
Reaching into them

They waited until Xavier calm down. They asked him to join after he was done arranging his uncle's funeral. Justice asked Bernard to go inside his room. Vale sat on the sofa right away while Justice pour some aggrus for them.

"So, tell me, Bernard, why are you so sure he was Drake Beyor? And what happened with Jason that took you here in the first place?" Justice sat on the sofa while his eyes stared at Bernard.

Bernard took a deep breath. He sat on the sofa with his aggrus in his hand. "Where should I begin? Oh yeah, maybe when prince Jason and I got news about the flesh-eating people on Wolgala, where someone being orchestrated from the first time they were created a long time ago."

Vale and Justice exchanged looks, and the magi decide to ask, "So, did you mean Drake Beyor was involved in the creation of the lycans? Come on Bernard, that was absurd."