
Power and Indestructibility


A woman with glasses, who came out of an invisible jet, said.

— Guys, I need to have a serious talk with you.

Glory spoke.

— ck up... And who are you?

The woman held out a purple iridescent pass.

— I am Agent Mirai, sent by the secret organization S.O.F.T. to assemble a team of people with newfound superpowers.

Glory took the pass and said.

— Just a minute.

After that, he assembled a circle, and Rapi remained in the center.

— What are we going to do? It's better not to joke with these, or else she found us out of some hole. So if we refuse, he won't leave us alone anyway...

Ray said.

— It sounds pretty good and in my mind she doesn't seem to be lying.

Tama was looking at the card.

— The pass is beautiful, and she herself is nothing like that.

Rapi barked.

— It seems to me that it is not very reasonable to trust an unfamiliar person, an unfamiliar

organization, in an unfamiliar metropolis!

Glory looked at the dog.

— Well, if even Rapi agrees, then we agree

— ... And how do you communicate with him? Rapi barked again.

Glory came closer and handed over the pass.

— Well, we agree...

Mirai turned towards jet.

— Great. Pack your things and we'll fly out...

The guys quickly packed up and got into an invisible jet. The device was large, designed for 10 people. Inside, in addition to the dashboard and two steering seats, there were also seats and a lot of technological interfaces.

They settled into their seats, Mirai took the steering seat and turning on the autopilot, the jet took off. Flying through the night San Fenji, Glory asked.

— Where exactly are we going now?

Mirai is controlling the route.

— There is no point in taking you to the organization, so we flew straight to the shelter.

After flying half the city, our heroes landed in a completely different park, more like a village. Mirai parked the children right on the wooden stage, in the back of which there was a small booth that served as a locker room and a warehouse for props.

The guys came out of the back of the jet. 

Glory looked around and asked.

— That we will have to build a shelter ourselves?

Ray looked at the stage and spoke.

— Wait a minute...

Then he walked around the stage and saw the booth. There was a meter and two closed sockets in front of her. They opened the meter, but nothing was visible. Suddenly Mirai swiped her pass across the panel and behind them, in front of the booth, the entrance to the basement opened emitting light.

— Welcome to your new home.

They went down the stairs. Opening another door, they found themselves in a spacious garage, which was stuffed with different panels, going further, they could stumble upon the door to the workshop. There were technological machines and equipment. 

On the floor below there was a kitchen, a common room and a corridor with a bunch of doors and what turned out to be living rooms.

The guys admired and could not believe what was happening. Mirai calmed them down and said.

— Take your things, sort them around the room and go to bed. We start tomorrow morning.

Tama asked.

— Starting what?

— To reveal your abilities, of course.

The guys entered the first rooms they came across. All rooms had a large bed, a wardrobe, a

bedside table and a desk. 

Everyone fell asleep.

Early morning. Mirai, using a walkie-talkie built into each room, began to wake everyone up and urged everyone to come to the kitchen. 

The guys stumbled sleepily to the gathering place. Mirai cooked breakfast in it and showed the suit, said.

— Have breakfast, and then put on these suits.

Tama holding Rapi in her arms.

— Well, what are they for?

— For the concept.

Ray whispered.

— For protection, so as not to kill each other

Glory is sleepy.

— And do you have some kind of problem with not finishing the sentence?

— No, but you will if you don't start eating right away.

— I get...

 After breakfast, the guys in suits stood outside while Mirai looked at something on the tablet.

Ray, warming up, said.

— Well, that's how convenient it is.

Mirai is not distracted.

— These suits will not only protect you from unpleasant situations, but also collect indicators.

Glory asked.

— Will he be able to track the blood flow?

— No... But it can cause it...

Glory exchanged a puzzled glance with Raymond.

Mirai put away her tablet and looked at her watch and said.

— Well, let's get started!

Glory volunteered to be the first to check. They put up a small springboard and asked me to jump off it. The kid hesitated at first, but under the most kind persuasions from Mirai, he jumped anyway.

After flying three meters above the ground, Glory landed firmly. Ray immediately helped him up, and Mirai just spoke.

— It doesn't fly...

the next test was to break the tablet. The boy came up to her, looked at the woman with pity, and then back at the tablet. Exhaling, Glory delivered his strongest punch. The tablet remained intact, but the boy's hand was probably not there because of what it seemed to him to restrain the hellish screams.

After a few more checks, Mirai nervously asked.

— How the hell did you do that?

Glory was also on edge, screaming.

— I don't know!

Suddenly, the indicators from the suit were displayed on the tablet, and the boy was covered with green energy.

— I just fell asleep and took off, and then my hand lit up and that's it!

To calm down, he took that very tablet and threw it with all his might. It seemed to have flown 50 meters away.

Everyone was surprised, but suddenly Rapi, detaching herself from the leash, ran after the board so fast that as soon as the board managed to land, Rapi was already standing at Tama's feet to hand it over.

Mirai was happy to take notes of this.

— Great, now Raymond.

Ray was wearing a hat with wires. Mirai handed the tablet to Glory and spoke.

— Now Glow will read the text and equations to himself, and you will have to tell us this. And so... have begun.

The boy began to read, and Ray put his hand to his head and spoke.

— Short-term rain is expected tomorrow afternoon... Several monkeys escaped from central Park... A couple of strange robberies happened on Tropics Street... +44()...

It was getting dark outside the window and night was falling... Ehhh, I'd like a cheeseburger right now... Ray looked at Mirai.

— It seems to me that it went off topic ...

suddenly something was projected on the tablet from which Glory was horrified. Mirai immediately took the tablet away and said.

— Tama, you're next...

Ray and Glory exchanged glances, and "F#cked up" was displayed on the tablet

Then Tama showed her abilities.

— Well, she says...

Mirai asked.

— What does he say? As a person or...

as a person.

— Mmm... Okay, that's it for now.


During the meal, the guys zealously discussed something. But Mirai interrupted them, beckoning them to another exercise.

Now Mirai was explaining how the jet worked and how it was controlled. By evening, she gave the task to get comfortable in the rooms. The guys sighed.

— All right. You can poke at the buttons, but don't break anything.

The guys were delighted. They ran up the floors. Ray rummaged in the workshop: he got into the token, poked buttons in it, found blasters on the table. Tama discovered a watch capable of changing the look of a suit. And Glory found a warehouse filled with suitcases. There was a combination lock on each of them. The kid tried to make combinations, but to no avail. Suddenly he remembered something and entered "80005" and the suitcase opened. There was money in it.

Glory looked around, then abruptly closed the suitcase and ran out of the warehouse.

Towards nightfall, Mirai gathered everyone in the garage. Handing each of them a pair of watches and a micro-earphone.

— Now we will fly on your first mission. 

Glory asked.

— Is there a name?

— "Power and Indestructibility".

— There is a lot of pathos...

everyone got on a jet. On the way to the destination, Mirai explained the essence.

— So you will need to get into an underground bar and make friends with two guys in order to recruit them into our friendly squad.

Tama asked.

— Won't you be able to go, as it was with us?

— It will be strange if an adult girl begs for something from teenagers, and you don't want to make a fuss in a bar.

Glory was surprised.

— Well, yes, of course it will be very strange...

Mirai landed the device on an unlit street. The guys got out of the jet, after which there was a sound on the earphone.

— One-two, one-two, can you hear me, over?

— Yes. — they answered in unison.

— So, first turn on the disguise, and then move along the alley to the sign "Billiards".

The guys changed their look with the help of watches to more fashionable things. When they reached the sign, they were stopped by a bouncer, with words.

— Hey, what did you want?

Ray telepathically transmitted it.

— There's a guard here, what should we do?

— The guard? It wasn't in the plan... Uh, in general, I'll try to figure it out, reception ...

Ray sighed.

— We wanted to come in.

The bouncer immediately said.

— You can't go with animals, this one is too low, and you're all too small to hang around here.

Glory was indignant.

— Who's short here? 

Ray slowed down the kid, showing the guard the documents.

— Hmm... Okay, you can go through, but you can get out.

Raymond spread his hands and entered, while Glory, Tama and Rapi continued down the alley.

Ray was going down to the basement. 

— Okay, I'm here. I see people, music is playing, there is a bar, I go on...

Ray walked forward through the crowd, looking around, studying each person. Climbing higher, he came across people gathered around the table.

When he got deeper, he saw a guy in a plaid shirt beating everyone in arm wrestling.

— I think I found one.

Ray came closer and joined the queue.

At this time, Glory and Tama were looking for another entrance. The kid was talking with displeasure.

"Low, of course low, since you're such an overgrown person yourself... So where's the back door? Door, window, hatch... yes, at least ventilation with the size of a person!

The kid kicked the wall and because of this, the weak ventilation grate fell down.

— Bingo-O. — Glory whispered. 

A curious cat was watching nearby. Glory spoke.

— Dachshund, I'll go first, well, you cover the rear.

The kid was halfway through the ventilation shaft, when Tama handed Glory a juicy arsonist. The kid screamed.

— What is this!?

— I'm covering the rear!

Glory crawled all the way into the vent while Tama waited outside. Suddenly Rapi started barking at the cat. Tama tried to calm her down, but Rapi broke free and ran at super speed at the cat. Tama was scared, but suddenly the cat turned into a wolf and howled, so Rapi, scared, came back. 

The wolf began to slowly approach them.

Going back to the bar. It was Ray's turn and they started. At first, the forces were on an equal footing, but Ray read it. "This one is strong," "We'll have to pump it up." The guy put Ray down.

They both laughed, and Raymond said.

— You're holding up well, Lex!

— Yes, and you?

— Raymond, I came to ask about the "training".

They moved away from the people.

— How do you know?

— Oh, I know a lot who you're here with, what you had for breakfast, and I'll answer right away, yes,

I read minds.

Lex looked around.

— Fe-el! Come here!

The guy with the short haircut, who was doing tricks with fire, raised his head and came over. 

— What did you want?

— It's about... the one in short.

— Aah...

Fleur held out his burning hand, but came to his senses in time, put it out and shook hands.

— In general, me and two others on the street, we also have so-called "features" and some woman found us on a flying jet and gave us shelter and all sorts of cool things, invited us to a squad to save the world.

The guys exchanged glances. Fleur was sentenced.

— It's crazy...

— I agree, I'm fine here. 

— Hey, what are you doing? It's going to be fun.

Fleur replied.

— Maybe another time...

At the same moment, Glory fell out of the ventilation, which fell directly on the billiard table, which the players did not like very much and they immediately attacked the boy. Ray, Lex and Fleur, who saw this from a height, were surprised, and Ray spoke.

— Well, why do you have to break in at the wrong time every time!

And then he ran downstairs, the guys chasing after him.

The guys got into a scuffle. Glory crawled away safely. Ray came up to him.

— Well, why the fuck do that?

— I came to help you, Professor!

— Well, thank you, now everything will definitely go according to plan!

— And what am I supposed to do?

— Get out of here before you get trampled!

— And you?

—I still have to make an agreement...

Glory walked away and with the help of his strength climbed back into the ventilation and crawled outside.

— Imagine, someone broke a table there and a brawl began... Where does the wolf come from?!

The wolf was distracted by Glory attacking him. He knocked the kid down and tried to bite him, Glory threw him over with the help of force out of fear. Immediately getting up, he stood in front of Tama and Rapi and took the lid from the trash can, charged it with energy and threw it at the wolf.

The wolf turned into a gorilla and stopped the lid with his hand, slamming it into the ground. After that, the unknown man ran towards the guys. Glory caught fire with energy and tried to execute a punch, but was immediately sent to the trash can. The gorilla took Rapi away and headed back, Tama could not stand it and collapsed to the ground screaming. Suddenly, she released a large column of flame that went all over the alley, roasting the gorilla in the process.

In the bar, Ray, sensing the approaching danger, spoke.

— Be careful!

And he pushed Lex, who was standing near the ventilation, out, Fleur, seeing this, immediately reacted and covered Ray from the fire.

After making sure that everything was in order, the guys headed for the exit, but it was closed. Lex took it and just kicked the iron door off his foot. And running out of the bar and around the building, we saw a half-smoked alley. And how Tama, surrounded by ice, hugged Rapi. 

Ray ran over to find out how he felt. Everything turned out well. Glory limped out of the tank.

— I'm bigger... I wouldn't be surprised at anything in this city...

after which he almost collapsed to the ground, but Ray picked him up... A cat watched this from the roof, and then disappeared


A cat appeared in one of the offices. The scientist asked.

— Could you get it? 

The cat turned into a girl.

— No, but now there are two more of them.

— Great, the more of them there are, the better. Otherwise, the only hope is for you, Dale...