
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 17 Growth type Gift

Varun came out of the Citadel Tower. He looked around and and found everything was same. He then looked at the time in the clock on top of the building. The concept of clock was also taken from his old world and it was made by Artificers. The Tower was still bustling with people even at 10:00 pm in the night. He wasted no time and went to the inn. It was time for dinner.

''You sure took a long time in the Tower. Was it so fun?'' Horus said to Varun.

''Sorry, I am late but yeah it was fun.'' Varun said.

''It's good that you are enjoying it. All first-timers are like that in the beginning. After you rise to further levels ahead, the difficulties are going to be tough then. I bet that time you OOOW.''

''OUCH, honey what did I do? I was just explaining to him.'' Horus said in a wronged voice.

''Don't spoil his fun now. He will gain that experience by himself. If he is enjoying it now, then let him be.'' Amber scolded Horus for giving spoilers.

Seeing his parents Varun remembered that the Tower said that people outside are aware of Legendary Gifts. Varun was hesitating if he should tell his parents about his Growth type Gift or not. It's okay to hide it from the world but he didn't want to hide it from his parents. There would be many things in the future which he would have to hide from them but not now.

He decided to measure the water first. He would just ask his parents about the Gift. If they were to show the positive reaction then he will not hesitate to tell them but if they show a negative reaction then he will not tell them anything about it.

''Dad, mom. I heard from somewhere but do you know anything about Growth type Gifts?''

When Varun asked this question all four of them were having their dinner at the table. Both Horus and Amber stopper eating after hearing his question. Both of them had surprised expression on their faces.

Well, Nisha was still eating her food. She did not even understand what was going on and what they were talking about. She was just watching everything with interest.

After thinking for some time, Horus was the first who opened his mouth and said.

''Growth type huh? I have heard about it before. In the past those who had this type of Gift were ridiculously strong compared to the others. Very, very few people had managed to awaken this Gift. I don't think there is anyone in the present time who currently possess it.

The rumours say that the very first otherworlder who came from your old home planet possessed this Gift and he was very strong compared to the other otherworlders. I just know this much.''

After hearing everything about Growth type Gift from Horus, Varun nodded his head. These information were definitely useful for him who was dying earlier to know some details about his Gift. After that he turned his head to his mother. She was a Noble so she was bound to be more knowledgeable and must had more information than his father who is a commoner.

''I can only tell you this. The value of a person with a Growth type Gift is as great as the King of a nation himself.

Because of their tendency to become many times stronger than anyone and in a very much less time, they are revered no less than a King. They get the best treatment no matter where they are in the world.

The person with a Growth type Gift is the only one who can fight against the Hell beings above King-tier(Rank 6). The Hell beings above King-tier are very mysterious and very likely impossible to kill. Till today, after hundreds of years of arrival of Hell beings in this world, only one Anonymous-tier(Rank 7) Hell being was killed and it was by the hands of the first otherworlder. That's just how strong these monsters are. Anyone who had ever tried to fight a Rank 7 Hell being before never returned alive again. The first otherworlder was really amazing.''

''Wait, why are you just calling him the first otherworlder? Had he not had a name?'' Varun said with dissatisfaction. In his eyes, it was a total disrespect towards someone who saved them all.

''Its not like he did not had a name. It's just that no one knows his name. Only his title is known to everyone.'' Amber said.

''It is strange that no one knows his name but who knows maybe at that time, he was just being cautious of the others. After all, he was the first person to arrive here from his own world.'' Horus said.

Varun also found it strange that this world is not even aware of its saviour's name but did not put much thought on it and asked his next question.

''So, if someone from tomorrow's ceremony in the Sun Temple awakened a Growth type Gift then....''

''Then that person will become a National treasure, no doubt. He will be fought over by other nations or kingdoms.'' Amber said.

''Haah, as if. Is it that easy to awaken a Growth type Gift? I don't think so.'' Horus said after stuffing food again in his mouth.

''Your dad is right. Even in this current age, only the 'Dragon Emperor' of 'Muzan Empire' has this kind of Growth type Gift and it is a beast type. Even so, he is currently the strongest among all the Kings. Other Dragon Kings hold him as a God.'' Amber said.

''Wait a minute. What do you mean by beast type? How many types are there?'' Varun asked frantically. This information was very crucial for him.

''Well, as per my knowledge there are three categories of Growth type Gifts.''

1. Beast type.

2. Legend type.

3. Mythic type.

''In beast type, the Inheritance is given only to a host of beast races by God-beasts. The beast type is like totally reserved for only beast type races like vampires, werewolves, dragons and demons. The Dragon Emperor also has the beast category Growth type Gift. The rumours say that he had acquired it directly from 'Narnia'. She was a God-beast.''

(Author's Note: 'Narnia' was the Mother of all Dragons.)

''In Legend type, the inheritance is either given by some Legendary heroes or Immortal sages or Angels. The first otherworlder also had the Legend type Gift. But I don't know whose inheritance he had. Now the last type.''

Amber's voice became heavy now.

''It was only mentioned in a forbidden history book which I rode in my father's chambers so I don't know its authenticity. Mythic-tier Gifts are the most formidable and strongest ones. This type contain the inheritance of Primordial Gods and fearsome Devils. No one had ever awakened a Mythic tier Gift till now. I can guarantee that.''

''In the historic records it is said that after the Gods abandoned the Lovinia before the

'Black Day', they were disappointed by the deeds and actions of Lovinians. The demolition of Temples and Churches of Gods and Devils by mortals brought a curse upon them which led to the opening of Hell and it was decided that no any single living person in Lovinia would ever get the inheritance of any Gods or Devils. The history is full of many dark events and secrets of the past.'' Amber completed her theory.

Varun was really shocked this time. All the information he obtained today was a secret not known by many.

''Enough about this topic. You have asked so many questions from us but did not tell us why you suddenly got interested in this Growth type Gift.'' Horus asked.

Varun did not answer him. He had gotten a positive response from his parents. He just looked in Horus's eyes and smiled mysteriously.

Seeing his smirk, suddenly Horus and Amber came to an understanding and they dropped their food from their hands and mouths. They first looked at each other first and then towards their son in shock. Their hands were trembling with excitement and shock and they asked in shivering voices.

''S-Son. You are joking, right? Don't tell me.'' Horus said. His breathing became hard already.

''No dad. I am not joking.''

''I should not ask this but I can't hold my curiosity. Varun, can you tell me which type is it?'' Amber asked with a fever on her head.

Nisha was looking at everything with curious eyes. She could not understand what happened but she was sure that something interesting was going on.

''Okay. I will tell you. Please don't be shocked anymore. It's actually ........the Mythic type.''

Horus fell backward along with the chair he was sitting on. His eyes rolled backwards and foam was coming out his mouth. He was totally unconscious. He could not handle the shock. On the other hand, Amber was drinking water and it was her fifth glass already. She was trying to cool down by drinking water but the water was not helping her.

''Dad. Are you okay?'' Nisha screamed seeing her father falling down.

'I think the shock was too much for them after all.' Varun thought and sighed.

After one hour, when Nisha was asleep in her bed, everyone calmed down and had a serious chat among themselves.

''Son, I know that in the future you would become a VVVIP but I must tell you that there are also some people who don't want to see someone rising more than themselves and also people who would try to get their hands on you for your powers. Do you get what I am trying to say?'' Horus warned him.

''I completely understand what you are saying. This will remain a secret until I become confident that I can face any situation by myself.''

''It's good. I don't need to say much then. You are really my smart son. I am proud of you.''

''Please, always remain safe son. We don't ask you anything but your good health and safety.'' Amber said with worry in her eyes. Her son would soon become the target of attraction and prey and thia thought worried her.

Varun smiled looking at her and nodded.

''Okay. Let's go to sleep now. Tomorrow is an important day. We have to attend the awakening ceremony in Sun Temple.'' Horus said and they all went to sleep.