
Chapter 2, The old shop

Sam while hugging Brittany noticed that they were not alone. She pointed to a corner out of which, Jack, Josh, Stephen, Gloria and Debbie appeared. Brittany looked at them in disbelieve as she saw each of them turn to powder and glitter. "You guys turned into glitter and I don't remember anything after that". I think it has something to do with why we're here". Brittany added. Lucas shouted with anger "Of course that's why were you here, but why"? Then a ghost appeared and said "welcome to the life of magic, I am the gate master of the magic realm. This place technology does not exist in this world. You need to learn how to use magical powers to survive and you get out of this world unless you will die never to be heard of ever again. If you wish to stay you can, Your history will be wiped out totally from the surface of the earth. Every one stood there in shock. Stephen being so inquisitive asked how they ended up there. The ghost replied, "you were summoned here because of an offense one of you committed". Now you must make your way to the shop of ways, where you will find wisdom of this world. My work here is done then the ghost disappeared into thin air. "wait what do you mean die here", Sam asked in fear. she was scared really scared. They started walking to try to find the shop of ways when Stephen had a vision and fell on the ground. He realized that he mysterious knows where the shop of ways is. As they help him up he quickly points at a particular directions beyond the Manny mountains and the mysterious land forms and purple the way they heard a song that was very pleasant similar to the one that Lucas heard in the library except that it had a evil message and they were about to find out what exactly the message was. what's that cloud over there Debbie points at a very dark cloud. they looked at the clowds till it got close, too close. Lucas whispered "run". Sam didn't get what Lucas said so she said "Hun". Out of no where they saw headless horseman charging at them with full force. The group were so scared their skeletons could run out of their body. They ran with anxiety so they won't be killed by the headless horseman. They were running with all the adrenaline in their veins. while running Debbie tripped and fell she couldn't stand up in time before a headless horseman approached. The headless horseman drew out his sword when and was about to annihilate Debbie by slicing up , but Debbie shouts in shock and this destroys the horseman. Lucas ran to help Debbie up and felt something awkward when he touched her. The gang ran for their lives till they got to a clif. Lucas stepped forward and tried to face the headless horsemen as if he had some kind of super power, but just as he was about vanquished by then, Brittany shouted "Nooooo " a storm appeared and each of the headless horsemen got struck to death by lightning every one looked at Brittany who's eyes lit up with lightning. After every horseman was truly dead Brittany came back to normal. "I get it now every one has a special ability that's triggered by emotions, he continues and says Debbie when she was scared has a super sonic voice and Brittany when she was angry has the ability to control weather Soo cool", Lucas concludes. Jack then confronts Brittany as he has never seen her get so emotional over a guy before. He suspect that the two must be dating "Brittany you must really like Lucas, since he triggered your powers right?" Brittany denies and says everyone should leave the book alive. Sam then cuts in and says "you really do like Lucas, I remember seeing a photo of the both of you together as a couple". Lucas who had payed no attention to what was been said earlier decides to cut in. He says he was just friends with Brittany and they drifted apart when he moved from the neighborhood. Josh calls every one back to their focus that is getting out the book he said, "hate the interrupt the romance question but we should focus on getting out of here". Stephen leads the way and they follow. As they were walking they encounter another storm. The storm spreads cold. The atmosphere because freezing and the group sought shelter in a near by cave, the weather was so tense that they ran towards the heart of the cave, but to no avail they went back to avoid being lost but as they were about to leave Stephen found caps on the floor he tried his luck and to his surprise after wearing the cape he felt wormer. Stephen quickly took the capes and presented it to the rest of his friends and they rushed to wear it. That was a bad, bad idea. see it turned out that the capes have a relationship with their individual souls. And since they didn't pick what they preferred they picked the wrong cape so as to balance they switched souls. Brittany switched with Lucas, Gloria and Josh. Sam and Jack didn't switch because they choose the right cape. "Whats happening to me" Lucas shouted."I feel dizzy". said Brittany who has no idea of what's going on. Gloria feel scared that Josh would exploit the fact that he was in her body. Jack shouts "wow I am in a girls body, I have always wanted to be In a girls body". Everyone shouts at jack not to try anything stupid. Gloria now in Josh's body connects with her body using her powers and makes Josh in Glorias body take of the cape and it instantly returns the souls back to their bodies. eventually Jack apologies to Gloria and Lucas returns the cape back to the owner and everything goes back to normal. Stephen leads the way to the shop of ways which is their destination.