
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

First Kiss


Sora shot backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood, a white-haired woman short toward a sword with a huge hammer in her hands. Sora quickly twisted his body, and his scythe flashed, casting with the hammer, but it only sent Sora shooting backward while coughing up blood once more

"Fu Qin, you're amazing, a wooden weapon and you can hold your own against my Heaven-crushing hammer," The white-haired woman said calmly as she put the hammer which was bigger than her body into her shoulder while walking towards Sora, who had landed on his feet

"that hammer is something..." Sora said with a soft smile, every crash she nad Sora bad, the force of the hammer traveled through the scythe and into Sora, she was at level 6 Qi refinement, with a combat power that could rival those at level 8 Qi refinement, and with that hammer, her strength was even greater.

"It's been ages since I could go all out against someone," Sora said with a smile, as he shot forward, the white-haired woman also shot forward, and their clash began, Sora went on to try avoiding a head-on clash, but that was harder said than done, she was fast, faster than him.

He was only using his martial arts and arms ship within this battle, so he was not going to use stuff like his lightning, or something like that. Sora wanted [Martial arts] and {armship] to reach level 9, and this was the way to do it. these two abilities can only level up quickly through battle, anything else would not be as great.

'i can't clash with her, so I have to avoid her, but she is faster than me even with that hammer, it's like a piece of leaf to her... I will have to control her movement. a head-on crash would get me nowhere, she can only come at me in predictable ways, I just need to mix [Martial Arts] with [Armship]' Sora thought while looking at the incoming hammer,

with the scythe in his left hand, and right hand free, both the scythe and the hand moved. Sora's palm flashed toward the hammer, tapping pressure points while at the same time, the scythe shot toward the white-haired woman,

everyone was confused seeing this as the hammer would hit Sora before Sora's attack could hand, everyone also knew Sora was stronger with a hammer than without one. plus what was a finger going to do to a hammer,

yet with the hammer and finger came into a contract, something weird happened, Sora's finger slammed into the hammer, making the finger break. the aura around the hammer swallowed the finger, crushing the finger slowly. at the same time, the hammer didn't stop as it came shooting down,

the weird thing that happened was the fact that the white-haired body shook. her attack weakened as blood slowly came out of her mouth, at the same time, Sora moved in, wanting to dodge the hammer while his scythe planned on stopping at her neck,

but she was quick, although stunned he moved and dodged the scythe while kicking backward, making some space between herself and Sora. she wanted to stand up tall, but she fell to her knee while coughing up blood,

"How did you redirect the force which should have traveled into your body into mine?" She asked with a pale face, she knew best what just happened. Sora move someone changed the direction where the force which should have traveled up his finger, and into his body, turn to travel up her body.

her physique was strong, but not as strong as Sora's. at the same time, Sora strengthened that force, leading to her suffering more injuries. but she also didn't simply dodge the scythe attack, it cut her stomach, and her right arm, which was bleeding out, while scythe intent flowed through her body, making it harder for her to recover.

"I'm also skilled in martial arts, most importantly I studied other pressure points to a point where I can even find the pressure points in others if given time," Sora said with a smile as he pulled out a sword from his storage swing, with a tap, every watched as the sword broke apart, as if what held it together just came apart.

"I-I see... you win." She said with a gentle smile as she nodded towards Sora, Sora nodded slightly before walking over towards her, and going on to heal her. this white-haired woman was none other than one of the top 5 beauties within the purple lightning sect. she was Qing Ya, ranked 4th,

she a part of the clan most killed within the way of hammers, crushing everything within their path, there is nothing she can't smash. she was an expert on smashing stuff.

"T-thank you." She said with a slight blush seeing Sora healing her, Sora held a hand out to help her stand up. with a deeper blush, she took Sora's hand and got up. Her head went blank slightly after taking his hand, such smooth hands. they felt nice to hold,

after getting up, she froze slightly as she suddenly felt a cold killing intent aimed at her, turning towards the killing intent, she saw Berry who was standing at the entrance to the arena coldly looking at her. Berry had never gotten the chance to hold Sora's hand, yet this woman took that chance from her... how hateful.

Qing Ya seeing Berry frowned slightly, such a woman with a perfect figure made her recheck herself, and indeed, Berry was physique was way better than hers. this made her feel slightly displeased,... yet she had such jealousy. this made her feel slightly better,

"you moved on to the next round, that means you are sure to head to the capital..." She said with a slight blush as she moved closer to Sora, and kissed him on the cheek. Sora froze slightly, at her actions, Qing Ya blush grew seeing the slight blush which appeared on Sora's face.

"t-that was a good look kiss," She said quickly, Sora opened his mouth slightly before smiling slightly,

"Well, that was my first kiss..." Sora said in an embarrassed low voice, the world seemed to go quiet for some time, and Qing Ya suddenly felt chills running her her spine, she felt as if Death was just around the corner.

"Y-you, dare!!!?" the females within the crowd roared in rage before they jumped off the arena, Qing Ya was horrified seeing the females who were in the willing rushing towards her, as if she has stolen their man,

Many expected Sora to have already been taken, but to think he was pure, yet this evil woman dared to make her move, stealing Sora's kiss? if they can't have Sora, then no one should, their Fuqin shall remain pure, not just in their heart but in reality, they were not acting jealous, nope, not at all. it's not like any of them wished that they were the ones to have made the first move... nope, not at all. they wanted their Fuqin to remain pure.

it's not like they were willing to die if they could do what Qing Ya did or something like that... nope, not at all. it's not like many of them were acting like they were rushing toward Qing Ya, when in fact they were targeting Sora, wanting to take him away so they could be Sora first before anyone else... nope, not at all.

the sect leader stood there frozen, watching as the many females seemed to have gone bad, fighting each other as they rushed towards Qing Ya who was horrified at this sight. if she knew that this would happen, should have not kissed Sora. she only kissed him to get another point up above Berry, but to think this would have such a huge effect.

"... what are you doing?" the sect leader almost exploded seeing the female elders were also among them... what was that old woman planning on down? his face turned dark, how could a sect's disciple influence be so huge? he had truly underestimated Sora

"interesting." The first king said with a smile while looking at this scene, he had to admit that even he had looked down upon the charm Sora had. it was like this was a charm... no it was, Sora's blush was like the final push which lead to all of this happening,

it was like a bunch of perverts who haven't masturbated in years seeing the love of their life blush, these females pretty much worshipped Sora at this point, it was indeed a dangerous weapon,

"bitch move out of the way." an old woman grabbed the hair of a young woman, pulling her back as she went on to jump towards Sora. but her leg was caught but a middle-aged man, who had something in between his leg sticking out.

the man roared as he threw the old man away before he jumped towards Sora, his hands held out aiming to hug Sora. Sora's eyes shrink in horror, what was this guy planning on doing to him? but he was kicked away by a woman who seemed to be around 9 years old. but if one sensed her life force, they would tell she was over a hundred years old.

Sora was horrified when he saw something pocking out in between this little girl's legs, what was with that lustful look aimed towards him? good heavens, what has this world come two?

"senior bother is all mine." She roared as she jumped towards Sora, many tied to grab her, but she was at level 9 Qi refinement, not many people were her match, she was a core disciple, who could stand before her might?

but before that thing in between her legs could get anywhere close to Sora, a powerful aura covered the world, making everyone freeze. everyone looked up and saw the sect master looking at everyone with a cold look. his action was like spraying everyone with cold water, it woke them up from their berserker state,

it took some time, but everyone turned to their seats, and the next match began. Sora, on the other hand, was horrified, he was not looking into the future, to think this world was so scary. he had to quickly make a clone that would replace him, he was just a pure soul, how could they go around scaring him like this.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know my action would cause such a huge impact." Qing Ya said seeing Sora putting on a mask, and handing a bunch of seals, onto himself and his own body. Sora waved his hands slightly, seemly not bothered by this,

"you did nothing wrong, so why do you have to be upset about it? you rewarded me, and for that, I'm grateful, that you were my first kiss." Sora said with a smile, although she could see it because he had his mask on, she could tell Sora was smiling.

"... that was the first kiss too." She said in a low voice as her blush quickly grew to cover her face, Berry who was standing at the side watched this with jealously filled eyes. in her eyes, this was not fair,

"Well, look at the time, I should go get ready to fight for a spot back within the top 10." She said as she quickly ran off, leaving Sora and Berry standing there.

"Berry, let's return, how knows if someone might try and kidnap me," Sora said seeing how a few people were eyeing him with strange eyes. Berry nodded slightly without saying anything, so with a flash, the two disappeared.

many seeing this moved out, feeling unease with Sora and Berry being alone together. upon arriving back home, Sora sighed softly in relief, from now one would be careful when he acts. to think a blush got him into so much trouble?

"... what is it, Berry," Sora asked seeing Berry had a downcast look, although her mask moved his senses, he could still deep by her body language that she was not in a good mood.

"i-its nothing..." She said softly as she tried to walk off, but Sora's hand reached out, taking hold of her, Sora held her slightly, making Berry blush slightly, Sora slowly went on to recover her clash, allowing him to see her face

"I didn't expect you to be the jealous type," Sora said with a smile, Berry blushed slightly as she turned her head away, unable to stand being so close to Sora like this. this was the most contact she and Sora had ever made.

Sora slowly chin up so she could look at him while he removed his mask. even now, her looks were something that could still affect him. she was the most beautiful thing Sora have ever seen, Sora didn't hold a candle to her,

"here, you can take my first true kiss," Sora said in a soft voice, Berry's enchanting eyes glowed slightly hearing Sora's words, Sora seeing this smiled as he brought his lips closer to hers. Berry's heart raced, she closed her eyes and stuck her lips out,

as soon as the two lips came into contact, Sora felt as if electricity shot through his body, in all honesty, he was a bit turned out with Qing Ya kissing him. he was a healthy 14-year-old, so, of course, he wanted to let lose after all of that.

but this kiss, Sora felt his mind going blank, this woman's kiss alone was enough to enchant him, and with his already strong willpower? this is scary to think about, Sora could control himself as he pulled her into a deep hug and madly kissed her. Berry although shocked, didn't resist, tonight, she didn't need to daydream... how knows how long she wanted to push Sora over,