
In a multiverse of madness ( isekai 2 )

I'm sure your are familiar with traversed stories this is one of those we have mc who remembers nothing and traverses worlds plus me messing around

King_lights · Others
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5 Chs

iron mans suit

Back on earth

System open the workshop

Suddenly Keith was transported to a virtual city where he found himself in a laboratory.

This is the workshop catalogue

He found various alloys and metals, high-tech weapons and missile targeting systems

To build a reactor, I need helium 3, which I found on the moon, and I should meet with Khonshu. I can get an infinite amount of uru because uru is moon rock and there is no place here where helium 3 is available. Okay, now I'll build a reactor with a magnetic field and run electric current into the centre and put plasma in.

The magnetic field will compress and destroy He3.

Wait, add hydrogen and do a test. 2

The same processes ran almost successfully and produced immense heat.

What am I missing (frustrated)?

After thinking for a few minutes, add deuterium 2H.

And 3H tritium test 3

The magnetic field crushed the plasma into a donut and hydrogen, tritium and deuterium generated immense heat and led to fusion

I did it, I created clean energy

The author is smart, he accomplished something that others have been trying to do for years, but he did it in 3 tries in 15 minutes.

Wait a minute, did not I want to be the smartest guy at Marvel? Tony could do this in a cave.

[Sir, their IQ is still growing, please be patient].

Ok, use Pym particles to shrink him and voila, Iron Man's arc reactor.

Ok, the suit needs to be titanium alloy, covered with porous silicone and painted white. I need 8 more reactors to attach the first one to my chest and make sure it is hidden. I have 2 reactors hidden on my chest and add 2 on my palms and 2 on my legs and attach the 3 in the suit spare reactors add Jerico missiles in my gloves and also add homing missiles add a sonic cannon the flight system needs to be added and also the repulsors the 2 on my arms are attached to my shoulders also I should hide not only 4 of the reactors but all of them there is one for which I can use the mother box and so much more I think that is enough for one day

Finish the workshop

I have a degree and finished everything in an hour. A time shift would be good.

[Sir, get a time stone or get good enough with the speed force to warp time].

All right, I still need to get ready for graduation.