
In the palm of her hand

"Anne! Oh my God!" Vale was shouting when he saw our purple hair color healer unconscious in Henry's arms.

"What happened?!" Justice looks into Henry, trying to get some explanation from his distraught friend.

Henry was so flustered, he looks at Justice and shakes his head, "I… I don't know. She just suddenly falls to the ground."

Looking at how panicked his two friends were, Justice took the matter into his hand. He carried Anne to his horse and asked Vale to help him put Anne into his horse. Carefully, her head rested on Justice's broad chest. Still unconscious, he checked her temperature.

"She doesn't have a fever. Is that a good thing?" Asked Justice to Vale.

"I don't know, but it is better for us to go back as soon as possible. Let me ride in front of you." Vale said to Justice, and then he turned his attention to Henry, "What are you doing?! Get onto your horse, and don't forget to tie Anne's horse with you."