
In Another World With My Building Skills (Discountinued)

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · Fantasy
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104 Chs


Kenta rose before dawn each day, his mind focused and his body prepared for the rigorous training ahead. The serene landscape of Aetheria provided a peaceful backdrop, but Kenta's heart was filled with a fierce determination. He couldn't afford to waste a single moment; he needed to sharpen his skills in swordsmanship, magic, and archery.

Each morning, he began with a series of warm-up exercises to prepare his muscles. His body was lean and powerful, honed by years of training and battle. The elves of Aetheria were skilled warriors, but Kenta's strength was unique—he combined the physical prowess of a seasoned soldier with the arcane knowledge he had gained over the years.

The sun was just beginning to rise as Kenta moved through a series of sword forms, his blade slicing through the air with precision. His movements were fluid and controlled, a testament to his dedication and discipline. Sweat glistened on his skin as he transitioned seamlessly from one form to the next, each strike more powerful than the last.

After an hour of sword training, Kenta switched to magic practice. He stood in the center of a clearing, focusing his energy on a single point. With a deep breath, he began to channel his magic, summoning a ball of fire in his hand. The flames danced and flickered, casting a warm glow over his face. Kenta's control over his magic had grown stronger, but he knew there was still much to learn.

He practiced casting spells of various elements—fire, water, earth, and air. Each spell required a different technique and level of concentration. As he cast a water spell, creating a small whirlpool in the air, he couldn't help but think of his children. Ryuu and Akari had inherited his magical abilities, and he hoped they were safe, wherever they were.

Next, Kenta moved on to archery. He strung his bow and took aim at a series of targets set up along the edge of the clearing. His arrows flew with deadly accuracy, striking the center of each target. Archery required a steady hand and a keen eye, and Kenta prided himself on his skill with the bow.

As the morning turned to afternoon, Kenta continued his training, pushing his body to its limits. He was determined to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

One day, as Kenta was working out in his room, he felt a presence at the door. He was in the middle of his routine, his muscles straining with each movement. The room was filled with the sound of his exertion, and he was completely focused on his workout.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a beautiful elf entered the room. She had long, flowing hair and eyes that sparkled with curiosity. She was clearly taken aback by the sight before her—Kenta's build was impressive, his muscles rippling with each movement. He was as strong as the god of war himself, and the elf couldn't help but blush at the sight.

Kenta didn't notice her at first, too absorbed in his training. But the elf stood there, stunned by his physical prowess. She had never seen anyone so jacked up, and she found herself experiencing love at first sight.

Finally, Kenta sensed her presence and stopped his workout. He turned to face her, his expression one of surprise. "Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you there," he said, wiping sweat from his brow. In his thoughts, he wondered, "What is she doing? Why is she still standing there?"

The elf snapped out of her reverie and stammered, "O-oh, sorry, I was just shocked. I didn't mean to intrude."

Kenta gave her a reassuring smile. "It's alright. Is there something you needed?"

She blushed again, clearly flustered. "I...I forgot to tell you something. You have a meeting with the leader."

Kenta nodded, understanding. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll be there shortly."

The elf lingered for a moment, her eyes still lingering on his form. "I-I'll see you later," she said, before hurrying out of the room.

As Kenta watched her go, he couldn't help but wonder about her reaction. He had always been focused on his training and his mission, but something about this encounter stirred a new feeling within him. He pushed the thought aside for now, knowing he had to prepare for the meeting with the leader.

The meeting with Elder Thalos and the other leaders of Aetheria was held in a grand hall filled with the soft glow of magical lights. Kenta entered the hall, his mind still replaying the encounter with the elf. He took his seat at the long table, where the leaders were already gathered.

Elder Thalos greeted him with a nod. "Kenta, thank you for joining us. We have much to discuss."

Kenta focused his attention on the elder, ready to hear what they had to say. The discussion centered around the recent developments with the anomaly and the efforts to understand the ancient magic that had brought him to Aetheria. They also spoke about the potential dangers and the need for increased vigilance.

As the meeting continued, Kenta found his thoughts drifting back to the elf. He couldn't shake the image of her face, the way she had looked at him with such awe and admiration. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, and it left him feeling both curious and uncertain.

After the meeting, Kenta made his way back to his room. He needed to clear his mind and refocus on his training. But as he entered his room, he found himself hoping to see the elf again. There was something about her that intrigued him, and he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt.

He resumed his training, pushing his body to its limits once more. But this time, his mind was not entirely focused on the task at hand. He kept thinking about the elf, wondering who she was and what had drawn her to him.

As the days passed, Kenta continued his training with renewed determination. He knew that he needed to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. But he also found himself looking forward to the possibility of seeing the elf again, hoping to learn more about her and perhaps explore the feelings that had begun to stir within him.

One morning, as Kenta was practicing his sword forms in the courtyard, he sensed a familiar presence. He turned to see the elf approaching, her eyes filled with a mixture of shyness and determination. She carried a small bundle in her hands, which she held out to him.

"I brought you something," she said, her voice soft but steady.

Kenta took the bundle and unwrapped it to find a beautifully crafted cloak. It was made from fine, enchanted fabric that shimmered in the sunlight. "Thank you," he said, touched by the gesture. "It's beautiful."

The elf smiled, her eyes meeting his. "I thought it might help with your training. The fabric is imbued with protective magic."

Kenta draped the cloak over his shoulders, feeling the warmth of the enchantment. "It's perfect. Thank you...I don't think I caught your name."

She blushed again, but this time she held his gaze. "My name is Lyria."

Kenta smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lyria. I'm Kenta."

They stood there for a moment, the air between them charged with unspoken possibilities. Kenta felt a connection with Lyria that he hadn't expected, a sense of familiarity and warmth.

As the days turned into weeks, Kenta and Lyria grew closer. She often visited him during his training, offering support and companionship. They spent hours talking about their lives, their hopes, and their dreams. Kenta found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else.

Lyria was intelligent and kind, with a deep understanding of magic and the natural world. She shared her knowledge with Kenta, helping him refine his skills and expand his understanding of the arcane. In turn, Kenta taught her about his world and the challenges he had faced.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and Kenta began to realize that he was falling in love with Lyria. She had brought light into his life at a time when he had felt lost and alone. Her presence gave him hope and strength, and he knew that he wanted to build a future with her.

But even as their relationship blossomed, Kenta remained focused on his mission. He knew that he still had much to do to find his children and uncover the truth behind the anomaly. With Lyria by his side, he felt more determined than ever to face the challenges ahead.

Together, they would navigate the mysteries of Aetheria and work to restore balance to their world. And as they faced the unknown, Kenta knew that he had found something truly special in Lyria—a love that would guide and sustain him through whatever trials lay ahead.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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