
In Another World With My Heavenly Beast

Arthur Pendragon was a 15-year-old loser, with no friends, parents, and a bleak future. To distract himself from his parents' early death he hid himself away in his novels. His future would have stayed bleak if not for a mistake by God. He was killed by a stray bolt of lightning hitting his house... How did it kill him specifically when his relatives were also home? He was not sure... For such a blunder Arthur Pendragon was given a chance to reincarnate into another world along with "One wish". After an indeterminant time, Arthur finally made his wish and thus his journey starts in a world of Magic. With his God-given abilities, what will Arthur do in his new world? Continue to distract himself from the sadness of losing his parents? Will he use his powers for good or evil? Will he become a hero or villain? Will he be able to finally move on from his parents' death? ================================================================== Discord Link --> https://discord.gg/4QJVKcSTjd ================================================================== Note: The cover was made with Canva ai ==================================================================

OGC · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Royal Blood Ritual!



It wasn't his doing.

Also, why did Violet bite him?

Does she have a disease?

No, it's not the time to think about that.

When are these vampires going to stop sucking his blood?

Will he get wrung dry?

And why does it feel so good?


After what felt like an eternity, Arthur felt the two soft and slippery tongues finally receding allowing him to finally breathe in reli…

Smooch x2

"D-d-darling, I feel so sleepy!" Scarlet said embarrassingly after taking her lips off of Arthur's cheek.

"Hmmm, hubby, can you tuck me into bed~?" Violet said with half closed eyes whilst slowly rubbing her cheek against Arthur's.



So soft.

So warm.

So comfortable.

Arthur felt so comfortable, he had woken up a few minutes ago and realized the situation he was in.

He was sleeping on a king sized bed.

It was the comfiest bed he's ever been blessed to sleep on.

The bed he slept on in his former world was no better than sleeping on the ground.

As for this bed, it was truly divine he could roll as much as he wanted and never fall off.

The room itself was equally gigantic and beautiful with its minimalist design.

It was so comfortable that all he could think about was the bed…

DAMN who was he kidding?

The bed was only an afterthought, his mind was full of what had transpired earlier.

The double Koala hug.

The double bite.

The slippery soft tongues.

T-t-the k-kiss… HIS FIRST KISS!

And it was with the two cutest girls he'd ever seen in both of his lives.

Models? Who are they?

Supermodels? Adding super won't make a difference.

Miss World?

Miss Universe? 

Miss International?

Miss Earth?

His heart felt it was beating at Mach speed.

A-and what Scarlet and Violet said after the k-kiss.

"D-d-darling, I feel so sleepy!"

"Hmmm, hubby, can you tuck me into bed~?" 



What is his blood made out of?


It was under the watch of Scarlet and Violet's parents.

Out of sheer embarrassment, he buried himself under the blanket.

They probably wanted to kill him.

As for why he wasn't meeting his Grandfather Yamamoto again, it must have been Yuki who probably saved him.

He didn't know what to do, stay in bed until the day of his meeting with Grandfather Yamamoto?

He couldn't leave the room. 

How could he face Scarlet and Violet after what happened?

What would their parents think of seeing him?

At this point, afterall his blabbering he was convinced it was his blood.

Or else how could Scarlet and Violet act that way?

God, what did you do?

Knock Knock

"Young master Arthur!"

"Young master Arthur!"

If he doesn't answer, whoever the female voice belongs to will go away.

"Young master Arthur, I am aware that you are currently awake. The Grand Duke, Grand Duchess, and Her Majesty the Queen are waiting for your arrival in the dining room. There are more appropriate clothes in the closet to the left of your bed. Please change and hurry out." The female voice said from behind the double doors.

Sigh, it was inevitable, he couldn't hide forever.

"Y-yes, I will be out shortly."

He couldn't keep his uncles and aunts waiting.

So he removed the blanket off of him, got up, and fixed the bed.

After opening the closet Arthur was stunned by a very familiar pair of black T-shirts and black shorts.

Feeling that it would be rude to continue making his uncle and aunts wait, he hurriedly changed and after taking a deep breath of carriage he saw a familiar looking woman.

Bowing slightly "Young master Arthur, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Cecilia."

Bowing in reply "Ms Cecilia, I apologize for making you wait. May I ask how long I was unconscious?"

"Yes, but I do not mind. As for how long? Young master it is currently the next day precisely Eight O'clock in the morning."

"I-I see." 

As he walked through the halls he continued to feel embarrassed and slightly apprehensive.

After noticing Arthur's silence, Cecilia turned around and saw his anxious blushing face causing her to chuckle lightly.

But she didn't respond in words to his behavior and continued leading the way before an open door came in view to which she gestured for him to enter and with a last bow she left.

Spotting a familiar black haired youth entering the dining room, Ern, who was previously sitting, stood up laughing joyously "Hohoho, Arthur my boy, come, come sit here. We have much to talk about." gesturing to the seat opposite of him.

"Arthur dear, how was your rest?" Lynn asked worriedly, remembering how he had lost consciousness.

"Did you sleep well~?" Elaine on the other hand asked teasingly, remembering the reason why he had fallen unconscious.

Surprised by the warm reception, Arthur almost fumbled before bowing low "Uncle, Aunt Lynn, and Aunt Elaine p-"

"Arthur dear, is something the matter? Do you feel ill? Should I call Royal Physician Reynar?" Lynn asked worriedly as she checked his body up and down. 

"Arthur my boy, did my daughter and niece drink too much of your blood?" Ern guessed.

"N-no, I am fine. I was just wondering are you all not made for what I did?" Arthur asked, lowering his head once more.

"My boy, how could we ever be mad at you after everything you have done for Scarlet and Violet?" Ern laughed, patting the boy's shoulder.

"Brother in law is correct, if not for an emergency which can only be handled by husband, he would have personally thanked you for what you have done for Scarlet and our daughter."

Feeling relieved, Arthur raised his head "Was Violet also cursed?"

"Cursed? Violet has always been heavily protected. How could she get cursed?" Ern was confused. Could Arthur have made a mistake or was he mistaken?

Seeing the confusion on Uncle Ern's face, Arthur too became confused, "If Violet wasn't cursed or afflicted with a disease then why did she drink my blood?"




Noticing the weird faces of his Uncle Ern, Aunt Lynn, and Aunt Elaine, Arthur asked "Did I say something wrong?"

"Arthur my boy, do you perhaps not know the significance of a Royal Blood Ritual?" Ern asked tentatively. Could it be that Arthur truly did not understand the significance of offering one's blood to a Royal Vampire?

"Royal Blood Ritual?" Arthur titled his head at the new term. He couldn't remember reading any novels that mentioned a Royal Blood Ritual.

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