
In Another World With My Building Skills (Discountinued)

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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104 Chs

To Eredor

The dawn broke over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the encampment where Kenta and his companions rested. The previous night's victory against the dungeon boss had bolstered their spirits and strengthened their resolve. They knew that their journey was far from over and that greater challenges awaited them in Eredor. With the mysterious power crystal now in their possession, they felt more prepared than ever to face the trials ahead.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the trees, Kenta awoke, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He stood and stretched, the muscles in his powerful frame rippling with each movement. He glanced around the camp, seeing his companions beginning to stir.

Roderick was already up, sharpening his sword with a focused expression. Alina sat cross-legged near the campfire, meditating and drawing on the magical energies of the power crystal. Finn was perched on a low branch, keeping watch and scanning the surroundings with his sharp eyes.

Kenta walked over to Roderick, who looked up and nodded. "Ready for another day of adventure?" Roderick asked, his tone cheerful despite the early hour.

"Always," Kenta replied with a grin. "Eredor awaits, and I can't wait to see what it has in store for us."

Alina opened her eyes and smiled at them. "The power crystal is incredible. It's already enhanced my magical abilities. I can't wait to see what else it can do."

Finn jumped down from the tree and joined the group. "We should get moving soon. The sooner we reach Eredor, the sooner we can uncover its secrets."

With their spirits high and their resolve strong, they packed up their camp and set out on their journey. The path ahead was rugged and challenging, but they moved with determination, their goal clear in their minds.

The dense forests of Eredor gave way to open plains as they journeyed east. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the distant calls of birds. The land seemed to stretch endlessly before them, a vast expanse of untamed wilderness.

For days, they traveled, the landscape gradually changing from rolling hills to rocky terrain. The path became more treacherous, but they pressed on, driven by the promise of discovery and adventure.

One evening, as they set up camp near a bubbling brook, Finn spoke up. "I've been thinking about the tales of Eredor," he said, his voice thoughtful. "They say it's a land of great power and mystery, filled with ancient relics and forgotten knowledge. What exactly are we hoping to find there?"

Kenta looked into the flickering flames of their campfire. "Eredor is a place where the old and new collide. It's said to hold secrets that could change the world. We need to find those secrets, understand them, and ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands."

Roderick nodded. "And the power crystal? What do you think its purpose is?"

Alina, who had been studying the crystal closely since they found it, spoke up. "I believe it's a key. A key to unlocking something of immense power in Eredor. We need to find out what it is and how to use it wisely."

Their journey took them through diverse landscapes: vast deserts with shimmering dunes, lush forests with towering trees, and high mountain passes where the air was thin and cold. Each step brought them closer to Eredor, and each day tested their resolve and their strength.

One afternoon, as they crossed a narrow mountain pass, they encountered a group of travelers heading in the opposite direction. The travelers were a ragtag band of adventurers, weary and battered from their own journey.

"Greetings," Kenta called out, raising a hand in a friendly gesture. "Where do you come from?"

The leader of the group, a burly man with a scar across his face, looked them over. "We've just come from Eredor," he said, his voice rough. "A word of advice—turn back while you still can. That place is cursed."

Alina stepped forward, curiosity in her eyes. "What do you mean? What did you find there?"

The man shook his head. "We found nothing but death and despair. The land itself seems to be alive, twisted and malevolent. It's like it's protecting something, or someone."

Kenta exchanged a glance with his companions. "Thank you for the warning. But we have to go on. There's something we need to find in Eredor."

The man shrugged. "Suit yourselves. Just be careful. Eredor is not a place for the faint of heart."

With that, the travelers continued on their way, leaving Kenta and his companions to ponder their words.

As they neared the border of Eredor, the landscape changed once more. The air grew heavy with a sense of ancient power, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to pulse with a faint, rhythmic energy. The trees here were twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers.

"This place feels... different," Finn said, his voice hushed. "Like it's alive."

Kenta nodded. "Stay alert. We're entering uncharted territory."

They pressed on, their senses heightened. The air was thick with tension, and every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig set them on edge. They knew that Eredor was a land of great mystery and danger, and they would need all their wits and skills to survive.

After several more days of travel, they finally reached the heart of Eredor. Before them lay a vast, ancient city, its stone structures crumbling with age. The city was surrounded by a high wall, and the gates were adorned with more of the intricate runes they had seen before.

"This is it," Kenta said, his voice filled with awe. "The lost city of Eredor."

They entered the city cautiously, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger. The streets were eerily quiet, and the buildings loomed over them like silent sentinels. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and they could feel the weight of history pressing down on them.

As they explored the city, they discovered that it was filled with ancient relics and artifacts, each one telling a story of a long-forgotten civilization. Alina examined the runes on the walls, her eyes wide with wonder. "These runes... they tell a story. A story of great power and great tragedy."

Kenta approached a massive stone altar in the center of the city. The altar was adorned with the same runes they had seen before, and it pulsed with a faint, rhythmic energy. "This must be the heart of Eredor," he said, his voice reverent. "The source of its power."

As they stood before the altar, the power crystal began to glow, resonating with the energy of the city. Alina stepped forward, holding the crystal aloft. "It's responding to the city's energy. We need to find out how to harness this power."

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet began to tremble, and a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the city. "Intruders... you dare to trespass in the sacred city of Eredor?"

Kenta drew his sword, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

A massive figure emerged from the shadows, its body covered in jagged armor and pulsating with dark energy. Its eyes glowed with malevolent intent, and its voice was filled with anger. "I am the guardian of Eredor. You seek to claim its power, but you are not worthy."

Kenta tightened his grip on his sword. "We seek to understand the power of Eredor and use it for good. We mean no harm."

The guardian laughed, a deep, menacing sound. "You are not the first to make such claims. Many have come before you, seeking to harness the power of Eredor for their own purposes. All have failed."

Roderick stepped forward, his sword blazing with fire. "We are different. We have the power crystal, and we are determined to uncover the truth."

The guardian's eyes narrowed. "Very well. If you wish to prove your worth, you must face the trials of Eredor. Only then will you be deemed worthy."

With that, the ground beneath them shifted, and they found themselves standing in a vast, ancient arena. The walls were adorned with more runes, and the air was thick with a sense of anticipation.

"This is it," Kenta said, his voice filled with determination. "The final challenge."

Roderick, Alina, and Finn stood beside him, ready for whatever lay ahead. "We'll face it together," Roderick said, his voice filled with resolve.

The trials of Eredor began, each one testing their strength, their resolve, and their unity. They faced powerful creatures, ancient traps, and mind-bending puzzles, each one more challenging than the last. But through it all, they fought with determination and courage, their bonds growing stronger with each challenge.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they emerged victorious. The guardian stood before them once more, its eyes filled with respect. "You have proven your worth. The power of Eredor is yours to claim."

Kenta stepped forward, holding the power crystal aloft. "We will use this power wisely, to protect and to heal."

The guardian nodded. "May the power of Eredor guide you on your journey."

With the power of Eredor now in their possession, Kenta and his companions set out once more, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew that their journey was far from over, but with the power of Eredor by their side, they felt more prepared than ever.

As they left the ancient city behind, the sun set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the land. The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear—together, they could overcome any obstacle and uncover the true power of Eredor.

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