
in a cultivation world... WITHOUT A SYSTEM!!

Fuck Systems.. All My Homies hate Systems. ==== No But imagine going to a cultivation world without a system. couldn't be all of webnovel.

Eternal_Normie · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 :From Earth to the Imperial Divinity Continent.

Hey there! you know when your just walking in the street of your childhood town and next thing you know you're flying through a wormhole and land in a whole another planet having your soul fused with another person.

well just happened to me. let me tell you being pulled through a wormhole isn't nice. its like some thing is pulling your body and stretching it into a long noodle.

oh yeah! The world I landed in is a God Damn CULTIVATION WORLD. and you know what, I... I didn't get a system. Fuck them anyways they always make their host their bitch. at least I'm free.

Anyway in this world cultivation is the norm, law of the jungle etc. etc., I know we all read those goddamn lines a million times, no need to repeat. in this world I can make something out of my life. i mean it's not like i was a ugly loser or didn't have any girlfriend. I had a beautiful girlfriend of 7 Years ( no she's not 7 years old. their relationship lasted 7 years ) and looked pretty decent and was doing good in life. and it's not like I want to stay here. but when I was in that wormhole a voice said to me.

'' Don't worry Young man, for the time being you're world's time has been completely frozen so once you complete my quest for you, you can return and even keep your powers if you wish'' while I was in the wormhole I didn't know what he meant but know I know. just imagine. Me! Me having cultivation powers. that shit would be amazing!

Anyways setting that behind my back lets talk about this world that i landed in.

the continent I landed on is called the Imperial Divinity Continent and is one of the two God Continents. not bad, and the body I fused with was a carbon copy of mine. no, not more handsome, nor more ugly just me. except long hair. In the Northern Great Country of the Imperial Divinity Continent was where the clan of this young man was located. no he wasn't a trash young master nor a crippled genius. just a normal clan member that was about to start cultivation. his name was Yushiu Bingwen. and the clan wasn't a small nor a God Ranked clan. just a normal clan.

And now back to present day. I'm thinking about what to do. ''I Guess I should start cultivating.'' Bingwen said. The Cultivation ranks in this world are as followed. and since the memory of the previous Bingwen in cultivation terms are pretty ignorant he only knows about three ranks.


Qi Foundation is the rank of beginning since this rank will decide how far one can go in the ranks.

This rank is a bit special since once a cultivator reaches the peak of their foundational talent they can instantly breakthrough to the Core Formation Rank. Be it either the 4th Layer or the 9th Layer or maybe even the 12th Layer. Each layer ads 100 years of lifespan.

1-4th Layer max are those with Normal talent

5-10th Layer are those with Imperial Talent.


Though Bingwen doesn't have any info on the 11th and 12th layer.

After the Qi Foundation Rank comes the Qi Core Formation Rank


Qi Core Formation is the rank where those who surpassed the Qi Foundation rank form their Qi Core through compressing the Foundational Qi into a singular point and creating a Qi Core.

This Rank has 10 Layers and each layer's goals is in order to make the core further smaller. Every time the core gets smaller a 100 Years of lifespan get added.


Those in the Qi Core Formation are usually elite clansmen. and the Elders and the Clan Leader are in the Wandering Soul Rank.


Wandering Soul. In this rank one can detach the Soul from the body and wander the land around them.

In Each layer will the soul be strengthend making the time one can spend outside the body even longer

20 Layers for this rank and each rank 250 Years in lifespan.


It is rumored that the elders are at the 7th layer. and the sect master at the 15th Layer.

Though it is only a rumor. Anyways if i can at least make it to the 5th rank of Qi Foundation i can reach the Wandering Soul Rank.