposure to magic, so I've forgotten most of what I once knew," Alex admitted.

Lexi let out a sigh and facepalmed. "I've never taught magic before, but since you saved my life yesterday, the least I can do is teach you. However, don't get your hopes up too high, and if I discover that you have no talent for magic, I will stop teaching you."

"Thank you so much, Lexi!" Alex exclaimed with a beaming smile.

Lexi blushed, caught off guard by Alex's irresistible charm. Despite herself, she found herself drawn to his handsome features. "Ahem," she coughed, embarrassed by her own reaction.

" So Alex, what is your magical aptitude?" asked Lexi.

"I don't know, I've never checked," replied Alex with a wry smile. He knew that Touya had an aptitude for all types of magic, but he wasn't sure about himself. While he thought he had all magic aptitudes, he was afraid of making a fool out of himself if he didn't have any. He realized there was nothing wrong with checking for them.

"You don't even know your magical aptitude. Let's check it now," said Lexi as she pulled out a small pouch from her waist and took out seven gemstones.

"These are spellstones used as a catalyst by magicians to invoke spells and determine one's aptitude for magic. There are seven aptitudes for magic: fire, water, wind, earth, light, dark, and null."

Alex performed a test with the six elemental stones and was proven to have an aptitude for all six elemental magic.

Lexi was left speechless since she only had an aptitude for two elements, fire and wind. She looked at Alex with wide eyes before proclaiming him a once in a century genius.

"Now, it's time to test for null element," said Lexi.

"The Null element is a bit special. It doesn't have any particular incantation. Instead, it activates based on your magical energy and spell name alone," explained Lexi. "For example, my null spell Grimore, when invoked, manifests an illusory book in front of me, which holds the knowledge about all spells in existence."

Alex tried to invoke the spell by chanting its name, but the spellstone didn't glow, indicating that Alex didn't have an aptitude for null element.

While Alex muttered the name of the spell, he didn't channel his magical power properly, not invoking the spell as he was supposed to.

It wasn't because he wanted to be low-key, but because he didn't fully trust Lexi and the others of the rebel camp to show them his ability to be able to use all kinds of null spells by simply chanting and channeling his magic power.

He don't want to go around tell others about that he has talent for performing all kinds of magic in existence like certain someone as this isn't some kind of fairy tale like anime but his reality now where everything is real and humans too who might try to harm him after knowing about his powers.

So until he gets powerful enough to defend himself he doesn't plan on revealing his powers till then.

With his physical powress and his skills he had honed in his previous life for handling weapons he is sure to be able to defend himself in this world but let's not forget about the existence of magic in this world which can allow people to cast powerful magic but also alleviate ones physical status too.

After finishing his first-ever lesson with Lexi, Alex returned to his tent and invoked Grimore.


A magic circle formed in front of him, and a purple-colored large book emerged from it. Alex felt an insignificant amount of his magical power being used, which though was insignificant in front of his large magic reserves, is still a lot for ordinary people but he still needed to continuously supply magical energy to keep the book manifested in this plane.

Looking down at the magical book in his hand, Alex couldn't help but let out a wide grin.

"Now, this is what we call being overpowered."