
Chapter 9

The next morning as the sun began to raise. Leo let out a small stretch as he shook Sicily awake. It was nearing the time for their adventure class and he didn't really want to be late. The thought of being late on the first day was not a good one.

Dressing themselves quickly after a quick wash up, the two headed towards the guild training field. The field wasn't large but it also wasn't small as it managed to fit around twenty groups of four without disrupting the others. Granted they didn't overdo it and started throwing destructive magic or shouting unnecessary loud.

"It's fairly empty this morning?" Sicily said as they entered.

Besides two groups that seemed to be working on tactics or their physical strength. Only a woman was on the field currently stretching. Drawing closer, she seemed really familiar as Leo kept staring at her nice round butt that was facing their direction.

"It's the sexy lady from yesterday." He clapped his hands together.

Feeling a small bop on his head from Sicily, he just lightly scratched his head. She seemed to take up hitting his head when he did something wrong. The strikes weren't that strong, but he wondered what he did wrong this time.

"You can't say that, Leo." Sicily said.

"But it's true. I mean look at her mature and well endowed body." Leo felt wronged.

"Are you two Leo and Sicily?" A sweet voice asked in front of them.

Standing in front of them was the sexy woman who wore similar clothes they saw her in yesterday. While Leo had trouble keeping his eyes off her fairly large chest for the first few seconds. Sicily just blushed at the outfit while mentally calling the woman shameless for walking around in public with such an outfit.

"Does that mean you're our teacher?" Leo asked, looking into her eyes.

"Yep, I am B rank adventurer Yuki. I shall be in charge of you guys for a short while." She smiled before it faded the more she talked. "Why are you even taking this course? If you asked they wouldn't mind bending the rules a little since you're just one level off on the collecting skill."

Leo sat his fist down in his palm like he suddenly felt enlightened. "There was such an option? Well, if I did that then I wouldn't be able to meet you."

"Are you really saying that?" Yuki spoke slowly with a slight edge in her voice.

Sicily just shook her head as she buried her face into her hands. She felt embarrassed just standing next to him. It was nearly impossible to know what was going on inside his head.

"What?" Leo looked at her confused. "If I didn't agree to take the course, I wouldn't have any reason to come to this city. Then how could I meet such a nice person who is willing to train beginners?"

"Well whatever. I reviewed your guys' reported skills so I will skip most of the unnecessary stuff. We shall just work on leveling your collection skill and quest experience." Yuki spoke, changing the matter at hand.

"Ah, ok. What is our job?" Sicily asked, slightly surprised at the sudden change.

"C-rank herb gathering. We are gathering Seven Inch Steel Grass. It normally grows north of this city and is usually protected by D or C ranked monsters. I already read some reports where some are said to be ready for harvest. So we can set off when your guys are ready." Yuki spoke as she tossed out a scroll.

Opening the scroll it showed a drawing of the targeted grass. It also contained a map of the general location inside the forest and local monsters to watch out for. Looking over the list, besides some low level goblins and an occasional wolf pack. There shouldn't be many monsters to deal with.

'This place isn't that far from the Forsaken Forest, yet why are the monster ranks so low?' Leo mentally questions.

After thinking about it a bit, he guessed either a higher rank adventurer comes and thins out the higher rank monster or the higher ranks moved elsewhere. This was the best guess he could come up with. Otherwise, did the world have hotspots where high rank monsters gathered like the Forsaken Forest?

"We are ready to go." Leo smiled.

"Where is your gear?" Yuki rubbed her forehead.

"I use my fists and Sicily's staff is in her storage dimension." Leo looked at her like she asked a silly question.

"Then what about healing potions, sleeping bags, tents, lanterns…" Yuki began listing off one item after another.

"Umm, isn't that too much for a day quest? We aren't diving into a dungeon." Sicily looked at her weirdly.

"It never hurts to be prepared for anything. Did you guys at least prepare healing potions?" Yuki said..

"I'm a healer, so we should be fine for this quest." Sicily said. "Plus, this dummy gave out most of our money."

Yuki was speechless as she gave Sicily eyes of pity at having to deal with Leo. In the end the chat was over and they set off on their journey. Much to his dismay, Leo got a lecture from Yuki about common sense before leaving the city.


Inside the forest besides the sound of birds chirping and the branches below them snapping as they walked. Yuki was using this chance to explain different ways to harvest as well why three skills were important as an adventurer.

"As adventurers, we need at least one combat skill as we tend to run into bandits and monsters often. So, this is why a combat skill is required since in the past many adventurers lost their lives due to lack of experience in fighting." Yuki explained. "For why the need for survival and collecting skills? We tend to camp out a lot and collecting is a major part of our jobs quite a bit of the time."

"That does make sense, but is there really a need to say this?" Leo asked as he walked behind her with his eyes directly on her swaying hips.

"Please keep your eyes on your surroundings." Yuki sighed.

"Oh, but I am." Leo said as he looked on shamelessly.

"Our target should be straight ahead, but why is there a lack of monsters?" Sicily said as she looked at the map. "It's hard to believe we didn't even come across one?"

"Sometimes it's just like this. Anyways since our target is just ahead, be on the lookout." Yuki spoke.

In the end even after harvesting it and leaving the forest, no monster appeared. Thus, their first quest was completed earning them a silver coin between the three of them.

Thanks for Reading.

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