
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Kidnapper In The Night

the mayor took Sora and personally helped him take part in the competition while shielding him from the hatred of the crowd, of course, the crowd was not happy with Sora, he flooded the market with fakes,

after Sora signed up, the mayor offered Sora a place to stay, to which Sora agree. Sora was given personal guards, one of the best being Yao Chi, the mayor's daughter. Sora and Hu Niu went to the mansion the mayor personally gave them, with Yao Chi following them

She was both talented and beautiful, with long blonde hair, she was a beauty that many could only see, but dare not show such thoughts.

"you seem not to have a good impression of me," Sora said with a bitter smile while looking at Yao Chi, Yao Chi coldly looked at him. why would she have a good impression of Sora? because of him, her city was in the blink of falling apart,

"well, it's understanding," Sora said in a soft voice, shaking his head, upon arriving at the mansion, Sora went on to study the fake Qi stone which he got from the mayor, he was going to try and create a technique that could be used to see through the technique,

"Yao Chi, come and use thi technique, and see if you can see through the Qi stone," Sora said calmly, Yao Chi who was standing outside with closed eyes slowly opened her eyes and looked inside, there she saw Sora with 5 Qi stones,

" the only way to see through a QI stone is by touching it, but I have created an eye technique which allowed one through these fake," Sora said with a smile as he handed her the technique, Yao Chi looked at the technique for some time, before her eyebrow raised,

"y-you created this just now?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly. her eyes widened in shock, to create a technique just like that as if it was nothing, truly Sora was impressive. Sora went on to teach her the technique, helping her to master it within a few minutes,

"... your voice." her eyes shrank while looking at Sora, Sora's voice had some power that allowed her to quickly comprehend such a complex technique...

after a moment, she went on to use the technique and try and find the fake Qi stone among the 5 QI stones, her eyes quickly landed on one of the QI stones, which she pointed out.

"good it works, give that to your father for me... tell him I'm truly sorry," Sora said with a sigh, Yao Chi was at a loss for words while looking at Sora, truly what a talented, yet humble person. she got him all wrong. after a moment, she bowed slightly, stunning Sora.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have miss judged you." She said in a soft voice, Sora quickly helped her up while shaking his head,

"This was all my doing, no need to say anything. if I was never born any of this would be happening, so for that, you have all right to be angry with me." Sora said softly, Yao Chi was moved to hear this, what a talented yet humble person.

she opened her mouth, but she froze as she suddenly turned and swung at the sky, at that moment, a thin beam shot through the wall, heading towards Sora's forehead. Sora's head already moved to the side to dodge, but she managed to block it, causing her to shoot backward,

the beam was so thin, that one couldn't even see the hole within the wall, Sora jumped up, dodging another beam that shot towards him. the next moment, the sky outside brightened, and a giant golden palm came falling from the sky.

Sora seeing this roared as he pulled out his sword, Sora entered Lightning Mode level 5, and using the Space Cut, Sora's sword was covered with the power of space, and the sword. and with a swing, Sora cut forward,

The huge palm and the sword attack clashed with each other, and to the shock of the assassin, the palm was cut cleanly through. within the sky, a man who was wearing all black was in shock and quickly dodged the plam.

"Interesting... but today, you shall die," he said with ruthlessness filling his eyes, he sent his palm forward slightly, and this time the attack shot down far faster. but Sora had already attacked, using the timeless 1,000 Space Draw, Sora let out a cry as the 1,000 cuts shot forward, destroying the palm and shooting towards the man in all back,

the man in all black was caught off guard by the speed of the attacks, cuts, and injuries instantly filling his body, yet he acted quickly to avoid any serious damage.

"impossible, I'm a level 5 Core formation" the man in all black yelled in shock, those at level 5 core formations would have a strength measurement of 130, and even if Sora's strength measurement was increased by two times, that was only 80. he was still far stronger than Sora, yet before Space cut, he could not defend at all.

'no, he is only strong because of this technique, he had to attack ahead of time before he couldn't react to my strength or speed.' the old man's face turned cold as ruthlessness flashed across his eyes, with a sword in hands, he shot down towards Sora, at this rate long rage would only give Sora time to react.

But he had gotten that Sora was not alone, Yao Chi who was stunned seeing Sora's show of strength snapped into reality, and rushed to face the man in all black, she was indeed power. even when caught off guard, he was still able to block that sneak attack,

'Unseen Scythe.' Sora thought as his scythe, moved, becoming unseen to the naked eye. this move used the fact it was hard for others to understand Sora's skills to a greater height,

Yao Chi clashed with the man, but she was weaker a deep cut suddenly appeared on the neck of the man in black, the man froze and so did Yao Chi, the man touched his nake, but he ended up pushing his head off, which fell to the ground.

the man's eyes could be seen looking around in confusion for some time, unable to understand what happened, before he closed his eyes for good. not everyone had senses as sharp as Sora, he didn't even sense Sora's scythe, and his head hit the ground with him not knowing what hit him.

"he is still alive, he is a puppet," Sora yelled out, as he grabbed Yao Chi, and shot up to the second floor, where he grabbed Hu Niu who was fast asleep and shot into the sky, but the puppet head at some point had reached itself to the main body and was following them,

"just destroy the puppet then." Yao Chi said wanting to break free of Sora,

"no, when I cut it, I destroyed most of its combat capabilities, it's going to explode," Sora said with a deep frown, biting his lips slightly, he began regretting now having a movement technique at this moment,


the puppet behind them suddenly exploded from an attack, Sora flashed, dodging the arm of a man wearing red robes,

"kid, just comes peacefully with me, once you tell me how to create those fake Qi stones, you can walk away as if nothing happened." the man said with a smile, but an old man appeared in the sky once more, snorting at the man with red robes.

"my clan tried hard to create those things, such information is falling into our hands," the newcomer said coldly, making the man with red robes frown deeply, and with that more and more people began appearing, surrounding Sora from all sides.

'i will send you guys away, I will stay to fight them, but hurry back with some help,' Sora's voice entered Yao Chi's mind, stunning her. she wanted to say something, but Sora had already created a clone, which grabbed the two and teleported away.

"I Sora, never run from a fight," Sora said as the lightning mode was pushed to its fullest, Sora's scythe began to glow, and the runes on them began to show. Sora had many split minds, all of them at this moment rushed to work, making new techniques, while also locked onto the group of core formation realm cultivators around him.

just a moment, ago, Sora needed most of his attention to creating a technique, leading to his guard being opened for an attack. He didn't expect these guys to attack the first night he was here, plus they were so strong, that when they hide it was hard for Sora to sense them, needing him some time to find their hiding spot.

but now that he got used to making technique, although it would take longer, than with most of his attention into making one technique, it would still be far faster than others. as for why he didn't run, he guessed his clone was behind all of this, plus Sora wanted a good all-out fight. although most of his abilities could be used, he still wanted an all-out fight. a life-and-death battle,

as for death? he would just teleport away, there was the sword teleportation technique, or him just using [movement] to run away,

taking a deep breath, Sora shot forward, using the Dao of time to increase his speed, that along with the fact he was already using the lightning mode level 5, his speed was shocking, something which the elders around him didn't expect someone of Sora level to show,

But even so, they looked down upon Sora, he was still a level 7 body refiner, so how could he, a level 7 body refiner want to fight them, who were within level 5 Core formations, that was almost 2 realms above his cultivation realm,

'Spaceless Slash,' suddenly all of them felt death, they were not puppets and felt that their life was in danger, with a move, they quickly shot backward, knowing that Sora had an unblockable attack, but as they shot backward, they found that their hair was cut and turned into nothing, it was as if the space around Sora was all cut at once, leaving everything within copped to a state that they were less than dust.

this was a spaceless cut, an Omni Cut, and a range of 500 meters, a swing forward would equal everything around Sora being destroyed.

Sora went on to pick the weakest among them, although that was hard to tell, he shot toward the man with red robes and began a battle with him. Sora's scythe clashed none stop, covered with the power of space and time.

Sora seeing all possibilities tried his best to avoid all damage, his body was making the best movement and such, but the one weakness was that they guys were stronger than him. and with that, they were a bit faster,

seeing Sora was not someone to look down upon because of his level all worked together, quickly overwhelming Sora, Sora was quickly covered in injuries, but his recovery speed was something that made these people wonder if they were fighting a human,

they might be working together, but that didn't mean they were having an easy time. they might be faster, but Sora saw their attacks ahead of time and already made plans for them, although the future changes, this allowed Sora to fight them for a long time, against the 5 men who were trying to kidnap the innocent Sora,

'h-he is getting stronger? but how?' the man with red robes thought seeing Sora was starting to get stronger, only for him to realize that the lightning mode around Sora which had been burning away Sora's blood was no longer doing so at the same rate,

the lightning aura was slowly becoming less chaotic, and began to compress itself, seeing this they realized Sora could become more troublesome and they all began taking out secret moves, no longer carrying about taking the brat home alone. at this right, this brat will remember them and come knocking on the door one day.

'i see, lightning is chaotic, but a true master would know how to make the most chaotic of them a loyal pet. I Sora have let this lightning do as it wishes long enough,' Sora thought as the lightning aura suddenly came upon Sora, forming a set of lightning robes, they were still lightning, one could see through them and all. it was just a lightning armor that now looked like lightning,


Sora flashed, dodging a powerful fist that created a deep hole into the ground, cracking his neck slightly, Sora hovered off the ground. thanks to this lightning, the ground was pretty much ice, allowing him to reach a new level of Speed,

his blood and nervous system were filled with lightning, they were not damaging Sora but were enhancing Sora's overall speed. this new lightning was 50% better than the last, but that 50% couldn't fully explain everything that came with this new improvement,

for one, Sora's senses were far sharper, and even some barriers within the city have been broken through, Sora was now twice as fast as before, allowing him to be faster than the 5 in front of him. his strength also improved as well, but at most 50% better.

"So, you want to capture me, that's interesting," Sora said with a smile, his strength measurement was now 100, making him as strong as a level 3 core formation realm cultivator, but these people here at most were only at level 5 core formations. Sora made sure to check them,

adding his abilities, Sora believed that even a level 6 core formation realm cultivator would have trouble facing him. meanwhile, the group of 5 frowned deeply. they knew how long it could take for the mayor to arrive and they were running out of time,

Sora was proving more troublesome, and now with this relaxed look, as if he didn't put them in his eyes, it really enraged them, but they knew staying now would be pointless, so they got ready to flee, they shall spread this information,

"you don't think I would allow you all to leave?" Sora asked with a smile, but at that moment a 3 dagger shot from the ground, stabbing through the lightning armor into Sora's heart, neck, and the back of his head. the ground explodes, and the next moment as a man with all black clothing shot out, catching Sora and shooting off.

but the next moment blood filled the sky as the man with all black clothing came falling from the sky, with Sora sitting on him with a calm smile,

"Impossible, how are you alive?" the man in all black said in shock while looking at Sora, unable to believe how Sora was alive,

"do you really believe stabbing my heart, neck, and brain is enough to kill me?" Sora asked with a shake of his head as if just having to answer this was the dumbest thing in the world,

this almost made the old man cough up blood. was he out of touch with the outside world? were the people of today no longer worried about attacks on the heart, neck, and brain?

Sora shook his head slightly, with his understanding of the way of Death, he of course could now heal far better. normally that attack should have taken him a few days to fully recover from, but thanks to the lightning flowing through his body and the understanding he had, he recovered seemly instantly,

"now then... since I have drawn out the assassin, how do you fools which to die...stop your futile resistance and fall quietly. As an act of mercy, I will make sure your death is painless." Sora as wind combined with the lightning, making the lightning armor stronger, although Sora's strength only increased to 105, his speed took another jump,

the 5 looked at each other and quickly turned to run, but to their horror, they found that they had lost control of their body and were flying toward Sora.

"a person's sense of touch goes for many things, you can feel the passage of time, feel right from left, and so on. you feel like you did this, I took control of it, do you think you could run?" Sora asked with a smile the face faces turned pale as they quickly broke out of Sora's control, and flew off. but they soon turned to a mist of blood, as Sora had used the spaceless Slash,

but Sora tried his best, avoiding their hands, which although damaged, their storage ring was waiting for Sora to collect.

'After this, the stronger assassin would target me... sigh, what a pain in the ass. tonight I will stay up all night creating techniques,' Sora thought with a sigh