
In a hunt for the enthusiast

"Wow,"mumbled the prince. He had never seen such a beauty which was covered with the whitish skin, lips with a crimson hue, and eyes which were enough to challenge the shape of a cock's comb leaf. Her face's ratio was impeccable, he looked at her as if all her qualities had taken a toll on the prince's heart. Dear reader, from the above written scene from my novel, questions like:.... arises in your mind. Who is the beauty which has taken a toll on the prince's heart ? Who is the prince, What is his name? How is the two people mentioned above different or similar from each other? To answer all this questions that had taken birth in your mind, you need to read the novel: In a hunt for the enthusiast I bet you are gonna love it, until the updated chapters come, Keep reading. Keep loving.

Sanrika_Seni · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Conspiracy II

"Let me sit up Chris.", her heart was racing the speediest when she exclaimed.

This time Chris lifted his hand, backed off from Chloe and sat up, she tried to sit up but the first thrust she took made her feel a sharp pain in her lower back, she fell on the bed again.

"Oh, Holy crap, What the hell in the world did you do to me?", Chloe exclaimed in despair. Chris sat upon Chloe and started opening the corset threads slowly making her feel wrong. She stopped him and the sudden eye contact said it all:

In the dimly lit room, tension hung heavy in the air as Chris sat facing Chloe, his once-beloved, now a captive in his desperate grasp. Chloe's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and defiance, her hands trembling as she confronted the man who had once held her heart.

"You can't keep me here, Chris," Chloe's voice quivered with suppressed rage. "Kidnapping me won't make me love you again."

Chris's expression twisted with bitterness, memories of their past love now tainted by betrayal. "You left me for that scumbag, Alfakis," he spat out, his voice laced with venom. "You think I would just let you walk away from me?"

Chloe's gaze hardened. "I left because you became someone I didn't recognize anymore. Your obsession with me turned toxic, Chris. I had to get away."

Chris clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. "I loved you, Chloe! I would have done anything for you!"

"But this isn't love," Chloe shot back, her voice laced with sorrow. "This is manipulation, Chris. Holding me against my will won't make me love you again."

Silence descended upon the room, heavy with the weight of their broken relationship. Chris's mind raced, grappling with the reality of what he had become. He had once been consumed by love for Chloe, but now his actions had turned him into a shadow of his former self.

Regret washed over him as he looked at Chloe, seeing the fear and sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Chloe," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I never wanted it to come to this."

Chloe's gaze softened, her anger giving way to pity. "I know you're hurting, Chris. But this isn't the way to heal."

With a heavy heart, Chris released Chloe from her restraints, watching as she walked away from him, leaving him alone with his demons. As he stood in the empty room, he knew that he had lost not only Chloe but also a part of himself in the process.

In the quiet aftermath of their quarrel, Chris was left to confront the harsh truth: love, once pure and untainted, had turned into something ugly and destructive. And as he gazed into the abyss of his own heart, he wondered if redemption was even possible anymore.