

"I'm sorry...sob...it wasn't intentional. Please tell me the suggestions you have," Alex said while wiping the tears off his face.

Even he was shocked by this as he did not know why he was crying, he was even sobbing helplessly.

[Ugh... fine. I only have just a few you could pick from. Although you can create all, I advise that you take only one because you won't be able to use all at once] zero paused for almost ten seconds before she continued with her explanation.

[The mage system: this system includes twelve elements and five stages plus one mega stage. Not everyone can have all elements though, except... you.

The celestial system: practitioners of this system only have one element available to them, the light element, and they have nine stages to train and become stronger.

Cultivate light essence.

The black dragon system: also only has one element, the dark element, and four levels to practice.

Cultivate dark energy.

Those are the ones I think are strongest among all my suggestions. So pick one]

"I will take the mage system," Alex said in a heartbeat. The other two were fine too but he wasn't interested since both had only one element while one had nine damned stages to cross. So of course he would pick the one with more elements and fewer stages.

After all, who wouldn't want twelve elements within six stages? He could easily skip procedures, don't forget he is the creator.

Zero wasn't surprised at Alex's choice. Even she would also pick that one if given the chance. She had already planned to persuade Alex had he chosen any of the other two.

[Nice pick, at least you have taste for good things. fufufufu] zero teased Alex while laughing softly but Alex didn't react to her words. It seemed Alex had already gained resistance to zero's teasing so quickly.

Seeing Alex wasn't reacting to her words, zero could only keep aside her playful side and turn serious for the time being.

[Ok, let me explain more about the mage system to you first:

As I said earlier. The mage system has twelve elements which are the fire element, wind element, earth element, water element, ice element, lightning element, shadow element, summoning element, space element, light element, chaos element, and the sound element

The stages are: basic stage, core stage, advance stage, super stage, toist stage, and the mega level is the sage stage

Now about the stages. Each stage has three small levels to overcome before meeting the bottleneck to proceed to the next stage let me illustrate

Basic mage: level one, level two, level three (bottleneck)

It keeps going that way till a mage reaches the sage system, and every stage grants a mage an additional element

Basic mage: fire element

Core mage: fire element, water element

Advance mage: fire element, water element, wind element

The trend just keeps going till the toist stage, so a mage can only acquire a total of five elements in their lifetime and it's random; unless you use special means

So there's your explanation on the mage system] zero said expressionlessly

Alex was silent for a while. He was contemplating on something that he didn't realize that zero had stopped talking. Zero didn't disturb him either and just left the latter alone to think.

After some minutes Alex finally wandered out of his thoughts, bringing his focus back to zero.

"Why doesn't the sage stage Grant an element too?" Alex asked.

[Don't worry about that for now, I will explain in the future when the time comes] zero brushed off the question like air. She was not meant to say anything related to that stage yet

[Your mage system had been created. You can now proceed] zero informed Alex who was frowning from what who_knows?

Alex suddenly felt his body surge with a kind of power he couldn't explain, but he sure knew it was a good thing. He would love to explore this foreign power inside of him, but he chose to leave it for later.

"Okay, now boost my stage to the toist stage and give me all twelve elements!" Alex was in high spirit. Now he could still be op. He thought he was being reasonable since he didn't ask for the sage stage; he wasn't being greedy right?

[No!] Zero replied firmly, indicating that she wasn't going to do that no matter what.

Alex was confused by zero's reaction "why" was all he could ask.

[.....] Zero didn't reply

"Answer already and stop the drama" what's wrong with her? Is she malfunctioning?was what Alex was thinking.

[Do you want to give your parents a heart attack??] Zero finally said something, but what she said only made Alex frown deeply.

He was about to refute her words that he didn't have any parents but he then remembered that he was now In a different body, and he had parents here.

But he hasn't even met them yet, how was he going to give them a heart attack?

"What do you mean?"

[I think it's my fault for not telling you earlier... mages already exist here] zero replied calmly but it somehow sounded like a thunderclap to Alex instead.

"Wait!! If mages already exist, why didn't I get any knowledge about them from the memories I got? According to the memories, magic was just fiction and only happened in movies; not to mention, why I can't feel any flow of energy in the air then? Even if I am unfamiliar with it, I will definitely be able to feel it"Alex was kind of disheartened. He already had so many plans; why was today just being an unfriendly bitch? Giving him shit at every chance.

[That's because this body has no affinity and also. Everyone on this planet lacks affinity, so no one here is a mage. Also, the reason you didn't get any knowledge about it is that this body's previous owner didn't know either. I am sure your parents also don't know..or don't remember. I think that's the best way to phrase it

Lest I forget, no one here is a mage. All the mages are in a completely different realm that is linked with this planet. That's where all the mages are while this surface is for the non_mages, that's why they only know magic to be fiction and jokes

The mage realm or continent is called Niniola, containing twelve different empires, one central capital, and over seven hundred countries. The strongest mage over there right now should be at the toist stage, there's currently no sage stage, had there been, tragedy would have happened] zero explained to Alex.

Alex wanted to ask what she meant by tragedy would have happened but he felt the system wouldn't provide any answers since she suddenly started getting lips tight.

"Okay, we can talk about it later but how do you know all this information?"Alex narrowed his eyes, waiting if the system would make a mistake this time and spill the bean he thought she hid away.

[I got all the knowledge I needed to have the moment I was fully imprinted, I just didn't tell you because I felt it wasn't time yet] zero replied smugly

"Oh okay, but what do you mean by 'if I wanted to give my parents a heart attack?" Alex noticed that zero had used the words 'don't remember earlier, so he thought it might be related.

[It's simple, they were born in Niniola]


[Don't make that face, they were born there but were cast out by the realm's special force since they had no affinity, so the balance wouldn't be disturbed between the two realms, and their memories are currently sealed. If they meet a toist mage, there's a chance their memories would be unsealed and the realms force would come after them if it finds out, then am sure a battle between you and them would break out] zero stated plainly like it meant nothing.