
Revenge match


As soon as the bell rang Ikki had already materialized his katana Intetsu and launched himself towards the calm Jun.




Closing his eyes, Jun allowed the blade to reach him before slightly tilting his body to avoid the sword by a hairs width.


Seeing that he had yet to land a blow on the white haired young man, Ikki jumped back and revolved his magic around himself before releasing his noble art.

<<Ittou Shura>>

With his noble art activated, Ikki's speed, strength and focus multiplied drastically and had him appear in front of Jun before slashing down.


"Your ability allows you to break free of your physical limitations and fight at a level that puts huge strain on your body. A good trick to fight people relative to you but…"


"Useless if its someone beyond you."

Leaving an afterimage behind, Jun appeared behind him like a phantom.



Using his Shundo to get behind Ikki, Jun merely flicked his wrist and slapped him into the distance.


Watching his body bounce against the floor, the girls in the audience all shouted his now in panic as they saw him laying motionless on the ground.

Jumping down from the seats Stella and the white haired girl ran over to his side. To their surprise he actually wasn't hurt.

"Its rude to interrupt someone else's fight." Jun's voice echoed out.

Stepping out of the shadows the childlike Nene appeared with a huge grin on her face.

"What can I say, I don't like watching the weak being bullied."

"Didn't you challenge me to fight when you thought I was weaker than you?"


"But I still won our bet L.O.L.I B.A.B.A" He grinned.

Feeling the vein on her forehead start to throb, she found it incredibly hard to contain her anger. Calming herself down through deep breaths she put on an innocent smile and approached him.

"How about double or nothing?"

"Double or nothing? I already have you, how can you double that?" He asked.

"I'll teach some techniques if you win."

"Ha! I don't think you're techniques are any good to me."

'Plus I can just figure them out with my instant comprehension.'

"I'll give you money..."

"Now you just sound desperate." He smiled

"Then... What about a good fight?"


"That look in your eyes when you fight... I've seen it before. Knowing that you stand above everyone else, the feeling that no one can ever challenge you, that you alone have reached a summit unreachable to others... I offer you freedom from those feeling. I'll climb that summit and drag you down to the dirt. I'll show you that you have yet to peak. That there is still places that you have yet to reach."

In the background, Ikki and the others sat in silence as the heard the words spoken by one of their teacher. For Ikki this was especially inspiring. For years he had trained himself to the bone in order to reach the summit that this white haired person had supposedly reached. Although he had just lost, the flames of battle could still be seen in his eyes.

Hearing Nene's offer made Jun feel like laughing. He in no way thought he had reached any sort of summit. After his loss to Mephisto he knew that he was far from being untouchable. The only thing that she got right was that he felt that no one could challenge him. To be more specific, he felt that no human could ever challenge him. That being said, he still wanted to experience the power of a gravity user and a A ranked Blazer.

"Alright, I accept."

"Great!" She clapped.

"Okay kids, off the stage."

With a wave of her hands, Ikki, Stella and the white haired girl floated up to the audience seats.

"Now then, shall we begin?"


"What's going on?" Ayase asked.

"Saikyo sensei is going to fight your friend." Ikki replied while staring at Jun.

"WHAT!!" Before she could comprehend what was going on, Ikki interrupted her thoughts.

"What rank is he?"


"His blazer rank... What is it?"

"He... He's not a blazer... I think."

"Eh?" Stella said. "Aren't you childhood friends?"

Before she could answer, the effeminate looking guy drew everyone's attention by showing them a video of Jun summoning the Yamato to cut lightning and slice through Nene's barrier.

"According to the comments he's apparently an unranked blazer."

Watching the video with both surprise and slight heart ache, Ayase quietly muttered. "Jun's a blazer."

"Quite a formidable one." The effeminate guy added.


"So how do you want to do this? First to draw blood? First to surrender? Ring outs?"

"Hmm... How about the one who is unable to fight any further loses?"

"Sounds good to me." He shrugged. "You gonna summon out your device?"

"Are you?"

"Yep, only way I can get past that barrier of yours." He smiled and called out the Yamato in its sheath.

Seeing the weapon in his hand, Nene no longer underestimated him and called out a pair of iron fans.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Of course." She grinned.

"Very well."

Standing in silence, both waited for the buzzer to go off.


Using her gravity manipulation, Nene decreased the gravity around herself to float in the air and look down on Jun.

Charging magical energy into her iron fans, Nene created large blades made up of pure gravitational energy.

<<Kokutou Yatagarasu>>

With a devilish grin plastered across her face, she hurled countless blades towards the stationary Jun.










Executing his Shundo, Jun flashed across the arena dodging each blade with beautiful precision while the blades created loud bangs by increasing the gravity of the the parts of the stage that they made contact with.

"What technique is that? Its better than trackless steps..."

Watching from above, Nene didn't think that her blades would have beaten him but was still intrigued by his movement technique.

Closing the distance between them, Jun didn't slow down and kept approaching her.

"How you planning to attack me if you can't even reach-


Feeling a burst of wind blow past her face, Nene's eyes went wide as she saw Jun somehow above her and falling down like a rocket.

What she didn't realise was that he used Koku Shundō to push off the ground and when he blew past her he used it again to used the air as a foothold and launch himself back at Nene.


"WHAT THE HELL!! IS HE FLYING!!" Stella yelled when she saw him change direction mid air.

"Did you know he could do that?" The white haired girl looked at Ayase who was in as much shock as the others.


Realizing that Jun was fast approaching, Nene quickly flew to the side and only barely missed Jun's lightning fast Iaido.

Feeling blood flow down the side of her face, anger flashed across her eyes as she activated another one of her noble arts.


Waving her iron fans madly, hundreds of butterflies made of gravitational energy launched themselves at the mid air Jun.

Falling through the air, Jun consistently executed the Koku Shundō technique and using the air as a platform he flashed through the gravity butterflies and faster than the human human eye could perceive he sliced through all of them with a single sword slash.

Seeing that her gravity butterflies weren't even slowing him down, Nene grit her teeth and activated another one of her noble arts.


Releasing a wave of magic, she increased the gravity around the stage by 10 times.




Unable to feel the change in gravity, Jun kept approaching the levitating Loli at a decent speed.


Ignoring her shout, Jun didn't slow down in the slightest.




"H-How is this possible!! Erugh!!! x100!!!"

By this point the stage had allready started sinking into the ground while the audience watch in shock and awe.

"Ikki..." Stella said quietly.


"I don't think you should take your loss personally."

Although he didn't want to admit it, seeing the two Blazers fighting in the air made him realize that they were at a level that he couldn't ever see himself approaching.



Ignoring her screeching, Jun decided that it was about time to end this charade. Canceling his movement technique, he teleported behind Nene and using pure physical strength he grabbed her by the back of the head and dove towards the sinking stage.


Dust blew everywhere as a huge crater formed around the fallen Nene who's head was buried in the center.

"Well that was boring."

Spinning around, Ayase and the others saw that Jun was sitting behind them with his feet up.

"Yo." He smiled and waved.

And this was the final chp that I wrote. Wrote this story a long time ago and after rereading it now I've got to say the story isn't great. If I wrote it now it could probably be 100x better and would make more sense.

So don't know what to do from this point, might just give it a hiatus tag and put it to sleep. This way I can focus on my BC and MHA ff.

So yeah... it was a long road and I appreciate everyone who stuck around despite this ff being the worse I've ever written. Sorry for those who wanted more, but I honestly can't see myself getting that invested in writting this story any further. Thanks for following and sorry for ending the story so abruptly.

Aradacreators' thoughts