
Improbable and Irrational Love

I am Automated Magical Golem model 1 of the Alpha series, my creators shortened it to Automata A1... The task given to me by my creators was to learn and interact in the school that their club was located at... The results were unsatisfying... Creator Leonardo, what do you mean by that?... Fall in love with one of the various test subjects that catch my interest? That is impossible, all the other subjects act within all calculable possibilities, I recommend to be given another task... Yes, I understand... ... ... What is it, Itsuki?... Yes, I love you too Cover source: haya_kewi [Twitter]

Lazy_Author_san · Fantasy
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12 Chs


(A/N Notes: Just one more chapter at another story and I'm done)

"Excuse me! Do you know where the cafeteria is?" (???)

"?... Are you a visitor?..." (A1)

She had turned and asked if the person right in front of her was a visitor

"I think you can consider me one! So do you know where the cafeteria?" (???)

"I see... Yes, I do, the cafeteria is 400 meters down through this corridor and 100 meters to your right" (A1)

"... Where?" (???)

The person didn't really get where it was

"... Would like that I showed you the way to the cafeteria?" (A1)

"Yes!" (???)

"Acknowledged... Then please, follow me..."


She then led the person to the cafeteria, and when they reached there, the person was quick to pick a plate and fill it to the brim with food. While she sat down and observed that person as she had a sensation she had already seen him somewhere else before. Then the person came and sit down right across the table she was sitting in

"Thanks for the food! And thank you for taking me here, I was starving back there" (???)

"As the first Automated Magical golem made by the magic technologies study club, I only acted accordingly to the tasks given to me by my creators" (A1)

"I see! *Puts food inside his mouth*" (???)

"... Your response was outside my expectations..."

"Ish thaf fo? *Munch munch*" (???)

"Yes... If you accept it, I would like to record your name in my mental archives"

"Sure! I'm Sato Itsuki! *Munch munch*" (Itsuki)

"... ... ...Archived and backed... Thank you for your cooperation, subject Itsuki-san..." (A1)

"You're welcome! *Munch munch*" (Itsuki)

And you finished eating all the food on your plate

"Ah! By the way, what's your name?" (Itsuki)

"I am automata A1, short for Automated Magical Golem model 1 of the Alpha series, and nicknamed A1 by creator Leonardo" (A1)

"... Is your name all that or you don't have one?" (Itsuki)

"... ... ..." (A1)

When he asked her that, she turned quiet as she tried to calculate the best answer to his question

"... By my calculations... I believe the answer would that I was never given a proper name..." (A1)

"Why? Is that guy Leonardo bad at naming stuff?" (Itsuki)

"... Affirmative... He confirmed that himself a year ago" (A1)

"I see... Then do you want me to give you a name?" (Itsuki)

"Huh?..." (A1)

he asked her something that she didn't calculate as a possibility, taking her by surprise

"So?... Do you want me to give you a name?" (Itsuki)

"... Yes... I would like you to give me a name..." (A1)

"Okay! Then let's see... Automata... A1(ichi)... Auto A1(ichi)... Auta-1(ichi)... Auta... Ichi... ... ... How about Auta Ichi! With your given name being Ichi and your surname being Auta, how's it? Did you like it?" (Itsuki)

"... Yes... It is a satisfactory name... Registering name... Auta Ichi... Registration complete... From now on, I'll attend by the name Auta Ichi, pleased to meet you, subject Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

She had a gentle smile as she introduced herself again to him

"Yes! It's nice to meet you too, Ichi-chan! Now if you excuse me, I'll be right back" (Itsuki)

"Acknowledged... You are forgetting to take out your plate, subject Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to get more food!" (Yuuto)

he even puffed out your chest as if he was proud of saying that, and what he just said also confused Ichi

"... What race are you, subject Itsuki-san?" (Ichi)

"I'm human! At least that's what my parents told me" (Itsuki)

"You are... A human?... But according to my database... The amount you already ate was more than enough to satisfy the hunger of an average human person..." (Ichi)

"Well, I have a pretty heavy appetite" (Itsuki)

He looked slightly embarrassed when you said that

"... A heavy appetite?... That is... Interesting..." (Ichi)

"Well, I'll go get more food, do you want to get you something to eat?" (Itsuki)

"I do not require the consumption of organic matter..." (Ichi)

"Is that a no?" (Itsuki)

"... No..." (Ichi)

"Then I'll get you something to eat" (Itsuki)

And he left to get more food from the cafeteria buffet

"... ... ... Hm?... This is the first time I interacted with someone truly interesting and unpredictable... Subject Itsuki-san will certainly be worth studying..."

Ichi talked to herself while he was away, and after a few moments he came back with another plate filled to the brim and a pudding

"I'm back! I brought you a vanilla pudding!" (Itsuki)

"... Thank you, subject Yuuto-san..." (Ichi)

"You're welcome, Ichi-chan!" (Itsuki)

He sat down and began to eat again, with Ichi accompanying him as she slowly ate the pudding he brought to her

"So is your pudding good?" (Itsuki)

"... I believe it is..." (Ichi)

"Then that's good!" (Itsuki)

After some minutes he had already finished eating his second and third servings, and the amount he ate was enough to even surprise Ichi

"That was a good meal" (Itsuki)

"Yes... I was able to obtain a good amount of information about you, subject Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

"You're welcome, I guess... By the way, why do you keep calling me subject?" (Itsuki)

"... Why do I call you subject?... ... ...I never thought about it before..." (Ichi)

"Then stop calling me like that, aren't we friends?" (Itsuki)

"... We are friends?..." (Ichi)

"We are, aren't we?" (Itsuki)

"... Yes... I believe we might be friends... Then I'll stop calling you subject from now on, Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

"Great! Ah! I need to go! See you another time, Ichi-chan!" (Itsuki)

"... Likewise, Yuuto-san..." (Ichi)

He then left the cafeteria in a hurry, while Ichi kept sitting in the table with her eyes closed, then after a few minutes she got up and went back to the infirmary since it was her turn again

"... ... ... Friends... Yuuto-san is a really interesting person..." (Ichi)

She looked out the window as she said that, then she went back to a straight position with her eyes closed as she sat in one of the chairs inside the infirmary

The next day

The entrance ceremony had already ended, and everyone was at the entrance of the main school building looking at what classrooms they were assigned to, and Ichi was also in there

<... Classroom 2-1... Desk 15...? Itsuki-san is in the same classroom as me...> (Ichi)

She had noticed that his name was also assigned to her classroom, but that was the only thing that called her attention for a brief moment, and she readily made her way to her classroom. And when she was the first one to arrive, she sat down on her desk and closed her eyes, then some seconds later...

"Ah! We met again! Good morning, Ichi-chan!" (Itsuki)

"!... Yes, we met again... Good morning, Itsuki-san" (Ichi)

You greeted her as you sat down on your desk that was right beside her

(A/N Notes: I'll be right bacc!)

I Vrite

I Pubrish

but most importantly,

I'll be right bacc

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts