
Teleport and invisibility. Part 2

At this time, Mirai and Fleur took a jet to the city dump. The kid asked.

— And what are we looking for here? Materials for a jet suit?

Mirai launched the radar on the tablet

— No, the person who apparently wants to build it.

They walked along one side. Suddenly, the radar detected something.

— In the Northwest.

Fleur ran there.

— There's nothing here!

Mirai double-checked.

— In the Northeast.

The kid ran in that direction.

— And it's empty!

— Hmm... Now in the Southwest.

Fleur sighed and ran there. After walking around the big mountain, he said.

— There's no shit here!

Mirai thought about it and looked at the map. At that moment Fleur came up.

— There is no one, it's garbage that emits radiation, so the radar is rattling.

— Wait, they have a pattern. If that's the case... And this is here... then look, the next surge should be in the Southeast.

They came to the place. Fleur looked around.

— Well? Garbage, like garbage.

Mirai looked at the radar.

— I don't understand anything, all the dots go here. 

— Is it possible to expand the search? Or is it just these bursts? 

Mirai increased the range.

— Uh... Tell me, did you turn on the camouflage on the jet?

— No...

— Well, then fu... It's very bad.

They ran to the jet. When they got to it, they saw it open. Speak in a whisper.

— Look who's inside...

— Why me?

— Well, you're invulnerable...

Fleur tiptoed into the Jet. There was a guy in it who was curiously examining the jet.

— Hey... You can't break into other people's houses.

The guy looked around.

— Oh, I thought it was open here, sorry to bother you...

— Wait, don't...

The guy suddenly disappeared, leaving only a squeak behind him.

Fleur went outside. 

— He ran away...

— It's okay, I expanded the search and found a place where these dots cluster, we fly there.

Launching the jet, they rushed to the place.

At that time, Glory was outside telling Lex the plan.

— Tell me again, I didn't understand.

Glory sighed.

— 4/5 of the bank buildings have been robbed in the past 2 weeks. The thief was not caught, so he will continue what he started and try to take the fifth one. Did the cameras show what? That's right – nothing. So we are dealing with either a tiny person, a teleporter, or an invisible person. Knowing my luck, it's invisible...

— And if not? What if this is a person who can change reality?

— If he could change reality, he would not rob a bank, but simply create money, well, or what he wanted to buy with this money...

On a motorcycle, the guys got to the last bank and went into the alley.

— So, listen to the plan...

— Wait, wait, before you start, what if you use the watch to make yourself and clothes invisible?

— I don't think that's...

Lex set up the watch and pressed the button. The boy's body disappeared, but the red shorts remained visible in the air. Glory sighed wearily and walked on in silence.

They went to the bank. Lex wandered through the cash registers, sat down in the lobby and, just in case, turned on his disguise and covered himself with newspapers. Glory entered through the back door, from where a new shipment had just been unloaded. After that, he pretended to be a bank employee and reported on the earphone.

— We do...

The next hours they just waited for the thief. Lex managed to sleep.

But suddenly the trap was set and dirty footprints were left along the corridor. Lex warned me about this. 

Glory noticed the footprints, and without giving any sign, was engaged in work. After that, he quietly and unremarkably followed the suspect. Descending lower, they reached a large safe. Glory was left behind, and the safe began to open by itself. The jewelry began to disappear, after which the safe was safely closed and the tracks went back. Glory waited for a moment, charged up the energy and hit the floor. 

Everything suddenly took off and was pressed against the ceiling. Because of this, a bucket filled with water spilled and doused Glory and the silhouette of the thief. The kid shouted over the micro-earphone.

— Lex, get over here!

Then he sparkled and Glory threw him out. 

Lex rushed over and turned off the disguise. 

— And how do I put you down?

— I don't know! I overdid it.

After a minute, the effect of gravity passed and they fell away. The silhouette of the impact on the floor was replaced by a boy with long hair. He was immediately tied up. Glory said with a grin.

— Wow, Tarzan is robbing banks.

The kid fussed and said.

— Wait, wait, I'm not a villain. I'm just fighting capitalism! 

Lex threatened.

— Don't talk your teeth into us...

"Who's talking?" I'm telling the truth, but by the way, how did you get us up in the air? And by the way, my name is Thurik. 

Glory is looking at the ceiling.

— I'll explain later, but in the meantime you have the opportunity not to go to jail.

— What do you mean?

— Do you see the camera? It's in our best interests, and especially yours, to get into the booth now and delete the records otherwise we'll all be kaput.

— Okay, I'll do it...

— Stop! Put the bags back first...

After which the three of them reached the corridor with the guard booth, the boy disguised himself and entered the room. While the guard was dozing, the thief erased the recording and left. 

Lex and Glory, who were waiting for him, were surprised that the thief did not escape, and he only responded.

— I told you, I'm not a villain. So, will you tell me where the strength comes from?

Glory with a grin.

— I'll tell you in the super-secret lair.

Meanwhile, on the jet.

Fleur is indignant.

— If this time we come across another dummy, I'll throw the locator out the window...

— Be patient, if we can lure this teleporter, then it will only play into our hands. Here we are approaching another point...

— I hope the 6th one will be the luckiest... And by the way, what exactly are you collecting superheroes for?

Mirai did not answer this question and landed the jet and got out of it.

They found themselves in some kind of rundown area and, looking around, noticed a small garage.

Noises were coming from it. Fleur found the gate and went inside first.

— Wait, wait, wait... We came in peace, don't disappear anywhere.

The kid who was sorting out some junk was surprised at first, but still asked.

— And how did you find me?

Mirai appeared and, using a tablet with a hologram, began to explain about the gathering of a team of people with superpowers. 

After half an hour of explanation, Fleur asked.

— Well, do you agree?

The kid scratched his head.

— You know, it sounds good!

He stood up.

— In any case, it is better than my conditions. By the way, my name is Runo.

— Fleur, and this commander–in—chief, Mirai, as soon as we arrive, I'll introduce the others...

— Okay, then I'll pack my things quickly now and can we go?

Mirai and Fleur went outside. The kid sighed.

— It was easier to negotiate than to find. And even there were no accidents ...

After which they boarded the jet and saw the landing places completely littered with junk and some devices.

— And what kind of garbage is this?!

Asked Fleur.

— My inventions, I've spent so much time on them, I can't leave them...

Fleur sighed.

— Okay, the main thing is to get out of the...lair as soon as possible.

Ray entered the infirmary, prepared a fire extinguisher and sat down in an armchair. After half an hour of watching, he got bored, took out Glory's comic book and started reading. "Long before time had a name, the First..."

Several hours have passed. Ray, who had fallen asleep, suddenly woke up from the signal. The indicators from Tama's camera were red and approaching critical condition. The guy tried to fix it, but nothing worked. Then, with the help of a micro-earpiece, he contacted Mirai.

— Mirai, everything is red here!

— Calm down! Do you see the right panel?

— Yes.

— Reduce the oxygen supply.

— What!? How can this be reduced?

— It's okay, it's not dangerous, it's more dangerous if it gets hot to an exorbitant level...

Ray hesitated, but lowered the feed ...

The indicators began to decrease for a moment, but immediately soared to a high. Tama flared up so that the fire completely covered her body.

After that, there was a splash that damaged the camera and threw Ray away.

At that time Rapi also woke up and heard an explosion.

In the infirmary, the boy grabbed a fire extinguisher and pointed it towards Tama.

He pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. After convincing shaking of the fire extinguisher, Ray finally realized that he was not a worker. 

Tama, on the other hand, became incandescent and released a huge charge of flame around, which at that second enveloped the entire medical center.

Ray tried to cover himself with his hand, but suddenly everything froze, time stopped. The fiery one stood a meter away from the boy.

Rapi came running from somewhere and examined the part of the room that was not covered with fire. Then she looked at the frozen Ray, barked and dragged him by the hand. 

There was an explosion. Ray woke up on the floor above in the garage, Rapi was sitting next to him and yapping softly. 

The kid clutched his head.

— What happened?

The kid looked at the elevator, which was covered with ice up to the ceiling. Ray immediately commented on this.

— What the fuck?!

After which he immediately contacted Mirai.

— Hello, Mirai, here's the thing...

— What did you do?!

— Yes, it wasn't me, she flew herself...

— Where?!

— I don't know, up.

— Okay, contact the others, and you stay in the den, maybe she'll come back.

Ray looked at the elevator.

— As if I have a choice...

he tried to contact Glory, but there was only noise in response. 

At this time, in the bank, an unknown person picked up a discarded earphone.

In the lair, Ray could not get in touch with Glory, and then he tried to strain his brain.

— Can you hear me?

Glory, who was sitting on a motorcycle at the time, was surprised.

— Hello...

— Who's here?

— It's me.

— Who the fuck am I?

— Ray...

— Aah... I would have told you right away. What blew it all up, huh?

— How did you know?

— Well, you wouldn't have called me then ...

— In short, she flew out and if the tablet moved to the center.

— Okay.

— That's it? Is this information enough for you?

— Yes...

the kid told about the incident and they went to the place. 

The jet was also heading to the coordinates. 

Tama was in a fireball state, flying low over the ground. Just then Glory, Lex and Turik appeared on a motorcycle. The girl abruptly headed up. 

Lex spoke up.

— And what's next?

Suddenly they felt a light breeze and a pleasantly familiar noise. Fleur, Runo and Mirai got out of the jet.

Glory immediately asked.

— Who is this? 

Fleur replied.

— Teleport. And this one?

— The Unknown... Oh, I've come up with a plan. Listen...

Tama was climbing higher and higher at that time. And the guys discussed the plan after Glory's scream.

— Come on!

Runo carried himself and Fleur into the air. Clinging to the Tama, they flew higher. Due to the interference, Tama released all the fire charge and there was a bright flash in the sky.

All the people below could see it. The cat came running, looked at it and suddenly said.

— Well, fuck it...

And she ran away.

After the flash, a strange sound was heard and Runo carried everyone to the ground. 

At the moment of moving, Tama froze Runo and Fleur. The girl herself, looking around, did not understand what was happening. 

Glory signaled to Turik as he slowly approached Tama.

— Uh, Ta-ma... Are you there?

Tama, raising his head.

— Ah?

— I say, alive?

— Yes, I think so.

Glory exhaled. At this time, Thurik, in invisibility, poured a bucket over Tama. Glory spoke up.

— Still, the water was superfluous...

Tama tried to flare up out of anger, but nothing happened because of the water.

— Okay, grab it later...

Nearby, Lex broke an ice cube in which Fleur and Runo were sitting. 

Glory, having obtained a phone from Mirai, called the lair.

— Hello, Ray, we're done.

— Were you able to put it out?

— Yes, we will be there soon. And yes, order a pizza.

— And who will pay?

— Pfft... Of course you did, you screwed up. 

Ray looked at the broken elevator and the broken roof in the den.

— Well, pizza, so pizza...