
In a Beast Taming World I Opened a Beast Shop

*Read the synopsis first before reading the first chapter. Kane is an average guy who works a dead-end job, he hates his job and has never once experienced a life of luxury without worrying about tomorrow, since he was an orphan and has no memories of his parents, the earliest memory he has is when he was taken in by an orphanage. On a rainy day after his work, Kane aimlessly walked towards a famous bridge near where he works but it is not famous for a good reason because the bridge is where people commit suicide, and this time it is Kane who plans to do the same, he stepped on the railings and took a deep breath then he closed his eyes, he heard the people nearby shouting trying to stop him but he started to lean forward and he starts to fall seconds later he feels that something is weird he should have fallen to the river already, yet he feels nothing, he slowly opened his eyes to make sense of what was happening. To his surprise he is now lying on the floor face down, he slowly sat up and scanned his surroundings, he is now inside a tattered wooden house. " Where am I " On the floor, there are scattered purple-colored pills, he picked one up and took a sniff. " Poison! " He ignored it first and decided to walk out of the house it is a completely different place. " Is this earth?" He asked himself "Wait, wait, did I just transmigrate? " In this new world, he will not end up a miserable salaryman and he will decide his fate with his own hands. Important note: The concept might be generic but give my work a chance, I hope you enjoy it. Strong and inappropriate words might be used parental guidance is advised especially to young audiences. Thank you and happy reading. P.S. The length of every chapter will be 1500 words and above, and I will release 1 chapter a day but it might increase depending on how the story will be received and if I find the time to focus on writing.

MidnightLetter · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: The Three Tests

Kane is now in front of a table and on the table are various Alchemy materials.

This is the first part of the Alchemy assessment, he is to recognize the materials in front of him in just one hour, and there are at least a hundred materials laid on the table.

The assessment given to Kane is harder than the others, Elder Domo increased the difficulty when he found out about Kane's progress, learning tier 1 Alchemy in three years is an incredible achievement it is comparable to the young Alchemists back at the Main Tower.

To pass the first part of the assessment one must identify at least seventy of the Alchemy materials on the table in one hour.

Kane already knows almost every Alchemy material on the table but he decided to not do his best in this assessment since he doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

Kane acted as if he was having a hard time identifying the materials, he picked up some of them to inspect closely as an act.

An hour passed, and Elder Domo walked close to him.

" Time is up, how many did you manage to name " The Elder asked.

Kane handed him a piece of paper where he wrote the names of the Alchemy materials he identified. Kane writes down eighty Alchemy materials but only seventy-three are correct, to avoid suspicion and make it seem natural.

" Hmmmmmm, seventy-three, not bad kid " The Elder nodded.

" Do you want to rest or do you want to proceed with the next part of the assessment already? " The Elder asked.

" I want to proceed to the next test " Kane replied with a serious expression, he wants to finish the assessment already since he has to head to the Beast Breeder Hall for another assessment.

" Okay then " The Elder nodded with a smile on his face.

" the next test is pill prescription, although our main job is to make different types of pills for Demon Beasts it is also our job to prescribe the right pill if a beast needed it, since the focus of a beast tamer is in fighting it is our job to aid them in nurturing their Demon beasts in this way " the elder explained.

" But, isn't it the Breeders' job to nurture the demon beasts " Kane asked.

" A Beast Breeder and an Alchemist work together for the benefit of the beast tamers and their demon beast, a beast breeder will use their skills to identify a problem in demon beast and also the best way to nurture the beast but they leave the matter of spirit resources and pills to the Alchemist, " the elder said. " For example, a breeder told the beast tamer that his demon beast needed a tier 5 pill or spirit resource to increase the strength of its defense, that's the only information he will provide, now, it is up to the beast tamer what kind of pill or resources he will give his demon beast and most of the time beast tamers go to Alchemists to ask what kind of pill or resources is suitable for their demon beasts " the elder further explained when he saw that Kane appears to be confused.

" I see, so the beast breeders' job is to identify and open a path for the Beast tamer and their demon beast, and the Alchemists are the ones to provide them the necessary and suitable tools to tread on that path " Kane voiced out his understanding.

" Exactly, very impressive " The Elder praised Kane, he managed to simplify the Elder's words in just a few minutes, this just shows how Kane's mind works, he managed to process the information quickly and came up with his own explanation.

" Now let's start the second test " the Elder said.

Kane stared at the Elder who went or one of the desks nearby and picked up three pieces of paper.

" Here " the elder handed Kane the papers. " Written in those papers are three different middle-class demon beasts with different advancement requirements, what you need to do is to prescribe the most suitable pill or spirit resources " the elder explained.

Kane starts to read the information written on the paper.

" A tier 1 Grey Wolf with a pure beast attribute, but has a weak body, but it has received a grave injury and it damaged the bones to an extent " Kane read a part of the written report.

" A body-strengthening Fruit would be the easiest answer if it is not injured " Kane said.

The test appears to be quite challenging than he thought.

Kane started to rack his brain to come up with an answer.

" I got it " Kane said and he proceeded to write his prescription at the back of the paper.

He then went to read the next case, " a tier 1 Flame Tail Cat, fire attribute demon beast, but born with a weak attribute but incredibly strong body, already learned two skills but both pure beast attribute " Kane read the information and his brows furrowed.

" If this is my demon beast I would focus on its strong body and make the fire attribute a secondary option just to add a little bit of fire attribute to its attacks, but it is written here that the owner of the demon beast is an Alchemist and wants to strengthen the demon beasts fire attribute, the breeder recommends to change demon beast to one with a better fire attribute and the other recommendation is to give it a tier 2 pill that can increase the demon beasts fire attribute slowly until it catches up to its strong body " Kane starts to analyze the information given to him.

This case made Kane take longer time to answer than the first one, but he still managed to provide a prescription.

" This one is quite the challenge " Kane said when he finished writing his prescription.

" The last one " Kane starts to read the last case.

" Tier 2, high class, Snow Wind Fox, with a bit of Legendary Class, Nine Tailed Arctic Fox bloodline, the breeder recommends increasing the potency of the current bloodline it has before looking for more Nine Tailed Arctic Fox blood " Kane read the information twice to see if he made a mistake but no. He turned his head to look at Elder Domo and the Elder just smiled at him.

" What kind of assessment is this hard, I don't even know one Bloodline related pill, much more a spirit resource " Kane said, he then spent the next thirty minutes thinking of answers and trying to remember if he read a pill or spirit resource related to improving the potency of a Bloodline but he didn't manage to find one and he decided to not answer this question.

" Ok, I'm done, Elder " Kane said.

He handed the papers back to Elder Domo.

" Hmmm, good, good " The Elder smiled when he read Kane's answer to the first question.

His smile grew wider when he saw Kane's answer to the second question. And for the third, Kane paid great attention to the Elder's reaction this time.

The elder smiled when he saw the third paper.

" You did great, you passed the second test " The Elder said.

" Elder is the third question actually a question for the assessment? " Kane asked since he find the question extremely hard for someone of his level.

" Hahahahaha, no, I just wanted to see the limit of your knowledge " the elder said, plus, those who take this assessment normally are only given one question.

" What?! Then why do I have to answer three, and the last one is extremely hard as well " Kane said, he got annoyed by the fact that his assessment is harder than the others.

" Well you are referred to us by an extremely talented Alchemist so we must assess your talent as well, since Lily is your teacher, I made the questions harder " Elder Domo explained.

" Is that so? " Kane said although he is still quite annoyed.

" then what is the answer to the third question? "

Kane asked the Elder.

" if you want to know, then study, hahahahahaha, we are scholars we must seek answers not ask them " the elder said happily.

" Come, it's time for your final assessment, or do you want to take a rest first? " Elder Domo asked.

" No elder, I'll do it now " Kane said.

" Okay, the last part of the assessment is pill making, it won't be an Alchemy assessment without pill making " Elder Domo said.

" Here, take this formula, you can use everything in this room for your pill making " The Elder said.

His words made Kane's eyes shine.

" Really elder? I can use everything in here? " Kane asked in excitement.

" Mmmhhhmmmm" Elder Domo nodded.

" Thank you Elder " Kane deeply bowed and he went straight to the majestic-looking cauldrons he started to touch every single one of the pieces of equipment.

After a few minutes of marvelling at the Alchemy equipment he starts to read the pill formula.

" Tier 1 Shadow Attribute Spirit Burst Pill " Kane's eyes widened in shock when he read the pill he is about to make.

It is a tier 1 pill with the shadow attribute, though advancing from tier 1 to tier 2 is easy for any class of demon beast, this attributed spirit burst pill is used to make the demon beast acquire the shadow attribute, with this pill a pure beast Demon Beast has a chance to become a Shadow attribute demon beast.

He turned to look at the Elder and he saw the Elder grin.

' damn this elder ' Kane said, easier he was starting to like Elder Domo but now he wants to choke the old man to death.

Though the Shadow Attribute Spirit Burst Pill is a tier 1pill, only tier 2 Alchemist can usually make them since it requires great precision in using the fire control skill, because the Alchemist must process the shadow attribute material accurately or the pill will just be a normal tier 1 spirit burst pill.

Sorry for the late update, enjoy today's chapter.

Thank you for reading and have a great day.

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