
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 8 - Healing and Feelings

Ace and I headed back towards Cathedral Insomnia.

After putting away the remaining twenty silver coins inside the drawer in my room, I went to the backyard where Ace was waiting.

I noticed that some of the guests were watching from their respective windows...

Now that I think about it, I remember Iris telling us that some guests were watching when she arrived for the first time, though we were already unconscious by the time she found us.

After that, the Cathedral Insomnia's Manager; Glen Curby, instructed us as follows:

[Dear guests, using the backyard as training grounds is permitted but please see to it that other guests won't be disturb by any unnecessary commotion.] (Glen)

The old man with white hair in his fifties who wore a butler's uniform gently asked us with humility.

Of course, we swore that we'll be responsible when using the field as our ring.

Well, right now... Ace and I will have our second slug-fest, with our new outfits of course.

While I do still have the sword that Garret-san gave me, we decided to not use any weapons like last time...

I adjusted my clothes, stretched my body and clenched my fists.

Ace and I looked at each other intently.

Seems like neither of us were satisfied about the draw from our first battle.

Hoo, I feel excited.

Fighting the Main Protagonist of your favorite Light Novel Series?!

It's just so unreal that I can't help but laugh.

However, that's exactly what's about to happen right now.

[Are you ready, Zero?] (Ace)

[You bet I am, Ace.] (Zero)

[Then... Here I go-!] (Ace)

[Right back at you-!] (Zero)


Ace and Zero dashed at each other with incredible speed.

Ace released a straight right hand jab towards Zero's face.

Zero decided to take it on instead of safely dodging it.

He repeated what he did when he schooled a certain Battle Mage.

He let Ace's fist slide past his face as he pivoted his foot in the opposite direction.

As he twisted his body around, he let out a fast left elbow swing towards the back of Ace's head.

To his surprise, Ace was able to dodge his attack by tumbling forward.

[Geez, can I even land a hit? You're just too fast, Zero.] (Ace)

[You're one to talk. That punched would've finished me if I failed to dodge it.] (Zero)

The two young men smiled at each other and immediately went back to their fighting postures.

Zero quickly ran at Ace.

Ace, then, switched to a defensive stance and prepared to receive Zero's attack head-on.

Zero's fist blurred as he punched him with speed, but Ace was able to block it instinctively by crossing his arms.

Ace quickly returned the favor with the same right straight.

Zero was able to dodge it by crouching, but Ace didn't waste any time and immediately used an axe-kick.


The impact caused a small explosion.

In the midst of the smoke was Zero, holding Ace's leg.

The ground got gouged out and Zero was slightly kneeling due to the strength of Ace's attack.

Zero, then, stood up and threw Ace up in the air with the leg he grabbed.

Zero quickly leapt at him with speed.

Ace became aware of his opponent's presence and turned his body around.

The two exchanged rapid blows mid-air that made some loud sounds.

(Imagine the mid-air fights in Dragon Ball).

They repelled each other while descending.

After landing on the ground, they immediately dashed towards each other and continued their point blank, close combat.

The two landed fist marks on their faces.

Punch and get punched, kick and get kicked, the two continued to beat each other up.

Not long after that, Zero roundhouse-kicked Ace but he defended it with his arms.

The sudden collision made them slide some distance away from each other.

They panted and breathed heavily while wiping the sweat and blood from their faces.

Ace landed firmer and stronger blows but Zero landed sharper and more accurate blows.

Despite all of it, both of them wore unyielding smiles.

[I... WON'T LOSE!] (Zero/Ace)

They ran towards each other as their fists collided....


It was truly a fight between men.



Fuwa... Ace complimented me a lot today...

I'm so happy...

Ah- Wait a minute, I got lost in thought...

[Iris-chan, are you okay? We just ate lunch and you're already hungry... Was it not enough...?] (Cornelia)

[Eh? I'm not, Cornelia-san... The food were plenty and delicious. In fact, I'm really full right now.] (Iris)

[It's okay, it's okay. You don't need to hide it. Well, more like; you can't hide it. You're partially drooling.] (Cornelia)

[Ah-?! *Slurp*... I'm sorry about that... Guu- How embarrassing. B-But, I wasn't really thinking about-.] (Iris)

[Ohoho... Drooling over a man, huh? Kids these days sure are bold.] (Cornelia)

[Ah-?! C-Cornelia-san?!] (Iris)


This is so embarrassing!

I was actually drooling while thinking of Ace?!

[But I was really surprised that Ace-san turned out to be the one you like.] (Cornelia)

[Hm...?] (Iris)

[Well, I initially thought that you and Zero-san were lovers.] (Cornelia)

[Eh...? Me and Zero? Ah, we're just close friends, Cornelia-san. He's even helping me with Ace and everything.] (Iris)

[Oh, I see... Poor him, that Zero-san. Is he a masochist or something...? Is he into Martyr Play or does he have a Netorare Fetish?] (Cornelia)

(AN: How does Cornelia even know what Netorare is?)

[Eh? Poor him? What do you mean?] (Iris)

[Ah! Nothing, it's nothing... Oh! Why don't you try this dress next?!] (Cornelia)

Cornelia-san made me try on countless amounts of dress.

It was tiring, but I enjoyed it.

Seeing what kind of different outfits would suit me was a lot of fun.

We also ate a lot of sweets and they were very delicious.

Time passed like it was nothing and before we became aware of it, it was already sundown.

[Ah~ That was fun, wasn't it Iris-chan? I've never had a great time trying on clothes with someone since my daughter left the Kingdom.] (Cornelia)

Oh... So she has a daughter.

I'd like to ask but I guess it can wait.

[Yes! I enjoyed it a lot as well, Cornelia-san. You even gave me a beautiful Adamantium-level Sorceress Dress. I am forever grateful.] (Iris)

[Fufun. My {White Witch's Gear} is unparalleled in the Adamantium Rank's Magic-based Gear department. I'd appreciate it a lot if you put it to good use.] (Cornelia)

[I'll treasure it forever. Thank you very much, Cornelia-san!] (Iris)

[You are very welcome... But seriously... Where are those two?!] (Cornelia)

Oh... Now that I think about it, Ace and Zero left.

Well, it only makes sense since we took a whole dang day to finish.

But it's strange that they still haven't returned...

Wait a minute... Don't tell me...

[Iris-chan, I called {Cathedral Insomnia} (via Message Orbs) and they told me that Ace-san and Zero-san are at the inn's backyard. It's almost sunset! What are they doing? They didn't forget about their cute Sorceress, did they...?] (Cornelia)

I just made a bitter smile.

I knew it.

Those two must be battling their brains out...

Goodness... They're getting too carried away by their new clothes...

Well, not that I'm one to talk.

[Ah... I'll just head there myself.] (Iris)

[Oh, is that so? Are you sure about going there by yourself? I can send someone to escort you.] (Cornelia)

[It's fine. I don't want to trouble Cornelia-san any further.] (Iris)

[If that's what you want, then I'm okay with it. Just be careful now, Iris-chan.] (Cornelia)

I thanked Cornelia-san once again.

I headed out of {Cornelia Fashion} as I waved goodbye towards the people in it.


Time to scold those two battle-thirsty idiots.

I walked towards the direction of {Cathedral Insomnia}.

I packed the {White Witch's Gear} inside a bag and wore the inn clothes once more.

I don't want to attract unnecessary attention by wearing a somewhat flashy outfit.


I reached my destination.

Eh...? This is the place, right?

I'm here... or am I...?

There are so many people!

What in the world is going on...?





T-Those two are still fighting...?!

When did they start fighting anyway...?!

Look at all these people watching them...


If it's them, they probably don't even notice this ridiculous audience.

[Who are those two...?] (?)

[I don't even know. Are they veteran Adventurers from another country...?] (?)

[It doesn't even matter where they're from... Those two are monsters...] (?)

[My eyes can barely keep up. I feel like my body would get torn apart I receive one of their blows...] (?)

Woah... the audience is overwhelmed by their power.

[Papa, Papa! Those two men are amazing!] (?)

[Papa was like that too, when he was young. Ha-hahaha!] (?)

[Oh darling, I still remember the time when you ran off from a goblin when we were still Adventurers.] (?)

[Shh, dear! Don't talk about that. You'll embarrass me in front of our son...] (?)


They sure are getting popular.

Geez, these two.

They're hitting one another too hard.

They'd get seriously injured at this rate.

Okay! I'll stop them.

I slowly climbed up the surrounding fence that was only about half a meter tall.

(Note: If you want some visuals for the backyard, use the Hammerhead Stage from Tekken 7 as reference, but with soil and grass instead of concrete.)

[O-Oi, Oujo-chan, it's dangerous. Don't go in there.] (?)

A middle-aged man suddenly called out to me.

[Ah, I'm grateful for the warning, but those two morons are my companions. I have to stop them now. The scale of this fight can already be considered as public disturbance after all...] (Iris)

[I-Is that so... Be careful then...] (?)

I just replied with a nod and a smile and proceeded to head towards Ace and Zero.

Woah... their brute strength produces this much gust...

For each blow, they'd constantly create shockwaves...

[Okay, you two. Stop right now!] (Iris)


[Graaaah!!!] (Ace)

[Haaaah!!!] (Zero)

I got... ignored...?

They're still fighting...

They didn't hear me.

I see... So they have the nerves to ignore me, huh...?

This is getting annoying...

[Ignoring me, are you...?] (Iris)

I took one deep breathe...

[Would you two... STOP FIGHTING ALREADY?! ] (Iris)

The ground suddenly started shaking...

Not long after the field shook, Ace and Zero stopped moving and slowly looked below them...

Then, two gigantic, stone cylinders restrained their movements from the neck down...

That was my Stone Grip... my new and improved Stone Grip.

The surrounding audience gasped in shock when they saw me single-handedly finish their rampage.


My Spell was quite strong, wasn't it?

I trained my Magic everyday after waking up from our first Quest.

I learned a lot of new Spells and my older Spells became stronger too.

[W-What in the world?!] (Ace)

[I can't... move my body...] (Zero)

The two suddenly stared at me with their faces beaten up...


Did they actually expect me to release them and let them continue their noisy fray?

I looked at them with irritated eyes...

[I-Iris... release us! This fight between us men... needs a conclusion!] (Ace)

[She's right... Iris-!] (Zero)

[Shut up!!! 'Release us' my ass! You're beating each other up and you didn't even remember me...?! I thought you were gonna pick me up! I waited there, you know?! (Iris)

I didn't actually "wait", but whatever.

[Gah-...!] (Ace)

[About that...] (Zero)

[And look!] (Iris)

I point my finger towards the crowd.

[Wha-?! What's with all those people?] (Ace)

[Were they here the entire time?] (Zero)

Sigh... what am I gonna do with these guys...?

I shook my head from side to side.

It's like I'm babysitting two Ace(s) now...



We decided to head inside {Cathedral Insomnia}...


My fight with Ace ended without any result.

We couldn't do anything about it.

There was no event in the original Series where Iris was pissed off this much.

She may not sound that intimidating, but she turns out to be quite frightening when angry.

I can't exactly say that she was 'scary' with her cute and gentle face, but I felt like one wrong move and I'd get obliterated with her spells...

Anyway, Iris invited Ace and I to her room.

It was nice and tidy, as expected of the Main Heroine.

She sat on her bed while the two of us sat on the floor.

She started to concentrate...

I wonder what she'll do...

[Okay, you two...] (Iris)

[Ye-Yes!] (Zero/Ace)

Ace and I responded in fear...

[Hey, what's with that reaction? I'm not even angry anymore... Anyway, let me try this out...] (Iris)

[I see...] (Ace)

[Okay, here I go... {Recovery}... {Restoration}...] (Iris)

Those... were two separate Spells.

Wait a minute... {Recovery}... and {Restoration}-?!

She learned them already?

In the Anime, she won't learn them until they reach Platinum Rank while in the Light Novel, Gold Rank...


You know what, I won't even be surprised anymore...

Too much crazy things are happening it's starting to feel like it's normal.

As Iris cast the Spells upon the two of us, our bodies were surrounded in green and blue light.

If I'm not mistaken, {Recovery} gives off a blue glow that replenishes our energy, stamina and MP.

On the other hand, {Restoration} gives off a green glow that replenishes our body condition and HP.

These two can't cure abnormalities such as {Paralyzed} and {Poisoned}, unfortunately.

But, there is another Skill that takes care of those matters.

As far as I remember, it was called {Remediate}.

I wonder if Iris learned it as well.

[Woah, this is amazing Iris! My body feels great. I'm in top condition right now!] (Ace)

[So you've learned some healing magic, Iris.] (Zero)

[Yeah... I checked myself, right after I came to from our Quest, and I was surprised when I saw those two along with many other Spells that I learned... I knew about them when I was studying back in the Magic Academy so I was eager to try them out. It seems like they worked just fine.] (Iris)

Tch, luck is on our side this time.

Her grimiore didn't even have a single healing spell.

Her learning these two healing spells will be a humongous power spike.

She smiled.

I see, she's probably happy to be more useful to Ace.

[Hm. As expected of Iris.] (Zero)

[Way to go, Iris!] (Ace)

[Ehehe... Oh stop flattering me, you two.] (Iris)

"Those two..." huh...?

It seems like she hasn't learned {Remediate} yet.

Well, that makes sense since she learned it by the time they battled the Demon Lord's Executives.

But who knows, she might even learn it tomorrow.

[As a celebration, we'll eat lots and lots tonight! My treat!] (Ace)

[Ace, you don't have any money... Zero holds our budget, remember...?] (Iris)

Ace's happy face was suddenly dyed in despair...

[Y-You're right... It's because I'm too bad at handling money... You're right...] (Ace)

His voice got gradually thinner.

Well, the three of us talked about it before heading towards Durnica about a week ago.

Apparently, Iris wanted me to handle the money because Ace might accidentally spend them all.


They trust me so much that they're willing to let me handling their money as well?

[It's fine, right? Let's celebrate everything at once! Our new gears, our reward, our great improvement and of course, our survival. I hope I can continue being Partied- no, friends- I hope I can continue to be friends with you guys.] (Zero)

[Haha! Of course! I knew I didn't make a mistake making you my friend right from the start! Well, I didn't actually fully trust you in the beginning, but when we first fought, I realized that you and I are the same.] (Ace)

[Well, for me, I've always known how accurate Ace is when it comes to judging people's characters. So when I suddenly heard him say that 'he made a friend', I knew you were someone that even I can trust.] (Iris)


Seriously, these two.

I might cry, you know?

Alright! Time to party!

Our budget: Twenty Silver coins. (Two million yen.)

The three of us went down and saw Yanzo-san in his waiter outfit.

[Yo. Did the three of you buy some good clothes? I'm expecting some Orichalcum or even Adamantium-Rank level clothes if you effectively spent them all. Haha! Just kidding!] (Yanzo)

The three of us turned our gazes away from Yanzo-san made some guilty smiles...

His typical know-it-all face suddenly became a curious one.

[Oi, oi... What's with those looks...? What kind of clothes did you buy...?] (Yanzo)

[A-... Adamantium...] (Ace)

[Adamantium?!] (Yanzo)

The noise from the lively Adventurers suddenly stopped as they looked at a certain waiter that yelled quite a big word.

The slightly ashamed Yanzo-san turned around to bow his head and apologize for suddenly yelling.

[Sigh... You guys sure are ridiculous... First, take a sit. Oh, Manager-san, I'll take a short break. I need to have a talk with these Adventurers.] (Yanzo)

The inn manager, Glen-san, seemed like he knows what's up when it comes to Guild stuff since he casually allowed Yanzo-san's request.

[When you said Adamantium, did you mean one of you bought an Adamantium-Rank level gear?] (Yanzo)

[N-No... The three of us have Adamantium gears... each one...] (Ace)

[Wha-?! E-Even at Cornelia Fashion, that's impossible... unless you used your own money...] (Yanzo)

[Actually, Yanzo-san, only the two of them bought a gear that cost forty Silver coins each... I got my gear... for free... Thanks to Cornelia-san...] (Iris)

[I see... That woman was actually here, huh? She even gave a huge amount of discount...] (Yanzo)

["That woman"... Do you perhaps know Cornelia-san personally?] (Zero)

[Well yeah. I was a former Adventurer and we had a slight connection due to a certain business Quest from a while back in Nautalia. A~nyway, seeing how the three of you are making ridiculous progress as usual, that's all I'd ask for now. Have a good night, you three.] (Yanzo)

Yanzo-san looks us and nonchalantly smiled.

The three of us, then, proceeded to order our food.

A lot of food, and drinks.

We decided to enjoy ourselves all night.

While Ace and I drank beer, Iris only went with juice since she has low tolerance to alcohol.

That alone could be dangerous in many ways.

In the original series, Iris got drunk and said some pretty weird and extreme stuff.

I won't go into detail but...

We ordered a lot of delicious food, talked about each other and laughed at each other's jokes.

I've never had this much fun since our field trip in middle school.

Now that I think about it, our high school field trip was coming up...

Sigh... I wonder how they're doing?

Well, whatever.

I'm just going to enjoying myself with my new friends in this world to the fullest!

I have a new life now, after all!

This must be... what Minami might want for me...

Time passed by as the night went on.

If my sense of time is correct, it should be at least two or three in the morning already.


The number of customers gradually decreased each hour.

I deliberately lessened my alcoholic consumption so that I can stay awake.

Iris and Ace eventually fell asleep.

I knew this would happen so I called out to Yanzo-san, who was wiping the tables, for help.

[Yanzo-san, can I ask you a favor?] (Zero)

[Sure, what can I help you with?] (Yanzo)

[Can you carry Ace back to his room...?] (Zero)

[Sigh... And 'you' get to carry Iris-san? You cunning kid... Fine then, on one condition.] (Yanzo)

I just laughed guiltily...

Well, what can I do, right?

It's just me being me.

It's not like I have any ulterior motives...

Or do I?! Muhahahaha!

[W-What condition...?] (Zero)

Yanzo-san suddenly took out a Copper coin from his pocket and flicked it up in the air.

It spun rapidly as it fell on the floor.

It bounced once until Yanzo-san stepped on it.

[Heads is piggyback and tails is bridal carry (princess carry). You must follow what the result will be... Now... What is your fate, young man?] (Yanzo)

Yanzo-san slowly removed his foot...


[Heads!] (Yanzo)

I just replied with a sigh.

It's fine either way...

I proceeded to carry Iris in the said method.

I lift up her body and leaned it against my back.


S-Something is... pressing a-against my back...

I looked at Yanzo-san who was seemingly grabbing Ace's body.

I caught him peering at me with an evil smile.

[Yanzo-san, you bastard! You planned this, didn't you?!] (Zero)

I fiercely whispered.

[Kukuku. What can I say? Your reaction is rather amusing so why not?] (Yanzo)

This guy...

[Mm... Hmm...] (Iris)

Iris suddenly moved.


She slowly... tightens her hold against my neck.


The lethal weapon is hitting me even more!

This is bad...

I never got used to this since Minami and I didn't have that much skinship (most of which was my fault for acting too pure around her)...

I looked at Yanzo-san once again.


He's holding his laughter in, which was obviously about to burst out!!


I can't hide my embarrassment!

I angrily (and quickly) walked upstairs and headed towards Iris' room-

I gave Yanzo-san a sharp look while doing so.


I laid Iris' body on top of her bed.

Then, I gently covered her with a blanket.

I need to go now...

But I looked at her sleeping face.

How cute... and innocent... and soothing...


What am I doing?! I need to leave now!

I looked at her one last time...


I can't! I can't take off my gaze away from her!

What in the world am I doing?!

[Hmm... A~ce... I... love you~...! *Giggle*] (Iris)

She was sleep-talking...


I suddenly gripped my chest...

It tightened for some reason...

But anyway, Iris sure is amazing.

Her feelings towards Ace is so strong that it reaches her dreams...

Hm, hm... I nodded.

As her friend, I must help her!

Yeah, that's what I should do...

That's what... I should... do...

Then... why... that does it... hurt?


No! No! No!

I can't be feeling like this!

Is it because I felt her boobs?

Wait, what the heck?! No!

Is it because she looks like Minami?

Is it because she acts like Minami?

I shouldn't be just falling in love with her out of nowhere!

I don't even have a chance to begin with...

Somehow... I just feel like... I want her to become happy and...-

Wait a minute- that's exactly what I feel about Minami!

Ah! What should I do?!

F-For now, I need to leave.

I head out of Iris' room, the same time Yanzo-san exits Ace's...

He gave me a condemning, but mischievous look.

[Why are you looking at me like I just committed a crime...?] (Zero)

[Eh?! You didn't?!] (Yanzo)


[Hahaha, just kidding, just kidding... But you know, you sure like beating yourself up.] (Yanzo)

[Huh? What do you mean?] (Zero)

[Don't play dumb, Zero-san. You're smart enough to know what I'm talking about. Sigh... But on the other hand, you're smart enough to deceive yourself... That 150 INT sure is troublesome.] (Yanzo)

[I'm not!!!] (Zero)

I angrily replied.

[Eh-?] (Yanzo)

I suddenly shouted, hearing the word 'deceive'...

That word agitated me...

I startled Yanzo-san.

[I'm not... planning on deceiving myself... Not anymore! I'm... I'm done with that...] (Zero)

[I see... I'm sorry. I must've said something insensitive. Anyways, get some sleep now, Zero-san. You need to rest too.] (Yanzo)

[My bad as well, Yanzo-san. I suddenly yelled at you like that.] (Zero)

[It's fine. My jokes went too far.] (Yanzo)

His joke, huh?

Well he hit home...

He sure did...

He patted my shoulder as he went downstairs.

I headed inside my room and submitted myself on the bed.


Am I actually feeling that way towards Iris?

In the original series, I liked her as a character.

She was well-written, well-designed and well-developed.

But that was all that she was for me back then...

A Fictional Character.



What should I do...

Why does she look like you?

Why is she such an elegant yet cute girl..? Just like you.

Why does she act like you?

Why is she such a kind, thoughtful and caring girl...? Just like you.


Now that I think about it, I've always compared Minami to Iris Kinsley whenever we would hangout and talk about the series...


This is so dumb...

Before I knew it, tears started to flow as I closed my eyes.

That much was enough to make me cry?

When did I become such a cringe-worthy guy?


This world...

It's too cruel...