
In a body that isn't mine

Empress_Uzanis · Urban
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6 Chs

Many bad decisions

It was the dark of night. Not much traffic or crowd to be seen seemingly most people had gone home for the day. And most probably in deep slumber.

This part of town was never crowded to begin with, silent even during wake. Reason being the ownership belonging to a certain group not to be named out loud. Even if there were people passing by they would do so without stopping and might even break the speed limits most of the time.

It was dead silence on the highway. Only noise of a screeching of an engine of a run down car, driven by a young man not older than 20 years of age. The surroundings were really silent and the same fact being an enormous bad luck for the lad. His exhaustion of the past nights catching up to him. Challenging natural requirements is not a wise call.

There was no traffic to be worried about and the road was broad enough for a rather comfortable drive. Due to all the mentioned aspects his mind starting drifting and shutting down for a good few seconds. Waking up abruptly from this sudden gush of sleep only to lose control of the car and crashing into something or most likely someone.

Just great.

He stopped the car. Panic rising to the already exhausted mind. Getting out of the car hurriedly, reaching for the front of it just to find a dead body lying down in a pool of blood.

'Its an injured person not a dead body. Have u really lost your mind.'

'You are my mind. Stop exaggerating.'

He crouched down, checking the pulse of the assumed dead man. And guess what he's not dead. The boy contemplated his choices of what should be the best possible course of action.

'How much blood should he lose before he kicks the bucket.'

'Oh please shut the hell up. I don't have time for this right now.'

'Just curious. Curiosity is the mother of invention.'

Well with an already run down brain which had gotten 3 hours of sleep likely a few days ago and not to mention a meal likely yesterday or something. Like most of his life choices this one was not the best either and maybe the worst of them all.

He puts the dead body 'he's not dead!!!' inside his car and gets in and starts on a complete u turn. Which all leads to the current situation.

There is a stranger on his couch nearing his death (hopefully not, I'd rather not have ghosts please.) who should be in the hospital. But he took him home instead and is now standing in front of him like a statue, staring.

The boy finally signs pulling his phone out he calls a number. His call being picked up right after the first ring and a boring 'hmm' sounds from the other end.


"Did ya kill someone and want help hiding the body"

"Near... killing maybe."

"Damn Elias"

"Listen uh... um... the thing is... there is a stranger... in my house and before you start assuming he's unconscious, seemingly dead or soon to be. And I... dont know what to do. Can... can you come over please?"

There's sound of beeping on the other end. Elias stands completely motionless near his couch not knowing what to do even with himself. Hardly 5 minutes passes when the bell of the front door rings which breaks him out of his trance.

Opening the door, there is a girl outside. Same height to him, purple black short hair and piercing purple eyes staring right at him. He steps aside to let her in. She walks down the living room towards the couch. Accessing the 'dead' man from head to toe.

"Did u atleast try to stop the bleeding or are u trying to figure out how long does it take for blood loss to kill a person."

She bends down slightly to take the mans pulse which seems to be still there somehow.

"I... no. Eva, can you undead him somehow?."

Elias replies after making a face at her statement.

'He's not dead ya know.'

'Never asked you so don't intervene.'

The girl gave him a defeated look. Raising her hand to her head.

"The first aid. Bring it over. Atleast let's stop his wound from bleeding out first."

After likely about 20 minutes both are sitting in silence. Eva on the floor in front of the couch, Elias on the arm chair next to it. Both waiting in silence.

"You're gonna get fired."

Eva comments out of the blue. Elias sits back bringing his hand to his temple. "Appreciate the reminder." Then replies in a monotone voice.

Elias was supposed to be at his part time job an hour ago. But poor life choices alas. Looking at the time the girl stands up and turns to leave.

"Welp your mess it is. I'll be going now. Do get me his number if he wakes up. Damn he's handsome. Though... he looks like someone I can't quiet name. ... And now... you suffer alone."

With that she made straight to the front door. Elias was staring at the ceiling turning his head to glance at the time. 2:45 it said. He signed and got up from the arm chair going in his small kitchen attached to the living room. After all that happened sleep would have been a blessing, if it came that is. Staying in the kitchen he started on his assignment for tomorrow for his university.

'Hey let's use his blood as ink.'

'Its gotten dry by now so its useless'


There was complete silence in the room. Just the ticking of clock or stray gusts of wind could be heard. Clicking of a pen once in a while as if going with a rhythm. The boy turned back slightly glancing towards the living room, it was... empty. There was no body on the couch. Which provoked a confused reaction from the boy. Side eying his arm resting on the kitchen isle, he saw a hand next to his and then felt a sudden sharpness under his chin. A presence was behind him. He felt a breath right next to his ear.

"Who do u work for?"

Voice cold as ice, dripping venom in every world yet calm, very dangerously so. Ah... the stranger woke up it seems and well he doesn't look really fond of his surroundings. 'He looks angry. Damn'

'Were you expecting warm hugs?'

"Um... I uh... three people to be... exact."

Feeling the sharpness digging deeper Elias gulped a little.

"Don't play me boy, you got me on a very bad day .... move one unnecessary move you'll have this down your wind pipe. So chose your words wisely."

Digging the pen deeper in Elias neck. The aura around the man getting suffocating. His other hand moving on the isle, near Eliass' notes. The atmosphere of the room felt chilly as if the temperature droped a few degrees. The 'dead' person was really angry.

"A student?" The pen digging in his neck got pulled back a little. "Are u being forced to do this?"

The strangers tone turned a bit curious.

"I... didn't do it on purpose. It... was... well an accident." Gesturing towards the pen "can u please put it down. It will leave a mark. I don't wanna... have to... explain it." Elias turned a little to look the stranger in the eyes. Their eyes locked on each other which caused the stranger to lower his 'weapon' and take a step back. There was a weird confusion in the strangers eyes, something Elias didn't exactly understand.

" sorry for scaring ya kid. I have many people behind my head so I was just being cautious and i can tell u have no idea who i am. Do u?." A pause "how did i get here exactly?"

The strangers tone of voice changed to a casual one completely from ice cold to carefree as if he could read Elias. Weird that's absolutely absurd. 'Read me? Why did that cross my mind?'

Elias stood up facing the stranger, eying him. "I ... kinda... uh... how do I say this exactly" Putting his hand under his chin as in a thinking manner Elias continued " hit you with my car and instead of taking you to a hospital... took you back to my house? Do..nt be... angry?" He ended up saying with pauses in between as if he himself wasn't sure what he said.

After hearing that the strangers hand moved up to his head where the wound was, now bandaged, just noticing its existence.

"I don't really know how do I react to what you just said but it's a good thing u didn't took me to the hospital though." He glanced around the apartment which wasn't much just a plain small room with one couch two arm chairs beside it, a coffee table up front and a small book case and a tv on top of it. A door across from where they were standing. Probably a bedroom. Safe to say it was a small cheap apartment rented by a student. "But still damn how did you even managed to hit me? That's... gonna be really hard to explain. And I'm not really angry just surprised"

'Wow nice looks like we hit him to hard'

'Stop referring to yourself as another person and stop. Not right now'

"I'm questioning myself the same thing." Replied Elias. " you can stay here for now and um... do u have someone that you need to call or something." There was uncertainty in every word he spoke. Its was not confusion or worry no nowhere near that. Just there was nothing behind the words he spoke no meaning or emotion.

"Well yea, but I don't think I have my phone on me" tapping his pockets the stranger checked. "Give me yours for a minute will ya."

Elias look at him for a minute trying to understand what he said. Then opening his mouth in an 'o' turned behind and took his phone from the isle and handing it to the man. Then turned to go in the kitchen.

"What's your name kid?" The stranger asked putting the phone to his ear.

"Elias" he replied monotonously not even looking at the man and kept rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.

The man hummed in reply then turned and walked away a little. Talking to someone.


"I kinda... got in a situation"

"Send me a car will ya"

" yeah yeah whatever you say"

"I'll tell you everything thing later"


Putting the cattle on, Elias started looking for cups, waiting for the water to boil. He turned his head around finding the stranger right in front of him, phone in hand. After returning it he said. " its gonna be a while. My possible ride said he was a little busy right now. Hope u don't mind me staying for a little while more"

Elias just nodded turning his head back to the stove. "Would you... would you like some tea?" He asked after a few seconds. "Yeah, sure" the stranger replied. Strangely the voice came from a distance. On looking Elias found the stranger in the living room looking around. He moves a little to fast.

'Sure he's not a ghost?'

'Contemplating on that.'

After a while both were seated in the small room Elias on the arm chair the other on the couch with cups in hand. It was silent again. The strangers eyes were on the boy all the time. The sun started coming up. Small Ray's of light coming through the space between the thin curtains. The stranger spoke finally breaking the silence.

"I'm Rye." Elias just nodded eyes not leaving from the cup in his hand.

The stranger, Rye, just eyed the boy then turned his attention outside the window and getting up.

"Welp, thanks for the tea. I'll be going now. My ride's outside and I don't wanna anger him more then he will get soon. So... nice meeting ya kid. But do try to forget this ever happened and stay quiet." Moving towards the door he waved his hand back at him. Elias just stared at the mans' retreating form. When the man was outside Elias stood up and looked out the window. There was a sleek black car parked down by the road. A tall man was leaning by it looking in direction of the apartment complex. He looked rather well... what would the right word be... yeah pissed.

Rye was soon by the car waving at the man with a smile plastered on his face.

Rye was a tall man in his early twenties atleast. Sharp face features. Light blonde hair and piercing golden eyes with hints of orange, well with bandages on his head now. In simple word he was quite the catch. Anyone would think he was a model.

He looked back towards the complex, golden orbs locked on the far plain black ones. He waved his hand and gave a gentle smile. No reaction was given from the other side just a blank stare. Rye turned around just to get a very pissed off stare his way at which he winced a little then went around the car, climbing into the passengers seat soon after followed by the man.

The engine of the car came to life and the car drove of as if it was never there.

"Rye, ey"

"Never really thought I'd meet you again"

"Prince of the underground"