
First day : it would be a waste to kill a beauty like you

He smiled as he walked out . in this month he spend it all Cultivating and hunting. His power grew significantly to level 2 foundation state but his battle prowess is higher than his level. He found that he could upgrade his techniques with sp so he upgraded his demon sage to level 3 which cost him 50000 he also bought observation haki and train it to level 6 which would allow him to predict his enemies movements and even see near future. He bought a Black sword wich looked like itchogo bankai from bleach. He walked out of his home wearing akatsuki outfit like the ones Itachi wore. He walked to the center of the sun city to register for tournament- the tournament rules are simple

1- to win you have to kill your opponent or make him/her giveup

2- you can only use your weapon and your own power. Any attack talisman of higher cultivator

He paid 1000 gold as a fee.

They told him to go to waiting room. After an hour he was called to the arena which is 1 mile wide where the first stage of tournament begun. There was a lot of People watching he glared at his clan head than look at his His opponent who was a woman alluring body and beautiful face and he knew her from his host memory she was his genius classmate from academy four years ago. she was level 9 Chi gathering and now level 5 foundation she was Niro Kaja the princess of Niro clan so she has a lot of resources and naturally cultivate fast. She glared at Josha with arrogant look and Said

"trash kowtow 3 times and scram"

Josha didn't seem to heard her so he said "give up you're no match for me"

' what lvl two foundation hmmph so what you still trash'

" seeking death" Said as she dashed rising her palm trying to hit him. Josha closed his eyes as he could feel every one of her movements with haki. He dodged with closed eyes and no palm touched even his hair.

The crowd was startled because first that trash who is foundation state two and second because he is fighting with a 3 level higher than Him with closed eyes. Some of sect heads watched him with shining eyes. This is a genius that must joining them.

Josha opened his eyes and Said

" i won't repeat my self again give up"

"never" she said. That moment she said that Josha disappeared from his place the next moment he appears behind her and with one hit on her neck she lost consciousness. Then locked at the referee

" she can't give up and can't fight do i have to kill her"

the referee said then announced "no. The winner is Josha"

than he left the arena but kaja woke up and said to roja " why you didn't kill me "

Josha turned and said

" it would be a wast to kill a beauty like you" then left the arena waiting for next match

Koja blushed and clenched her fist and swore "how dare a trash to flirt with me. I swear i'll make you pay"

After that matches continued and Josha opponent would always give up or knockout he never killed any one. In the end of the Day there were 4 cultivator that qualified to the semi final rik josha-rik saro- luo simo and kaja elder brother niro zhang. The semi final is tomorrow what would happen will Josha kill Saro?

No clue what the end was supposed to say so I just left it the way it was

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