
In Against the Gods with Extreme Traits

Long Chen was reincarnated by Gods in Against The Gods world with extreme traits, i.e. Extreme Adaptability and Extreme Comprehension. See how he survives in the cruel world with extra knowledge about the plot and an extra gift. . .. . . . . . Single Heroine. No Harem. No legacies to MC as he can't hide his memories without any technique. Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 3

He had decided to practice each move. After completing the set ten times. He decided to take a break. After a break, he decided to practice again and kept on practicing for 4 hours. He had already attained the natural rhythm in his movements and had a breakthrough in his cultivation from the 6th level of the Elementary Profound Realm to the 7th level of the Elementary Profound Realm.

After attaining the natural rhythm, he decided to calculate the number of combinations he could make with 8 basic sword moves. He found out that there are a total of 16,777,216 combinations he could make. Thinking about this he decided to take a break and went to take a shower.

After the shower, he went to eat the food and when he was coming back, he thought of the wooden sword, so he bought himself 2 ordinary swords which cost him 1 gold coin. They were the most basic sword but he was satisfied with them.

Coming back, he decided to sit and took one sword in both of his hands. He decided to circulate energy from his hands to his sword and then from the sword in his hand in a circle. As he was circulating, he decided to simulate all the moves in his mind. With 1 move per second, it will take him 195 days to simulate all those moves. He decided to keep going and after 2 hours when his energy was depleted, he took a brake. He has simulated 10,000 combinations. As in the process, his simulation speed increased from 1 move per second to 2 moves per second. He decided to do the whole set 1 last time and then he kept the swords in his poison pearl, not before polishing his sword.

He checked outside and saw that it was already afternoon, so he decided to take a break and then he slept for 4 hours.

Waking up, he went outside to eat his food and after coming back, he started his immunity building. Today, he could only complete half of the poisons at Nascent Profound Realm. After completing the poison training, he decided to stabilize his cultivation again and make the energy pure.

This routine was practiced by Long Chen for 4 more days and at last, his money was finished.

At the end of 4 days, his cultivation level reached the 2nd level of Nascent Profound Realm from the 7th level of Elementary Profound Realm. He has now reached his original cultivation but he was much stronger than before.

He had been cultivating his sword since then and now he could simulate 8 moves per second. He could now perform 1 set in 1 second. The 8 moves per second are now his limit and it will take him time to train his body and mind to keep up with his sword cultivation then only he will be able to increase his 8 moves per second to 16 moves per second which were his second limit. After cultivating for 4 days, he checked that his body had 10 gates. These gates were the same as the eight gates he had seen in Naruto.

Each of the gates had 8 layers on them only 1 layer of the 1st gate was unlocked. He compared it to 8 sword moves he could do per second and he found out that with every layer, he would be able to increase his speed by 8 moves per second. Meaning, after unlocking all layers and gates, he will be able to do (8*8*10) 640 moves per second, and with it, he would be able to do all moves in 8 hours if he could also increase his mind speed 8 times, he would be able to train his sword moves and simulate them in 1 hour.

Hah! Thinking about this, he laughed. Who was he kidding, even though it only took him 6 days to unlock his 1st layer, he knows that the next layers will get more difficult, and even high-intensity training will not help him anymore. He then moved his things to the back of his mind and then took hi both swords to hunt the beasts in the forest and increase his combat awareness.

He took all the important things he had in his pearl and left for the forest outside the Floating Cloud City.

He had decided to go to the periphery of Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range where the only profound beasts were of Nascent Profound Realm and Elementary Profound Realm.

He had decided to stay in the Scarlet Dragon Mountain range for 4 months to increase his combat awareness and his cultivation.

In the mountains, Long Chen decided to start fighting the lowest-level beasts, which were the 5th level of the Elementary Profound Realm. He suppressed his cultivation to the 1st level of Elementary Profound Realm.

He started to fight with their beasts, and when he wasn't able to keep up with the beasts, he increased his realm by 1 more level and started to fight them. With this, he was able to consolidate his realm and increase his fighting instincts.

For 4 whole months, he kept on fighting with the beast, building his immunity against the poison, cultivating his sword, and training his body. He didn't use any weapon against the beasts and fought them using his body.

This is because, by the end of the second month, he had stepped on the initial level in the realms of sword cultivation. But the problem was, he hasn't read about them much in the novel, so he decided to give the names to realms from other cultivation novels he had read before.

He had sensed that there were 4 realms in sword cultivation while each realm had 4 different masteries.

The four realms of Sword Cultivation were:

Sword Intent: The Sword Intent was his desire. His desire to protect himself made him choose his path. From the moment he got his intent, he would only be able to kill the opponent. Every time he will unsheathe his sword, the enemy will die.

Meaning, he won't be able to use his sword to spar or fight with anyone.

Sword Domain: After the sword's intent comes to the domain, he would be able to use a domain in which he could control his sword with thoughts. If he couldn't master the domain before Emperor Profound Realm, he would get a basic domain, and won't be able to further proceed with the sword.

Sword Heart/Soul: After the domain comes comprehending the sword heart. With it, the user will be able to control his sword with his heart (thoughts). Comprehending the sword heart will give birth to a sword spirit.

Sword Body: After the sword heart comes the sword body. His sword will transform into a spirit body and all swords will bow to him.


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