
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 23 Rizhaan ( Part 1)

The next in queue was Rizhaan. Although unwilling, he went forward to touch the crystal.

Rizhaan was born in a normal and simple human family. He had a laborious father who worked day and night and a kind mother who loved him so much. His father was a small merchant who had to travelled to many cities for his work. Due to his work, Rizhaan spent very less time with his father. His mother was a housewife who tend to house works. She sometimes did manial jobs in other people's houses to earn a living. Even after being born poor, he had a happy life.

He also attended a school for small children and also played with his friends. At the age of seven, he was deemed brilliant in his grades.

Everything was going perfect in his life.

But everything took a sudden wrong turn one day.

After a few days of his eighth birthday, Rizhaan was sleeping in his room. He suddenly woke up at night after hearing some faint noises from downstairs. He came out of his room after hearing the muffled noises. The noise was coming from his parents room.

Rizhaan was innocent, he did not think anything and went to check the source of the noise. Upon reaching there, what he found was that some people in black clothes and masks were choking his mother and try to kill her. When Rizhaan realised this, he panicked and shouted for his mother. He quickly ran there to save her but was captured by another masked person. His captivator was about to kill him too along with his mother but suddenly suddenly realised something and changed his mind.

He looked at the Mother-son pair and decided not to kill but capture and bring them along with then alive. In the room, Rizhaan tried to find his father, but could not. There was no one in the room except him, his mother and black clothed people. His father had surprisingly disappeared that night. Rizhaan had a bad feeling and suspected that these people had already killed his father, and now it is their turn.

But why?

He could not understand why would someone want to kill them? What wrong they had done? He could not think of any reason that would bring such disaster upon them. But before he could think anymore, the captivators made both of them unconscious.


After a long time, Rizaan opened his eyes slowly. He was feeling very weak but he still tried to move his body somehow. After some struggle, he managed to sit up straight. His hands and legs were cuffed with iron chains. As sudden he looked in front, a horrible face came in his view and he was scared shitless after seeing that face. The one who scared him started laughing like a maniac. His laugh was so sinister that hearing that Rizhaan peed in his pants.

Rizhaan was scared horribly because of two reasons. First, he was alone with a maniac in an unknown dark place and second was that the maniac in front of him was not a human at all. From books, he had learned the facial features and body structures of all the races. He was sure that the one in front of him was a demon.

Rizhaan had heard how cruel the demons are to the other races. Suddenly, Rizhaan started shouting for help and called his mother. He understood that those black clothed people were all demons and they brought his mother with them too.

The demon started laughing more after hearing the kid shouting for his mother...

A nasty thought came to his mind and he dragged him to another room after taking him out of his prison forcefully and threw him inside. When Rizhaan looked ahead, his heart stopped beating for a second and his mind went numb from shock. In that room, six to seven horrible looking demons were violating a woman very brutally. The poor woman was none other than his mother. She was in an undescribable condition.

Her clothes were torn from many places. She was practically naked lying there and was raped. She was crying miserably and begging for mercy. She was trying very hard to push those demons on top of her. But her strength was enough to push them. Her resistance was futile. The demons started beating her in the face with their punches. The more she resisted, the more she was beaten brutally.

Rizhaan's eyes turned bloodshot seeing her condition. He was trying to move but his hands and legs were tied and the demon who brought him here pressed him with his feet and did not let him move. When the other demons saw the kid struggling, they were amused and started laughing seeing his futile struggles. They started raping her more violently now that Rizhaan was in front of them. The demons enjoyed after seeing his despair filled face. Those demons were very twisted from their minds. They find satisfaction seeing others in grieves.

His mother was totally helpless and embarassed seeing her own son watching her getting raped. Rizhaan was quivering and roaring like a wild beast. He wanted to kill all the demons in front of him. Seeing her son's crying face, she wanted to hold him and cry. The demons were gloating from inside seeing their condition. They continued to rape her until she gradually passed out from pain and trauma.


After hours, finally the demons left the room after having their enjoyment. In the end, Rizhaan could not protect his mother's chastity from them. He was sobbing silently. This heavy feeling was too much for his fragile heart. This feeling of helplessness and weakness churned his heart. Only God know what was going inside his heart and mind.

Her mother could not bring herself to look at her son now that she was defiled and her son failed to protect her.

'What could a mere seven year old child could do in front of those monstrosity?' This was the only thought that came to her mind.

She wanted to die and disappear. But after seeing her son, she changed her mind. After some time his mother came to him and hugged him tightly. She was bleeding from many places but was still worried about her pitiful son. He had to witness such cruelness at a very young age. There was a heavy blow in his heart and his mental condition was definitely not stable. Anger, unwillingness, cruelness, hatred and many negative emotions ware taking roots inside his heart.

But the tragedy was that, the current incident was not the end of his hellish life. He was beaten to a pulp and was forced to become a servant of the demons and his mother had already became a sex slave for the demons, for the rest of their lives. They were forced to live this miserable life. Sometimes, they had to work in the mines too.

There were other human slaves like them who went with the same treatment. Rizhaan could not care less about others. His heart has turned into stone and his mind already had committed several hundred murders from inside. His mother's case was worse. She was occasionally targeted by demons to fulfill their demands. She became a casual plaything.

Rizhaan could not see her mother like this. He several times tried to kill those demons but was always unsuccessful. He was still alive because the demons found his efforts amusing and fun to look at. But they did not know that the amount of hatred inside him was enough to easily drown their whole Empire.

Due to her conditions, she became pregnant with demons' child many times but she killed every one of them even before they could be born. This was her way to take revenge those demons bastards. She was unwilling to keep a demonic child within her womb. For this, she was often beaten many times. The only thing Rizhaan could do was watch his mother, suffer continuously with a powerless and heavy heart.

He had also tried to escape with his mother before but was caught. As for their punishment, the demons broke his limbs and her mother was violated for many days.

The demons also decided to teach them a lesson which they would remember forever. They brought both of them together and revealed a shocking truth about their life.

Actually, the person whom Rizhaan called his father was actually a demon. He was sent as a spy and an assassin in the human kingdom to assassinate his targets. For the success of his operation and be less suspicious, he took a human form with the help of some forbidden magic and and also married a women there. He worked as a merchant to travel to cities and towns and execute his tasks. With time, the woman he married gave birth to a boy. And after several years, when his mission was completed, he returned back to his home leaving behind his wife and his child. He also sent assassins from his hometown to kill his fake family. Due to his own father, Rizhaan and his mother were suffering today like this.

As the demons expected, this heavy blow was too much for him and his mother. His mother has always despised the idea of giving birth to a demonic child and now her own son was the seed of a demon? Due to her shock, she went into a mental breakdown. On the other hand, Rizhaan's mind was in turmoil. He realized, till now they were just pawns who were dancing in their hands and their life was just time pass for them.

Rizhaan had promised himself, one day he will turn this whole Empire into a Hellhole. Each and every demon in this world would neither will able live nor be able to die. He will torment their bodies and souls in such brutality that the world will shudder from its core. And if he failed to fulfill this promise, he will burn his own soul into the greatest depth of Hell.

After Rizhaan became ten years old, his memories recovered but his 'Deathtone' mind did not change but actually he found a possible way to fulfill his promise. He will wait for the day he awakened, later he will raze this ground in ashes. But somehow the news that he was an otherworlder spread around. He was directly taken to see the Emperor.