
chapter four

Something was going on, something big. As soon a Jalen stepped out the door, he knew something was going on. The small rural town of Los Vegas never had this many people in it. Maybe it had once when it was "sin city" Jalen didn't know why the old city was called sin city because he had never been to school, like most people in Los Vegas he either couldn't afford it or just couldn't be bothered to show up. But right now, the streets were bustling with not just locals but nobles from Old York City and the capital. The blue bloods were quite literally looking down on the denizens of Vegas and their homes. At the front of the parade of idiots were two royal guards, they were holding a dark black banner between them and it read, "dear citizens today we will select to children to come and join us in the palace and we will not take no for an answer. That was the last thing Jalen saw before a searing pain burst in his head and the world went black.