
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Action
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


(every wn should have it's cheesy lines)

'Why do I keep getting hit? I didn't ask for this life,' Jack thought to himself as he struggled to stay conscious. 'No, I can't give up here. I was given a second chance at life. I shouldn't waste it.'

As Jack fought to remain conscious, a blue screen suddenly appeared in front of him, but he didn't focus on it. Instead, his need to breathe finally hit him, and he used it as a focal point to help him swim back to the surface.

Matt desperately tried to grab the attention of the boar, but no matter what he did, the beast ignored him and charged toward the spot where Jack had landed, intending to make sure its prey was dead. In a last-ditch effort, Matt threw his sword with almost all his remaining mana toward the boar. He wasn't sure why he did it; he knew that the best course of action would have been to get closer to the boar and kill it while it was attacking Jack. However, he couldn't bring himself to prioritize his own survival over his morals.

The sword embedded itself deeply in the boar's hindquarters. The boar squealed in fury and agony, experiencing more pain than at any other point in the fight. Confident that its initial prey must now be dead, the boar ceased its charge and instead headed for the other prey that stood alone.

Matt regretted throwing away his weapon, realizing that his only option now was to defend Jack the best he could. All that mattered was ensuring Jack's survival.

When Jack surfaced from the water, he gasped for air and struggled to reorient himself. He climbed out of the pool while working to steady his panicked breathing. Upon exiting the water, he saw Matt running around as the boar slowly moved through the trees, evidently wounded.

Jack picked up his spear and yelled at Matt to come toward him. Though not in top condition, Jack still had enough strength for one thing. At that moment, he had the opportunity for a clean strike.

Jack put 20 more points into strength then undid his armor and used all his mana on the spear and threw it at the head of the boar. Since the boar was charging toward both of them at full speed, it couldn't slow down enough to dodge the hit. The spear penetrated the head of the beast halfway.

As Jack hurled the spear, he experienced a mix of fatigue and delight. The exhaustion stemmed from expending all of his mana, while the satisfaction came from utilizing 20 points in strength. He mused to himself.

'So that's what happens when I use all my mana, I'm still weak'

Jack gave two steps to get out of the way before he fell down to the floor. When Matt reached his position he picked him up and kept running. Some of the pain he felt had gone away but his muscles were also strained because of his skills.

The boar remained alive and ran for a few seconds before stumbling and causing the spear to be pushed in further before breaking. It then got up and started running toward Matt and Jack before stumbling and falling down again.

This repeated multiple times until the boar was unable to get up anymore. It began to emit strange noises, whaling and screeching. Matt, who was carrying Jack, continued running until he was certain the boar was not following them.

After a few minutes, he returned with Jack on his back and could hear and see the boar making its final attempt to attack them, despite being unable to do so. Matt could see the pain and fury in the beast's eyes.

Matt gently laid Jack on the ground before sitting down for a few minutes, waiting for the boar to weaken and become almost immobile. Once it was barely moving, he carefully removed his sword from the boar, which caused it to squeal once again. Matt waited for another minute before stabbing the sword into the hole in the boar's head, ensuring that it was dead. He then took the sword and laid down next to Jack before passing out.

Matt was confident that no other animals would come, even if they caught a whiff of the blood, as this was the territory of an animal that they didn't want to provoke.

When Matt woke up, it was already evening. He was exhausted, and his muscles ached, but he had no choice but to get up. After confirming that Jack was still breathing, Matt began to laugh loudly.

"kyakyakyakya, they say the younger generation is better than the older generation. This kid was a blessing in disguise. Well, I have to get going before it gets dark."

Matt picked up Jack and his sword and went on his way home "Jack"

When he got back to the village people were surprised to see Matt all dirty carrying Jack. People started surrounding him before he shouted at them to leave him alone. He told one of the people there to go tell the village chief that he was back. Matt went home and told Frida to get Stephanie to help her check if Jack was fine.

When he met the chief he told him all that happened and that he should send two people to stop the other people from asking for help. He also asked the chief to call for some of the men as he needed help moving the beast. When he only sent three Matt told him that they needed more men to pick up the beast.

Matt provided guidance to the people and assisted them as they struggled to place the beast on the strongest cart available. However, due to its immense size, the animal did not fit entirely on the cart, and the group had to carry the remaining part while pushing it forward, as the horses pulled the cart. Although it took a while, they eventually managed to transport the animal back to the village.

Upon their return, everyone was surprised by the size of the beast. Matt informed the chief that he was exhausted and, therefore, left them to go back home and rest.

The villagers attempted to cut up the animal, but its skin was too tough for them to handle. Eventually, they left the carcass in a dark spot and returned home, and talked about the beast.