
Cathe and Heirim History

The Morning Dew begins to fall to the ground. Henry once again got distraught over his nightmare. Three hours of undisturbed rest and another attack on his dream. When he jumped on his bed, Vale, who was sleeping in the other bed, suddenly open his eyes.

"Who was it this time?" Asked the primary captain to his friend.

Henry wipes his sweat all over his face when his eyes need to adjust to a dark room. "Vale, is that you?"

"Yeah, Xavier lost a bet. He was sleeping on the sofa outside right now." He went quiet for a short time and then asked Henry again. "So, who was it?"

"Justice, he… He used his flame sword…" Muttered Henry, as he begin to shake his head and stand up. "I don't think it's useless for me to sleep now. I'll ask Xavier to use the bed."

"What are you doing, then? You still have like five hours before the sunrise." Vale even tried to get out of his bed, but Henry asked him to stay.