
In another world but arent I Op?

Poweratgamer · Fantasy
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17 Chs

6.Read Arthurian

I was called to meet my father at his room. I entered his room and saw that he was having tea with my mother the queen Julie Tethollis

"Father, I have arrived as requested"

"I heard from Alex that you brought two Fire wolves to the castle"

"Yes, you are correct but don't worry I'll take care of them"

I can see the trouble on my fathers face as he sighed. But he immediately changed topic

"Arthur you know that game chess. Do you have stuff other than that?"

"Do you want new games to play?"

"Y-yes, pls give us new game to play!" Oh gosh my fathers fidgeting like a maiden in love. W-wha?! Why on earth is he doing the finger thing that only happens in anime when a girl get's shy?!

"Father, I can do that—"

"Splendid tell me anything you need!"

"But" When I uttered that word his face turned serious. Looking at me he utters

"What are the conditions?"

I grinned and said " give me a plot of land in the capital and give me men and women to act as my staff and give me full rights to the company that I'll be making"

"Deal" he had no fear when he uttered that he didn't even think about it

It has been 2 months since then.I was being led by Warren Lynx the prime minister to the building that my father had purchased for me to start my own store. My staff had already been chosen but we we're just gonna check out the building today

"Arthur, what kind of store are you gonna be making?"

"A manga café, a place to sit down and read books and eat some of my specially made goods" entertainment in this day and age was nowhere to be found and

"Oh my, tell me when your store will open I'll definitely visit"

"Sure, invite some others aswell" I glanced at Warren. I saw his face with a big smile.

"I wont be giving discounts"

"Tsk!" I don't think now discounts warrants a tongue click.

We arrived to the front of the building it was near the center of town. We entered the building. I inspected the building which had a kitchen 2 bathrooms and 2 floors which we're quite big.

"Arthur have you done inspecting yet?"

"Ah yeah, you can leave me here I'll be fixing the building up, ah! Can the staff come here tomorrow?"

"I'll tell them later to come by here tomorrow, take care young Arthur"

"Will do" I waved Warren goodbye.

Let's get started! Cleaning the rooms, fixing the bathrooms, and kitchen will be done by me and the other staff tomorrow will be learning how to create pastries and food. I should print the books later today

Using wind magic I clumped up all the dust in a corner of the room in the first floor living room. I then took out a vacuum cleaner from my [storage]. The vacuum cleaner that I was using was made by using [Re:model] to change the model of metal ingots and rubber to the proper pieces of a vacuum cleaner. I then used a magic stone to create the suction motion with the air to collect dust.

I then removed pieces of wood, a hammer, and some nails from my [storage]. I then fixed up some bookshelf's then using [Re:model] I designed the bookshelf's to be more opted to be secured up on the wall.

Finished with the living room. I went and checked the kitchen it was dirty and had some rotten pieces of wood as it's floor.

*sigh*…I'll need to get some stone slabs to become the floor… I already made the kitchen ware…oven, fridge, table's, knives, sponge.

I closed up the building then wen't to the local stone shop [Stoneria]. I entered the shop and was greeted by a young girl the same age as me

"Hello, what can I do for you"

"I need some stone slabs" I checked out the store and noticed that the stone slabs we're the size of a 12x12 in inches

"How many do you need?" The girl took out a pen and notebook

"60 pieces pls"

"60?! How will you take that with you?!" I understand why she was confused but I had my reason

"I can use magic so no need to worry. So how much?"

The girl sighed "It's 3 gold coins" I pulled put 3 gold coins out of storage and put them on the table. I put the slabs in my [storage] and went and head back to the building.

I came close to the building and I saw 5 people standing I front there we're 2 males and 3 females. I stopped in front of them and asked

"Uhm…who are you?" I asked the girl in red

"We are the staff that Lord Warren sent, are you perhaps our boss?" The girl had small but not invisible breast and had a beautiful face. She leaned down to my face as she questions me. She told me her name was Nia

"Y-yes, I'll be your new boss, pls take care of me" I stuttered not because I was embarrassed by the girl it was because I was nervous

"Lord Warren told us our boss was young but I didn't think he would be a child" A man in a blue shirt and brown pants expressed his surprise to finding out that I was there boss. He told me his name was Nile

"Boss we we're supposed to arrive tomorrow but Lord Warren told us to help you out with cleaning the building so here we are" A giant man skin colored brown had told me why they we're here. He told his name was henry

"I understand then pls help me fix up the kitchen and once we're finished I'll teach you guy's how to cook and bake some pastries that I created" I created(stole) the recipes from my previous life so I can introduce them here

"""""Okay""""" I opened up the stores door and then removed all the bookshelves that I stored in my [storage]. I then showed them how to secure them on the wall using nails and the holes that I put on the back of the shelves

"I see so we can secure them on the wall without worrying if we do this" Henry seemed to understand it so I left him to doing that while I order the others to help me in fixing the kitchen

"So we need to clean the kitchen now right?" A girl in blue asked me a question. I asked her what was her name. She told me her name was tiffany

"No, we aren't cleaning the kitchen we're renovating it"

"Renovating?" Tiffany was bewildered by what I said

"Yep we're renovating the whole kitchen. Don't worry I already have the furniture for the kitchen in my [storage]"

"Let's get to it then!" Nile riled everyone up

"""Yeah!""" The 3 others said in unison then we started renovating the kitchen removing the rotten wood that was stored in it and the rotten wooden floor.

I took a break and checked on henry, he was 50 percent done setting up the bookshelves. I thought "they deserve a reward" so I called them all into the living room and took out some furniture and set them down in the living room

"Woah! boss where'd you get that?" Nile was surprised at the quality of the furniture that I brought out.

"I made it" trying not to brag but, to say so myself I did great!. Arthur had a smug look on my face. Everyone was sitted down on the sofa and some on the 1 sitters as I put the snacks on the long knee high table in the middle of us. The snacks we're cookies, Ice cream, and some banana bread. Surprisingly enough this world had the same minerals and fruits and vegetables back on earth but I mostly found that most people don't know what to do with the fruits and vegetables. They tried the snacks the men opted for the cookies and banana bread while the women opted for the cookies and Ice cream

"Woah! Who made this?" They all asked me that in unison. With a smug look on my face, I answered their question

"Your's truly made it, I also will teach you how to make them!"

"Really?!" They say in unison again

"But" they went silent

"But??" I had my reasons to give a 'but' since I want to make this store the one and only on the continent

"But you cant reveal the recipe nor how you make them kay?"

"That's it? Why is that a problem, boss?" I understand Nia but I had my reasons

"I want to make this store popular by making it have unique food and have books that you can read while eating" there they have it My reason for the 'but' earlier

"Don't worry boss, we wont reveal how to make this stuff" our break ended and they started with their work again.

Our day was finished. We had just finished furnishing the building's 1 floors and 2nd floor. I taught the other's how to use the appliances that I made. They we're confused at what they we're at first but when they tried them out they all had the same response

"Amazing you called that a toilet right?"

"Yep, but it's not a toilet its thee toilet" It's the same from the manga I read, who cares about the oven, who cares about the fridge, EVERYONE CARES ABOUT THE TOILET!!. Toilet is life

"You guys' work will start 2 days later on Wednesday and the store will be closed every Sunday. You guy's good with that?" I believe this was a good work schedule

"Yeah we're fine with that."

They all line up and

"Will be in you care, pls take care of us!!" They all said in unison. Hahaha even if they didn't say that I would've taken care of them. Haaah…well, I'll be in there care so take care of me

"Same to you guys" We waved each other goodbye. I started walking back to the castle. While walking I started to ponder about some stuff . I was worried about the safety of the books since they are my "Merchandise" So I went and planned to enchant the book with [protection] so that the book won't get worn out nor get torn or get dirty. I had learned the basics of enchanting with magic circuits a while back. Magic circuits able's to user to give an Item a program to perform when conditions are met. I also used magic circuits when creating the toilet, vacuum cleaner, oven, and etc.. using magic circuits I gave it a program so that if a book ever goes out of the store the holder will be paralyzed and if the book ever goes 1 meter out of the store it'll immediately return to the store on the cashiers counter.

I had just finished putting all the light novels, and manga in a box. I figured that I should ask my family what kind of books they would like to read. I went and met with Eva my eldest sister and asked her what books she would like to read

"Oh? Books huh? Let's see I would like it if you bought" Eva took out a piece of paper and a pen then started writing down some book titles. She handed me the paper and I looked at the titles that we're written

Ignus nacious(5 volumes:completed

The hero Wanacker chronicles(10volumes:completed)

The rainbow order(24 volumes:completed)

Chronicles of the 7 primodial demons(7 parts:completed)

He&He(2 volumes:uncompleted)

I thought some of the titles we're weird but I didn't mind so I went to the next victims the maids. I asked what kind of books they'd like to read in their downtime. They wrote down more weird titles. I could literally see the perverted smiles on their faces. Anyway the titles they wrote down we're

Slime man and the hero(4volumes:uncompleted

Genderless love(5 volumes completed)

God's wrath(3 volumes uncompleted)

Finally a title that doesn't have any other ulterior meaning. Do all girl's have the same hobby? Or is it just them?. I left my thought there and went to ask the guards, my father and my mother. They added titles that we're normal now like

The silver demon of Oreka(1 book)

The curious demon of Noir(1 book)

The crowned rogue and his 2 primodial servants (5 book)

Legend of the 4 divine beast( 5 parts)

The destruction of the world 5000 years Ago( 10 volumes: completed)

The last title seemed to be to real to believe but I just left my thought there and asked them where I can buy these books. They told me that some of the books can only be bought in different countries. So I chose to only buy the books that we're available to buy.

I had checked out the bookstores here in town. I found out that 7 out of 13 book titles we're being sold here. The cashiers in the counter also gave me weird eyes since a child was buying all this weird titles. Anyway I went to the store so that I could put all the books that I brought into the shelves

"Hey boss! What you doing?" Nile came and greeted me. I suppose I can ask him for help here

"Do you mind if you help me with something?"

"No, I wont mind, So, What do you need help with?" Thank goodness he said yes. It's decided Nile'l have a chance to become the stores manager.

"Just help me put some books on the shelves and I guess let's fill up the pantry"

"Let's do it then" I really didn't understand why he was so riled up maybe this is him being his normal self.

"Hey boss, this book is it like some 'Sacred text'?" I looked at him then I glanced at the book he was holding it was manga. Don't call it sacred text and what the hell don't be like that storm dragon. Sacred text…sacred text…you know what let's call manga sacred text and put a sign genre on the book shelves to categorize them.

"Nile when putting the books on the shelves. Put the same book genres with each other while the manga will be put with the light novels as sacred text"

"Okay" I sat down then started thinking of ways to earn money. Since the money I'm using now comes from my allowance sooner or later my pockets will be squeezed dry. I thought of creating a membership card so that only those with a membership to these store will be allowed to read the sacred text and I went and created a fee to enter the store about 3 copper coins should suffice. I made it 3 copper coins since I surveyed the surrounding inn's and renting out a room for 1 day was 5 copper coins. After thinking for quite a while I scrapped the thought of a membership card since there will be a entering fee now

"Hey,Nile" I called out to Nile


"I'll be making an entering fee of 3 copper so that people can read the books and" I brought out a menu " tea will be sold at 1 copper while pastries will be sold at 5-15 copper coins" I gave the menu to Nile and he looked if the prices we're ok

"Yeah, I think the prices are good"

"Well, then since I wont be visiting here much I'll make you the temporary manager. Once you prove yourself I'll make you the store manager"

"I wont let you down boss" It's good that I found someone I can depend on. After we finished chatting we finished shelving the books and then closed the store. I gave a spare key to Nile so that he can be the one to open the store once their shift's start.