
Impurity (A Hentai Salvation Story)

A young man is killed tragically and ends up transmigrating due to the request of 3 sexy goddesses, he takes up the mission to cleanse the hentai world. However, things are not going to be smooth for him as he has ended up in the body of a future cuck. See for yourself how the young man uses his years of "research" to live a better life. And maybe make a few others better in the process. [It's smut with a story. Don't complain. I won't even label chapter with an R18 warning because you are being warned now. NSFW] I do not own any characters other than the OC protagonist. All related stories and characters have been adjusted to fit my narrative, so don't comment about how something is "Not Canon". Its obvious Fanfiction.

Sir_Stronghold · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Date With Saki pt 2


"Saki... You are not just cute. You're beautiful, adorable, funny, kind and have so many other wonderful qualities... Why do you hate yourself?"

Okino-kun had pulled me into his embrace. But when I heard the words he whispered into my ear, I froze.

How did... he know?


"You know, Saki, you shouldn't expect others to love you, if you can't love yourself. I know how lonely you are... That you yearn for friends and companionship..."

He pat my head as he continued telling me. It... felt so comfortable.

"But you're scared of what they would think or say about you if they knew the real you..."

That's... true...

He lifted my chin and he looked directly into my eyes. I couldn't help myself gazing into them. My heart started racing. This is like a scene from a doujin I read.

"Saki... You're not alone anymore. Even if you choose not to marry me, or even have a romantic relationship with me. I will always be there for you. No matter what happens, or what you need, it will not bother me in the slightest."

That... Don't say that... or I might...

"Why..? Why me...?" I don't understand. And... it's like he can see through me...

"Why? It's because I like you, silly girl!" He leaned closer...

Kissed! I'm being kissed! It feels so... good.

I think I might actually be... ❤


I broke our first kiss and saw Saki was completely enraptured by it. Her eyes were misty and her blushed face made me want to tease her. Ah. I really want this girl...

"Let's go Saki. There's still one last place to go so we can end our date happily."

It looked like many ideas flashed through her mind before she shyly nodded and allow me to lead her somewhere.

I drove us out if town to a private airfield. There was a private plane, a Cessna 208. Another gift from one of my dogs.

"Ever been on a plane, Saki?"

She shook her head. "No... Are we..?"

"Yup! Let's go!"

Saki was visible nervous as many first time fliers sometimes are. But I held her tightly during lift off since she was shaking.

Once the pilot got us up to the right altitude, Saki looked out the window in amazement. The scene of the city with the setting sun in the background made for a wonderful view. But Saki got surprised when I threw something to her and said to put it on.

There was a privacy curtain that seperated us while we both changed into jumpsuits.

"Um... Okino-kun. Why are we wearing these?"

"Haha, of course because we are going to jump off the plane!" I laughed and saw her expression freeze.

"W-What?! That's crazy!"

I walked over to her with the harness to put it on her and said. "So? What's wrong with being crazy?"

She didn't fight back when I put the harness on her and connected it to mine that is loaded with a parachute.

But she shook like a leaf when I slid the side door open and the wind rushed in. We were connected facing each other standing just a foot away from the door.

"I-I don't t-think I can do this..." I just hugged her and gave her a pep talk.

"After jumping out of a plane, would anything else in your life scare you? Or... will you stay afraid forever?"

She took a few moments before she leaned her head on my chest. "O-okay. Please don't let me fall... Okino..."

I gave a light chuckle. "Sorry, Saki! I can't promise you wont fall..." I then held her tightly and jumped out of the plane...

"Kyaaaaaa!" Saki screamed when I jumped us out of the plane. She held me as if her life depended on it.

"Woooo! Saki open your eyes!" The wind was intense and I had to speak into her ear so she could hear me.

We were free falling from thousands of feet in the air. I spun us around so she was on top as we fell.

"Amazing!" She finally found the courage to open her eyes and enjoy the ride. She still clung to me but I could see how exciting the experience was for her.

She smiled so brightly, I thought I might actually forget to pull the cord as I was a little dazed by it.

"Saki..." I kissed her lips and she returned the kiss. I poked with my tongue and she responded with hers. We were kissing deeply while falling from sky, our hearts racing from the thrill.

*I broke the kiss and whispered to her. "Hold on tightly. I'm pulling the cord."

Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms coiled around my body.

*Fwoosh!* The parachute ejected properly and caused us to slow down immediately.

We drifted gently to the ground holding eachother like lovers.

"Okino-kun..." she whispered to me.


"I want to..." Her voice faded at the end and I couldn't hear what she said.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I-I said... I want to... marry you..." she fidgeted nervously with head turned away and a blush on her face. It has happened alot today and it never gets old to see her cute expressions.

"Would you still want that if I had other wives and lovers?" This was an important question that needed to be asked before we go further.

I could use geass as a last resort but I didn't want to use powers to manipulate her at all. She deserved better than that.

"That's..!" She seemed surprised and then stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Will you abandon me... or neglect me?"

An understandable concern. But when it comes to this sweet and loving girl, I can confidently say...


Her grip tightened around me and she just said.

"Thank you..."

Our descent had finally ended. I absorbed the impact and our momentum came to a stop. I removed the harnesses and then folded the parachute and laid in on the ground so we can sit on it while we watched the sunset together.

She laid her head on my chest and I cradled her in my arms. I decided... It was time to seal the deal on this relationship, so I began...

{A/N: Oops! Sorry! Out of lemons!}