
Chapter-7 The quiz at the end of the month.

"Kikyo-chan, do you want to stop by a cafe on our way back?"

"Yup, sure. But wait for a bit I want to invite one more person."

Then she went towards the person she wants to invite. Which is obviously her.

"Horikita-san do you want to come with us at the café?"

"Not interested."

Horikita-san just threw her invitation right into her face. Which was quite amusing.

"I see. I will try inviting you again another time."

"Wait Kushida-san."

"So will yo—..."

She cut her.

"Please don't invite me ever again. It's a bother."

However, Kushida didn't appear saddened. Instead, she smiled as she

answered, "I'll invite you again."

"Ayanokouji-kun, now you won't try to invite me would you?"

"What do you prefer?"

"I would prefer not to."

"So you are saying that you don't need friends for this whole three years?"


"If you don't mind can you tell me a little about yourself in the past?"

"What? Do you have a crush on me or something like that?"

"Well you are super beautiful and gorgeou—..."


"Why did you stab me? Besides I didn't said I had a crush on you."



"I am asking for the evidence that when did I stab you."

"Well I don't have any."Actually I do have. The CC-TV camera. But if I said it my future plan won't work.

"So were you saying something?"

"No nothing. Okay I'll go now."

Just as I expected.After leaving class, I went straight toward the dormitory. Kushida,

who was supposed to have left with a friend earlier, appeared to be waiting

for someone while leaning up against the wall. Noticing me, she smiled like


"I'm so glad! I was waiting for you, Ayanokouji-kun. There's

something I wanted to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?"


"I'll just ask you outright. Ayanokouji-kun, have you seen Horikita-san

smile even once?"

"Nope. Do you think that a devil can smile?"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at this."

"Oh! no it's bad, is it(masaka?)?"

"Yup it is what you think.(Hai sono masaka desu)

"What happened?"

"I just was asking Horikita-san about her past then she asked me that did I had a crush on her and I just said that she was beautiful then this happened."

"Oh! I see. Btw I just wanted to be friends with Horikita-san and I think you too wanted to be friends with her right? Do you know any way I can make her smile? By this I think we both can be friends with Horikita-san."

"Yes . By that I can only think of one thing. And that's her big brother."

"Oh you mean Horikita Manabu the Student Council President?"

"Yes. I think they have a bad relationship by the way she was looking at her brother at the club fair so I think if we can improve their relationship. She may be grateful to us. Which I highly doubt."

"Oh, I see."

"With my current social standing I doubt I can reach to him but with yours I think you have the chance. But be careful. He may be even hard to reach than his sister, more so if he is like her."

"Ok! thanks for considering about me. Oh! no I forget about the wound. We must hurry up to the infirmary. And put a bandage. Otherwise you may get infected."

"Oh! even I forget about it."

Mission not to invite Horikita-san to help Kushida be friends with her successful.

"Let's go fast. I will help you."

After that we healed my wound and went our way.

After the continuation of our everyday lives that day came. 30 April. Some of the students were actually behaving like a proper student while some were still not. But unlike the original it is much better. As I asked Hirata,Kushida and Karuizawa to remind the class about it every week. As they were pretty much the leader like existence for the class. For Hirata and Kushida it was normal but I was surprised that Karuizawa decided to help me.

Well in the novel it was stated that Ryueen considered her pretty intelligent. She may be top 4 or top 5 intelligent girls in our class. In 1st Horikita-san, 2nd Matsushita, 3rd Kushida and possibly 4th Mei or Karuizawa. So I guess after hearing my theory she may be concerned about the S System. Anyways Sudo came on time today but was not taking notes or anything just listening to the teacher and then wondering elsewhere something like that. He was behaving like this (which is better than before when he used to just barge in class and sleep )cuz he lost a bet to me during swimming race.

When he saw my first time he fell for my trick into believing that it was my full power and I convinced his friends too but I compromised a little saying they may doze off or use their smartphone three times a period. Otherwise they won't made the bet which I didn't wanted. Then for the 3rd period we had History class with Chabashira-sensei. Our homeroom teacher. She came. This time more or less whole class noticing the different presence from usual had a pin drop of silence. But still some were chatting and all.

"Quiet down a little, please. Today's lesson will be a bit serious."

"What do you mean, Sae-chan-sensei?"

""It's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please

pass these to the back."

She handed out the papers to the students in the front row. Eventually,

the single-sheet test reached my desk. It contained questions in the five main

subjects. With only a few questions per subject, it really was short.

"Huh! I wasn't listening that well.Can't you give us some time to study?"

"In other words you want to postpone the test, huh?"


"Don't worry. This test is just for future reference. It won't be reflected on your report card. So there is no risk involved. Ofcourse cheating is prohibited."

As soon as the pop quiz began I scanned the questions. They were just as I had thought. There were

four questions per subject, for a total of twenty. Each question was worth five

points, for a total of one hundred points. Most of the questions were

extraordinarily easy, to the point where it was almost a letdown. In fact, the

questions seemed to be about two levels less difficult than the ones on the

entrance examination. It appeared far too easy.

However, when I reached the end of the test. The final

three questions were an order of magnitude higher in terms of difficulty. The

final math problem couldn't be solved without complex formulae. Man knowing too much is so boring. But it has it's own advantages I guess.

These questions couldn't be geared toward a first-year high school

student. The final three questions were clearly of a different quality than the


After that I finished the test the way I wanted it to be.

Chabashira-sensei monitored us. As she slowly patrolled the

classroom, she kept a watchful eye to dissuade us from cheating. I quickly

glanced at Horikita, who would never even think of cheating. Her pen danced

across the paper as she filled in all of the answers. It looked like she was

easily going to get a perfect score. If she could answer all those three difficult questions.

I continued staring intently at my test checking the answers until the bell rang. When the bell rang I submitted my paper.

Then the class for today ended. After that I chatted with Horikita a little about the test. And just like me she noticed those last three questions that it couldn't be given to first year high school students.

Then after school Sudo and the infamous two idiot duo invited me. And honestly I didn't know what was their goal. Then they asked me something which was the most obvious thing but yet I couldn't think of it before.

"So, Sudo, Ike and Yamauchi. What did you guys want from me?"

"Um could you give us some dating tips Ayanokouji? Apparently they had a girl in mind and wanted advice from you."

"Yeah I mean I could give you, but unfortunately I can't cuz I have zero experience you see."



"So you mean you aren't dating her?"

Oh I think I got it.

"Nope I think we aren't even at the level of friends till now. She is just a classmate. And appearently she thinks friends are unnecessary. Also btw you guys are talking about Horikita-san aren't ya?"


"Oh! I see. We get it. Well if you do get a girlfriend do tell us okay?"


"Man! this school is so nice there are many cute girls like Kushida-chan not to mention we get 100,000 points every month."

"Yeah. Dream on dream on."in thought.

"Okay if that's all then sayonara (bye)."


And then I think I heard Ku- and Sak- from their direction.

AN Here you go Chapter-7. Also did you guys watched Kubo-san anime. (If yes did you find any reference?) It's so good. Especially those chibi style animation, I just love it. Anyways from the next chapter the real deal starts. Also sorry if the chapter is kinda short. For now all I wanna say is Thanks a lot for reading my story.💗❣️♥️✨