

This is a story of one of the strongest powerhouse of immortal realm who got severely injured and was about to die while fighting for some relics which was some kind of talisman with lots of complex runes. In his last moment he decided to use the talisman to see it's effects and hoped that it was some sort of protective treasure which can save his life but all he got was his body being disintegrated and his soul being sucked into the talisman, while the talisman was swallowed in space rift opened thereby who knows what. The Talisman containing his soul was travelling at a high speed in a tunnel like path for a long time when it suddenly collided with something. The impact of the collision created another rift in the tunnel like path swallowing both, the Talisman and the thing which it collided with making their journey more longer and filled with some other surprises, Finally landing our protagonist which is a mutated soul in the body of a newborn in the Magical world.... -------------------------------------------------- Update schedule:- I D K....XD English is not my first language(I can read and listen this language perfectly but when it comes to express myself in English in any format, either by writing or speaking....things go sh*t) Tags:- Action, Adventure, Academy, Magic, Cultivation(In later volumes... I guess will implement it after or around 5th year, I mean one of my MC's soul is from immortal realm with a reason), System, Harem/No harem(not sure)...and many more to be found/added......... -------------------------------------------------- So let's take our magical Oath... I Solemnly Swear That I Am Upto No Good....

DUMSKY · Book&Literature
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2 Chs


1.2:- WISHES(1)

Hearing all of his 'OP' wishes our newbie KEEPER got speechless for few seconds.

Coming to her senses she said "Only your 3rd wish can be granted fully, as for your 4th wish it can only be fulfilled partially like having your own world by integrating with a 'God Rank Space Embryo'. And as for your 1st and 2nd wishes sorry you have to change them."


"Wait!!! Though you're given some wishes it doesn't mean that you can ask for anything. It is my first time handling a Chosen One. I thought you'll just ask for some type of skills or other normal stuffs. I hadn't thought that you'll know about those kind of systems and magic let alone ask" said Alice in an embarrassed tone." (Alice)

Hearing her words Drake calmed down thinking that maybe she doesn't have any experience in this kind of reincarnation stuff, clearly forgetting that it is his first or maybe the last time too. Though he soon became depressed remembering that his wish of obtaining OP Anime System and having the powers of his favorite anime characters can't be fulfilled.

Suddenly he once again that hateful voice. The same voice which was gentle yet cold, warm yet piercing and above all hateful, as this was the voice which took away one of his wishes.

"There are thousands of worlds with thousands of Paths, though some maybe easier than others but each path leads to the same destination. Few years of hardship isn't bad for a life long happiness." She tried to be like some senior giving advice to their junior.

Hearing her say something like that made Drake think, that, is she the same person who took away his one wish? As this person was clearly giving him advice, but as he thought about one of his wish' that he lost to this women, he asked "...Can you clearly tell me how many years of hardship would one have to endure for your so called 'life-long happiness'? A few Decades or a few centuries?"

"Not much. Just a few hundreds to thousands of Millenniums. And as a reminder you've wasted your 5 precious minutes while flirting and asking some outrageous wishes which can't be granted." she snorted.

"Well, seeing that it was somewhat on our mistake to not inform you the whole thing, 'The Path' has decided to remove the time limit on you for choosing your wishes. But beware, my patience is limited."

"Alice, no mistakes this time." (Alice's Mom)

"Yes" replied the embarrassed Alice while giving a short bow towards a certain direction and the again facing towards Drake she spoke.

"Well you see, wishes are a type of currency which you can use to buy anything present physically or fictionally. And as you know the Better the product is ,the expensive it's price will be. For example, your wish of having an OP Anime System costs 9 wishes, the wish of having 'Devour Attribute To Both Body And Soul" will cost 2 wishes and your wish of having a fully customized personal world will cost 21 wishes, and…" She stopped there while staring at Drake face which was filled with shock hearing the price of each wishes.

After not hearing any sound coming from Alice and seeing her looking at his face he rubbed his nose in embarrassment and asked "….and what?"

"And your wish of 'The Magic of Creation God' will cost you 99 wishes!!!"(Alice)

"What!!!Why is it so expensive???" (Drake)

"Of course it'll be expensive after all it is the magic of an 'Ex-True God' " (Alice)

"What do you mean by Ex-True God? Is he dead?" (Drake)

"Nope. He just 'retired'. Anyways, so that's how things work here. Any questions?" Alice asked as she looked slightly upward proudly at something and folded he hands below her chest unknowingly emphasizing her already emphasized boobs.

'So what are you being so proud of? It's not like you got his 'Position'."'thought Drake as he was staring at her chest. Suddenly he felt chill in his soul (A/N: idk if this can be used as being scared) and he immediately knew why he felt it as he removed his eyes from Alice's chest and said

"So what now? I don't know the price of anything which I can buy using my wishes. There must be something right? Or do you want me to think of some wishes and tell it to you and then you'll tell me if I can 'buy' it or not" (Drake)

"Ah! Well there is this 'Wish list Panel' which can be used to check the price of all types of available wishes and you can also check the price of any of your customized wishes." She waved her hand and a Green Blank Screen appeared out of the void in front of Drake.

"You just have to put your on the screen and you'll know the rest" (Alice)

"Is it that simple?" (Drake)

"Yep!" (Alice)

Drake raised his hand and placed his palm on the as he felt his soul being sucked by the panel. He closed his eyes and let the panel do it's work.

After he felt that his soul became stable and there was no more suction force he opened his eyes, and what greeted him was again an endless black space. The only change was that Alice was missing and there was a 'Tablet' in his hand with just three words on it.

[List of available wishes with cost]

[Customized wish's cost]


Cause for late Chapter = Had and still have some personal problems.

Next chapter in about 5-6 hours about the available wishes in the 'Tablet' and his customized wish's costs. and also him finally going to reincarnate.

Thanks for reading (^_^)/`

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