
In a New Mixed World (AU)

(Photo from web) Reincarnated in a new world with some cheats! A story within a story! Defying fate yet living it at same time. Harem: Irene Belserion (The Great Red), Reina (Trihexa),... Cheats: Minato's Body, Library of Heaven's Path, Knowledge of Naruto world Some characters from other anime will be featured. . . . . . . . . . You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a.

Logical_Dot · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

New Changed Plot!

Continuation from Infinite Tsukuyomi


'Even if you hate me later, I will pamper you until you will love me. Even if you will detest me later, I will pamper you until you will admire me. Even if you want to kill me later, I will pamper you until you will always save me from danger.'

'My child, I am sorry for this but this is the only way for you to be free in the world. Other's fates will remain the same as before but only you will have to go through everything.'

Irene looked at Minato with a gentle and loving look in her eyes and she said, "For us, it will be a second but for you, it will be a long life."

"Infinite Tsukuyomi," Irene muttered as she put Minato in a dream that would change everything for him.


A few seconds passed in reality but for Minato, a lifetime passed by. When Minato opened his eyes, he looked at Irene's gentle face, and his eyes went cold.

"Sure enough, there really was something wrong with everything," Minato said in a cold voice that would freeze anyone, but Irene didn't even flinch. With the same gentle smile on her face, she looked at Minato and said, "Welcome Back."

Minato didn't say anything as he heard the words, and he went inside the Mindscape. Looking at the book regarding Irene, he opened the book and read everything in it.

"Great Red, or I should say, Irene Belserion. I didn't expect you to be a Son-con and even the fact that my body is made by you. Not only this, who would have expected that Trihexa, or I should say, Reina is sealed in me."

Muttering this, Minato looked at the library. He thought of everything that happened in the Illusion, and muttered, "So, this is the reason why I never felt lust or love for anyone, nor did anyone feel anything for me."

"Even now, I don't feel anything towards. Does this mean that Illusion did not affect me?"

Minato muttered as he started to think about various possibilities, and finally, he decided to test his conjectures.

"First, I have to look for Evil Pieces and see if they are the same as what I saw in the Illusion. If they are, then doesn't it mean that she is helping me?"

"But," His eyes turned cold as he thought of his 'enemies' in the Illusion, and for them, he felt hatred.

"If I don't feel any love, why am I feeling hatred for them? Tsk! Another shitty matter I need to solve now."

"For now, let's talk with Irene and see what she has to say. Even if I didn't suffer from the Illusion, years of memories would surely stay in my mind, and the beliefs formed due to them would be tough to break. Heh! The reason why I am not 'panicking' or screaming is also because of it."

The cold expression in Minato's eyes changed, and a warm expression appeared on his face. A chuckle escaped his lips, and coming outside, he looked at Irene, who kept on looking at him with a gentle expression on her face.

"You are crazy," He muttered in a low voice, and Irene nodded at his words.

"I know,"

"I am broken now," Minato said while looking at Irene and he saw her eyes gleaming at his words. Seeing this, he understood the thing he read before, and muttered, "How are you going to take responsibility for your actions?"

"Hmm?" Irene said as she heard the words, and a chuckle escaped her lips.

"I know everything about you. Do you think that these tricks would work on me?"

"Yeah, they will," Minato said while looking at Irene, and she giggled again. Seeing this, he smirked, and his cheek was pulled by her.

"You are being bad 'son'. Do you want to get punished?"

"Oh? Bad 'Son'? Isn't this all because of you, 'Mother'?"

A wide smile appeared on Irene's face when she heard these words, and she said, "This type of growth is in the direction I want."

"But..." She flicked Minato's head and said, "It's fake and I don't like these fake things."

Minato looked at Irene and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmm, I understand why a Dragon of Dreams and Illusions won't like fake things. Isn't all this because you didn't get anything Real in your life?"

"Your Library really is amazing~ Yeah, I didn't get anything real in my life, and isn't that the reason for my obsession? You, an outsider in the world, who knows the truth, should understand my situation."

Minato became silent at her words, and then he spoke, "I don't feel any anger towards you, did you do something to me?"


"What about hatred and No love?"

"Yeah, I made sure you won't feel Love and lust for anyone. As for your hatred, and other positive emotions, they are entirely on you. If you want to, you can discard them at will. All of this was to teach you about many things, and it has been successful."

Irene said with a smile on her face, and Minato looked at her and then nodded. A sigh escaped his lips, and when he tried to move, he felt his body getting held by her. Sensing this, he looked at Irene, and said, "If it was before, I would have tried to say something, but with the experience I have, I know that no matter what I say will change your mind."

"Hmm, You are right." Irene hummed at his words as she understood what he was talking about. After all, that was her motive behind sending him to a Dreamland.

Even if he didn't 'suffer' in the world, 'Might is right', this lesson has been ingrained in his soul, and he knew that no matter what he tried to do, all of this would be pointless in front of her.

"It's good that you understand this lesson, and because of this, you should know the advantages you have with me around you."

Minato didn't say anything to her words, and he calculated in his mind. The probability of escaping from her was zero, and the probability of being able to do something to her was also zero.

Even if he tried to ignore her, disrespect her, or do anything, he knew that she would accept this as his anger, and hatred, and the emotions he would show would be genuine.

As for loving her, they both knew that it was impossible, and he knew that she would prevent him from faking in front of her.

"It's annoying," He muttered and Irene chuckled at his words. Her eyes shined as she looked at his annoyance, and she said, "Why don't you speak more?"

"No," Minato said while staring into her eyes and then he continued, "I want to meet Reina, or I should say, Trihexa."

"Since you don't like anything fake, don't lie to her, and tell her everything."

Irene's expression changed as she heard this, and with a laugh, she said, "You Brat, you want me to be busy with her, and leave her on me, right?"

Minato didn't say anything, and seeing this, she pulled his cheek and pinched him.

"Ouch!" Minato said as he felt pain in his cheek, and Irene laughed at this.

'Hah, it's so annoying! The frustration, sigh! Everything I 'developed' in the Illusion is lost, and I now understand why my journey was so smooth sailing'.'

Minato sighed in his mind, and his eyes turned dead as he thought of everything. Seeing him like this, Irene felt some pain in her heart, but she suppressed this as she knew that it was important for him.

'I would rather make him suffer in dreams with everything under control than let him suffer in the outside world. Hmm, I was planning on talking with Reina about the control over the Seal, but with this, she would accept everything 'willingly', and change Seal Pattern to Familiar Dimension.'

'This way, his body and bloodline, that had been been used to suppress the seal, would be released, and his base Powers, Hmm! With his combat experience, he should be able to handle any Ultimate Level.'

'For above that level, he will have to control his body, and with Shadow Clone Technique, he should be able to reach on the Levels of Albion and Ddraig in a year, if he used 1000 clones every day for six hours.'

'All of this is based on simple monotonic hard work, and if he uses tricks in the process, Hehe~ 100 years of hard work should be enough.'

'Since he has the body of a Dragon, 100 years could be decreased to 10, and using Runes to mature his body, it could be reduced to 5.'

'But if all of this is shortened, then he will become independent, which I don't want, so I need to...Hmm! Yeah, let him train his body and muscles while I make sure that he has energy all the time.'

Irene calculated everything in her mind, and a grin appeared on her face.


Read 15 extra chapters at P@treon: p@treon.com/Logical_Dot

Tell me how do you all feel about this. Also, the updates will be irregular from now on, and as soon as I will write a chapter, I will upload. The reason being that I am a JEE Aspirant, and in my new schedule, I only have two hours of free time everyday!