
In a mage world

"You talk about fairness?? The world isn't fair. Everything is about privilege in the end.The fortunate feed on the misfortune of the unfortunate. Think of the beast you killed for reward, ever thought it was unfair?" Alex snorted. What would you expect from a cultivator in a mage world? Alex dies while trying to breakthrough into the immortal realm. He is later transmigrated into the body of a teenager who had just died on earth. Witthout his cultivation, Alex , with the help of his immortal system, creates his own mage path that makes him defy every logic of magic. Doing the impossible, facing all alone, undying, gaining lovers unintentionally and also enemies. Alex now has to survive in Niniola, the realm where all mage reside with his family (siblings and girlfriends/wives), protecting them from all danger while at thesame time fulfilling the promise he made to a certain guardian, traveling different worlds in search for the chaos orbs to revive his parents Please join our discord to connect more with author:https://discord.gg/2rNbwtyNAh

Vee_High · Fantasy
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323 Chs

he saw through it again

Immediately after dropping Alex off in front of the spectacular formation, the blue dragon quickly departed, leaving behind Alex alone to himself while it joined the part of the formation the dragons were occupying.

Alex almost cried out at the dragon's sudden escape, this big fellow had ditched him in such a grand situation, in the presence of such an assembly, couldn't it have at least introduced him to its entourage?

Alex had the impulse to run after the blue dragon that had brought him here but was shocked to discover that all the blue dragons with the exception of the slightly bigger one which Alex believe to be the leader of the dragons, all the rest looked the same, almost like they were constantly being reprinted.

And Alex was unable to locate his 'ride' due to this ambiguous discovery.

In the end, all Alex could do was stand in front of the grand setup with shaky legs, although he force himself to stand, preventing himself from falling was a prime duty Alex set up for himself at this point, such an action would only lead to an expensive awkwardness, which Alex wouldn't be able to entertain at the moment.

Although Alex had lived for over a thousand years, this was his first time to ever be in a gathering of so many powerful beasts that was more than capable of ending his existence in less than a minute.

He couldn't help but be nervous. He didn't know finding a summoned beast would be so taxing. Alex suddenly remembered the other girl who came shortly after him, if this was a necessary procedure, he could only light an imaginary incense in his heart for her. He just hopes that she doesn't face such a grand welcome and for his to be a special case.

Bringing his attention back to the beast that was looking so intently at him, Alex could hear his own gulping sound as his heart started beating faster at the same time.

With no one to instruct him on what to do and the beast not taking the initiative, Alex took a deep breath, bracing himself, he wanted to finish this as soon as possible and get it over with, he didn't feel complacent in the slightest as long he was here, his uneasiness only grew.

"My name is Alex yeaga, I am a basic summoner who had awakened just not long ago, I'm here because I hope to be able to get a beast companion, so I hope I can get your cooperation with this quest of mine" Alex had to yell so that his voice was loud enough to be heard by the thousands of beasts who were looking at him with eye's which Alex couldn't read anything from.

He had purposely hidden the Truth about his element and stage, and although he wasn't sure if the beasts staring at him could see through him, he really didn't care. After all, he really was a summoner who had just awakened, so it wasn't wrong to say he was at the basic summoner stage, right?

"We already know your purpose for entering our dimension and your rank"the biggest eagle stepped forward and spoke to Alex, it didn't sound excited or alarmed, rather, it sounded so casual like this was a natural occurrence it would never get tired of.

"You just have to pick and we would be done here, don't worry, you can pick any beast of your choice to become your companion, we won't interfere."

This time, it was the biggest dragon that spoke up, it slowly stepped out of the formation, of course together with the biggest eagle, clearly hinting to Alex that they were not up for picking.

Alex just sighed and returned his focus to the beasts that were still in the formation in front of him, with the dragon's side releasing a strong blue metallic luster because of the rays of sunlight smiling upon them, Alex had to admit that they sure looked glorious and magnificent.

Looking over to the side of the giant red eagles, Alex could have sworn that he saw flames burning around them, but after blinking twice Alex concluded that it must have been his eyes playing tricks on him since no flames could be seen anywhere.

All that was left were the sensitive sight of their bloody red feathers fluttering gently in the wind, Alex could feel an unexplainable suppression from them, a suppression he couldn't shake off no matter how much he tried.

Alex contemplated this for a little while, although the dragons looked fierce and intimidating, the real ones releasing such feelings now were the red eagles.

He could already tell that the eagles were slightly stronger than the dragons in both aura and presence, so Alex decided to focus his attention on the red eagles.

Of course, the action didn't escape any of the beasts eye's, and this simple action of Alex gave both the red eagles and the dragons a great surprise, they didn't expect this kid to make such a move.

Very few people had been able to enter into their dimension in the past hundreds of years and nearly all of them hadn't been able to see the true difference between the red eagles and the blue dragons.

Almost all of them would pick from one of the blue dragons without giving it much thought, they all believe that dragons were on top of every beast in the world so the dragons became the usual pick of most of the mages who were chances to enter their dimensions.

But this kid...this young man whom their guardian had taken a liking to had been able to make a perfect choice in just less than a minute.

The leader of the dragons and the eagles both looked at Alex with approval, they were now convinced that Alex was worth their guardian's attention and that he wasn't just some lucky amateur.

Meanwhile, Alex who was unaware that he had earned the acknowledgment of the two leaders was seriously frowning, he was having a hard time distinguishing between the eagles he was seeing.

To him, they were all these, they all were on par with each other and released the same pressure, Alex didn't know what he should do at this point.

Alex believed that he could feel slightly different in the aura that was emitting from the side of the eagles like something was trying to suppress the pressure coming from them, but it still surfaced in 6 seconds intervals.

Alex knew for certain that it wasn't any of the leaders since they had already stepped out of the formation, which could only mean that whatsoever was trying to suppress the pressure from the group of red eagles was within the formation and that the source of this suppression had to be stronger than the rest of the eagles.

So Alex settled his mind on locating the source of the suppression, if it turned out to be an eagle, he would choose it as his companion, but if it perhaps turned out to be an object, he would just pick a random eagle and leave.

Noticing Alex's action, the face of the leader dragon brighten as its mouth formed a very not-so-attractive smile 'this old fox had bad luck this time around, hahaha'.

The face of the leader eagle on the other hand couldn't stop twitching as it watched Alex see through its trick.

Alex finally located the source of the suppression, it was at the center of the formation,alex took a closer look and realized that there was a particular eagle that was being shielded by three other eagles, making it impossible to see.

Alex just smiled widely, taking long strides, and was soon in the middle of the formation, while every other beast was expecting Alex was going to pick the eagle that was being covered, the dragon leader looked over to the twitching eagle leader and said "you have been had"

Immediately its word fell, Alex lifted his finger and pointed it at the eagle on the very front instead of the one being covered then said"I pick you"

Soon after both Alex and the shocked eagle were wrapped in particles of light as they both began to fade slowly.

The eagle's shocked face soon turned into one of satisfaction, it was glad Alex was able to spot it even when they had used a 'doubles' trick, it still didn't work on Alex as Alex was able to tell that the one being covered was only a camouflage.

Alex continued to smile at the red eagle until surely, they both faded completely.