
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs


walking through the streets outside, the crown prince was confused as to why the roads were empty, where were we the citizens? shouldn't the streets be filled today as people from all over the kingdom came over?

although confused, he didn't show it as he looked at the young master Bai's protectors, before looking towards young master Bai, who was too busy looking at a stunning beauty who had a veil covering her face. but even that couldn't fully hide this woman's beauty, it only suppressed her beauty slightly,

she had the aura of an empress, cold and prideful. that prideful air about her, and her beauty only came together to make a woman the young man wanted to conquer. back in the upper region, such beauty would be sought after, the chance of him getting his hands on them back there was harder than him simply taking them here.

he would be here for a little over a year, but because of this woman, he was planning on increasing that stay. forcing himself on her wasn't enough for him, It was when he conquer this woman and see her slutty appearance could he be happy with himself.

"Princess I hear that you are taking part in the upcoming tournament," he asked with a charming smile, the princess britted her teeth, veins filling her forehead. but she nodded slightly, her kingdom didn't dare to try and make enemies of this young man. selling her off is the best thing the kingdom could do, and she agreed with that as well. she would have done the same thing if she was king or queen

but there was one problem, she was not into males, they disgusted her to the core. faith money running around with the brains in between their legs. it was rare to find any unique man, by unique meaning a male with a unique personality.

in her eyes, almost everyone was a copy and paste, nothing was unique about males instead of their appearance, talent, and mindset. they could look as handsome or as ugly as they want, but they were still money with their brain between their legs.

they could be as talented as they want... but those extreme talents had no intreast in beauty, but that was like 1 out of a billion. the rest were just monkeys with brains between their legs.

they could have all the mindsets they want, such as having only one beauty, only having the heart for the great path. but at the end of the day, only 1 out of a billion would stay true to such words, the others had brains in between their legs.

as the number one beauty within the kingdom, she had seen many such disgusted men, with her physique, she would be put to a fate worse than death long ago if not for her stations. she killed her attention to the opposite sex.

all men were disgusted, faith pigs, this world would be better off without them. with a mindset like this, she had even made a sect filled with only females, known around the world as the pure maiden sect, one of the big sects within this world.

they were famous for taking in females from all over the world, such as saving females who have been mistreated by males. because of this, the sect has been known to be a treasure chest of beauties, most of them pure, but all of them holding a deep dislike towards males.

She knew her acting like this was being selfish, as a princess her responsibilities out weight her intreast. She should be trying to make better connections, or at least act like it. but her dislike for this guy was only growing by the second, she couldn't even gather the strength to act.

"Young master Bai, don't mind her, once she gets to know you better she would warm up to you." the crown prince said with a smile while throwing a mocking look towards her. the princess angrily looked at her him. she was unwilling to accept this.

as a woman, it was already hard for her to reach the position she was within, she knew how much work she put in, and so many things she had to do. for her to be of the few who could take the throne, was not easy for her.

yet something like this had to happen, she had of course tried to leave the capital upon hearing someone from the upper region was coming, but the crown prince was a step ahead of her. to think he even had spies among the females around her.

Young master Bai just nodded slightly, and soon they arrived at the world-famous restaurant, but when they were about to enter, they found it was close, this made the crown prince frown deeply. but from within the restaurant, he saw a middle-aged man quickly putting everything away, before rushing out of the restaurant,

he didn't bother to look at those standing outside and rushed off. but before he could get far, the crown prince's aura burst out, forcing him to quickly turn around to see who dared to lock onto him, but upon seeing who it was, his soul almost left his body.

rushing forward, he quickly paid his respect to the crown prince, but the crown prince's face was dark, he was the owner of this place, yet for it to be closed down without his notice and on an important day like this when people from all over was coming, and even when he had an important gust, they were seeking death.

"why is this place closed?" He asked coldly, the middle-aged man quickly expanded on how all the work left to go to the Fuqin's mansions, to meet the young lord, Fu Qin, be it the pay or the chance to get Fu Qin teaching, no one wanted to pass up on this opportunity. he at first didn't believe it, but when the workers called him, telling him he was missing out on a huge opportunity, he had no choice but to come over

"Fu Qin?" the crown prince's lips twitched at his name, he even called the place father's mansion and no one had a problem with it. everyone was going around calling this guy father, and with looks that their real dad would never see.

"y-yes, he is said to be more talented than the son of heaven... he is at level 7 body tempering realm, yet he was able to fight those at level 10 Qi refinement, and those he fought could fight those at the core formation realm." the man said, stunning not just the crown prince, but even young master Bai who didn't expect talents to such a degree would appear within such a small part within this world,

"I'm curious, let's go see this fu... let's go see this guy." young master Bai said, stopping himself from calling this guy his father, everyone was also curious, they knew the son of heaven was the most talented person within the lower region, yet someone just popped up.

So, they quickly headed towards the Fu Qin mansions, and soon they shall... well, it couldn't be called a crown, what do you call a place where billions of people have gathered? from children to the old, this whole area of the city was filled with people.

some were on houses and trees, others were in the air, and it was like the whole city had moved to one point. as for the guards, hell they even forgot their job and were here helping Fuqin keep everyone calm and take their turn.

'someone here has the voice of Dao' Young master Bai's eyes shrank hearing Sora who was currently talking to someone, helping them improve upon their skills before sending them off,

the voice of Dao, this was a unique power for those who have gained a high understanding within the path, allowing them to speak of the most complex of things in a way that others could understand and comprehend. in the upper regions, those who have these abilities are known far and wind as master teachers.

master teachers have the ability to turn a pig into an expert, who is capable of fighting dragons and phoenixes. for someone to have such an ability within such a lower region, a few possibilities came to mind.

'could he be an expert who is hiding his identity? maybe he is a reincarnation of some powerful expert... either way, I have to get to the bottom of this.' Young Master Bai thought as he looked towards the side of the crown prince, the crown prince understood and went on to call over a guard,

"young prince." the guard paid his respect,

"clear a path for us." He ordered coldly, he had to also remember the faces of these guards, to just stand here and allow such chaos to happen within the city, they had to be punished.

"... young prince, you just arrived, you can't skip to the front." the guard said in slight fear, his Fuqin asked them to maintain the peace for him, how could he go against his Fuqin? but at the same time, this was the crown prince, but he knew his Fuqin would support him

"What did you say?" the crown prince's face turned dark, since when did a guard have the courage to talk back to him? but he quickly noticed he was getting many displeased looks from everyone around here, even the guards were gathering, seemly ready to publish the person who was causing trouble,

"just because you're the crown prince, it doesn't mean you can skip over all of us. father... cough, I mean Fu Qin, said those who come last shall wait their turn." an old man said as he realized his aura which was at the core formations realm, many others with aura at the core formation realm also realized their aura, suppressing the crown prince

the crown prince almost coughs up blood in rage, were these old men not elders of their respected sects? they were willing to lower their head before someone junior?

"such powerful charisma, to affect everyone with just his voice alone." one of the protects behind young master Bai said in a low voice, filled with shock. Young master Bai was stunned hearing this as well, he looked around and saw that what he said was true.

"a born ruler... or maybe he is the reincarnation of some expert or he is some ruler." young master Bai said with a heavy heart. his protection would have to move if this was some reincarnation of a powerful expert or ruler, this is someone who could greatly benefit his family, so he would have no say in the matter. this was how important the matter was.

but if he was a born ruler, it would be up to him to make connections and bring him to his family, if things go perfectly, then his family might gain a new and talented teacher who could draw people to them.

but if he failed, he would have to kill Sora, not draw enemies. he took a deep breath, he needed to think long and hard about what he should do now, should he make a move, but the crown suddenly opened up, creating a path which young master grand heaven walked through,

"father welcomes you, crown prince, princess, and young master of the Bai family, and 4 protectors." Young Master Grand Heaven said calmly, stunning young master Bai, how did Sora know he was of the Bai family? then again, he could have gotten the news form all types of ways, but he put this little detail to the back of his mind,

Young master grand Heaven went on to lead the 6 inside, and although the crowd around them was jealous, they returned to watching to see what was going on.

when the 6 saw Sora's appearance, they froze in shock. such beauty, it was as if god stepped forward and carefully crafted this perfect face. that gentle smile, and welcoming aura about him, it made everyone suddenly have the sense that they have been lost all their life, and just now, they found their home.

Young master bai who had the thought of befriending Sora threw such thoughts out the window when he noticed from the corner of his eyes, the princess looked in shock upon seeing Sora. how come she didn't look at him like that? for the woman he had his sight set on to have such a look for another man, it made him feel as if someone just stabbed him through the heart.

Joulousy grew, an ant from the lower region dared be so handsome? he had to kill Sora and prove to this woman that he was all look and nothing else. so what if he was slightly good at teaching? he was from eh upper region, he was far more capable than anyone here.

throwing a hateful look towards Sora, his jealousy and rage almost exploded seeing a beauty with a perfect physique stepping out of the mansion, she had on a mask, but her body and every movement she stooks, allowed everyone to know that she was a beauty whose beauty could at least rival the princess who was ranked number 1.