
Impractical Hero

He refused to be the hero?! This story will follow the MC through their adventure, avoiding their duties as a hero from the very beginning. If you are interested in a story where the MC has to grind for them to become powerful with minimal plot armor, this story is for you!!

_Zephyr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Mr. Stranger


Sim finally regained consciousness and ran to his house, not explaining anything to Ban and Jeong. Hyperventilating from all the running, he was feeling as if he was about to collapse. However, he pushed through. He can't allow something like ignorance to create a situation where another family member dies.

After a long struggle, he had finally made it to the crooked apartment, walked up the wooden stairs slowly, and unlocked the apartment door.

"Mom?" he whispered. "MOM! "Are you here?" he asked helplessly into the dark living room. He opened the lights...


He screamed as he saw her bleeding on the floor, a bullet wound in the middle of her forehead... Her hands were also tied behind her back..

"Mom... Mom?"... No response.

"MOM?! Wake up, MOM! "... still no response. Sim had already realized what had happened. Tears were already trickling down his face like a stream.

Sim Shaking picked up the phone and dialed his dad...

[Calling Dad...]

[Ringing Dad...]

Sim suddenly hears the ringtone from the other room... He slowly trudges towards the door of the bedroom where the ringtone was coming from. "Dad?" he asked hesitantly. As he walked in, it reeked of alcohol. His dad was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, in the next room, there was a loud bang. Sim looked back at the sight of the door flung open. Someone was here... Sim hears a groan from the kitchen. It was his dad, laying on the floor, basically on his deathbed. Sim knew that there was nothing that could be done for his dad; he was about to die... that was inevitable. Sim, for some reason, didn't feel as sad seeing his dad like that.

He was just. I was disappointed at how useless he was. My dad never did anything useful for the family, working hard but then mistreating his already suffering wife.

Sim subconsciously drew a knife from a drawer just next to him and slit his father's throat. "I am sorry, Ryong."

Sim leaves the house with blood on his hands from the blood that had spluttered like a sprinkler from his dad's throat. As he left, he felt something hit him in the back. It seemed like the barrel of a gun, probably a double-barreled shotgun. "Who are you?" asked Sim calmly.

Stranger: "I am the neighbor from next door. I saw what you did. "

Sim: "Taking matters into your own hands, I see, but you are missing one crucial detail here. I didn't kill them. My dad was already about to die when I slit his throat. I did it so that he wouldn't suffer in his final moments. "

Stranger: "I know."

Sim: "What do you know?"

Stranger: "I was there. When you killed him, that is. "

Sim: "How is that possible?"

Sim just realized. What if the killer never left the house? What if this man behind him is the true culprit and is the one responsible for the murder of his mother?

Stranger: "Simple, I killed them."

Sim's mind went blank. He had realized that this probably means he is next. Being a witness, the killer wouldn't want to leave any loose ends.

Sim: "Could you at least tell me why you killed them?"

Stranger: "They owed me money."

Sim: "Is that enough intent for you to kill them cold bloodedly."

Stranger: "I didn't want to kill them, but that bastard dad of yours started fighting me with his stolen beer bottles." Enough questions You are aware I am going to have to kill you? "

Sim: "Yes I am. However, I would appreciate it if you didn't do so. I promise to keep it a secret. Besides, I am an accomplice."

Stranger: "Hmm. If I find out you've reported to the authorities, you'll die in your sleep."

Sim: "Thank you. Mr. Stranger."

The moment the stranger pulled away his shotgun, Sim turned around, grabbed the shotgun from above, and moved it to the side while hitting him in the trachea. In shock, the stranger was left defenseless, so Sim took his head and pushed it forcefully into his elevated knee.

Stranger: "You bastard, I thought..."

The stranger pulled out a knife and somehow he was still standing. Sim was about to land a final blow to the chin in order to knock him out. However, all of a sudden, Sim's mind went blank. He started feeling a warm stream of liquid dripping down his back. That is when he realized someone had stabbed him. Sim fell on his knees and saw a second man appear.

Stranger 2: "What took you so long? It only takes a couple of hours to clean up the scene and make it look like it was the alcoholic dad who did this."

Stranger 1: "This kid, he interfered with the aftermath. Who knew that bit** would be able to contact him while tied up?"

Stranger 2: "Ugh, what do we do with his body now?"

Stranger 1: [Inaudible]

Stranger 2: [Inaudible]

. . .

. . .

. . .

Sim realized what had happened... He was.


This one might be seen as a bit strange but well its part of the development of the story, I don't like isekaing the thing instantly, anyway, the mc just died... Or did he. What will happen to Sim, find out in the next chapter!

_Zephyrcreators' thoughts